EVE Search - newbie joke inside; question on bounty hunting (2024)

Pages: [1] :: one pageAuthorThread Statistics | Show CCP posts - 0 post(s)EVE Search - newbie joke inside; question on bounty hunting (1)
Alruin Vycjorant
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation

EVE Search - newbie joke inside; question on bounty hunting (2)

Posted - 2013.04.20 20:41:00 -[1] - Quote
Hi everyone,

this is my first post on these forums and I hope I posted in the right place...

after playing EVE peacefully for about 2 months now mining in highsec, trying to earn some money for a ship that can finally defeat Dagan, I had today one of those days where everything goes wrong...

to cut a long story short, I lost 2 ventures and one vexor.
I lost the ventures to some incursion leftover npcs and a ganker (hope this is the right term for those effing bastards that love to kill defenceless miners) while mining (just for the record, I was not afk mining!).

So I bought a vexor and fitted it to my best knowledge (which was a fit for killing Dagan admittedly) and went to search for the ganker that killed me.
didn't find him naturally, but what I found was a juicy target in front of my homebase with a bounty of about 90 mill ISK on it.
He had a black bracket with a skull in it so I thought he would be fair game.
I should have grown suspicious as I had to deactivate security to shot on him, but well, despair and greed won out.
So I fired one shot and was immediately annihilated by CONCORD.

So the question is: how do I hunt for bounties without falling out with CONCORD??? (I lost over 2% Security Rating for one shot?? WTF)

I lost another Vexor two weeks ago, also to my own stupidity, in a Serpentis hideout. I actually do not want to make a habit out of it especially as I quite soon will run out of money.

So after everyone has picked themselves up from the floor laughing, could anyone please share some advice on where I went wrong?

EVE Search - newbie joke inside; question on bounty hunting (5)
Jane Schereau
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation


EVE Search - newbie joke inside; question on bounty hunting (6)

Posted - 2013.04.20 21:04:00 -[2] - Quote
Congrats on going after the ganker. Showing promise :)

You may only shoot legal targets (Suspects: flashing yellow, Criminals: flashing red) in high sec if you do not want CONCORD to kill you. In low sec, you may shoot at anyone you wish and CONCORD won't come after you (though sentry guns will), though if they are not legal targets, you will still loose security status.

EVE Search - newbie joke inside; question on bounty hunting (9)
Praxis Ginimic


EVE Search - newbie joke inside; question on bounty hunting (10)

Posted - 2013.04.20 21:12:00 -[3] - Quote
As for Dagan, make friends, join a corp, just ask for help in local. The game is far more rewarding when played with others. We all remember how embarrassing our first meeting with Dagan was and nearly any one will jump at the chance to help you kill that rat bast@rd.EVE Search - newbie joke inside; question on bounty hunting (13)
Alruin Vycjorant
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation

EVE Search - newbie joke inside; question on bounty hunting (14)

Posted - 2013.04.20 21:13:00 -[4] - Quote
thanks for the kind words.

Just read up on the evelopedia on bounties and killrights... oh boy theres still very much to learn...for example that your clone gets reset after getting podded. Lost some points off tageting 5, but I can't seem to be able to retrain them?

any tips for a ganker hunter outfit? ;)

I guess they prefer only cheaper outfits as they usually are going to die in highsec.

EVE Search - newbie joke inside; question on bounty hunting (17)
Ice Fire Warriors
Late Night Alliance


EVE Search - newbie joke inside; question on bounty hunting (18)

Posted - 2013.04.20 22:34:00 -[5] - Quote

Alruin Vycjorant wrote:

Hi everyone,

Hellooooooooo... EVE Search - newbie joke inside; question on bounty hunting (21)

Alruin Vycjorant wrote:

I lost the ventures to some incursion leftover npcs and a ganker (hope this is the right term for those effing bastards that love to kill defenceless miners) while mining (just for the record, I was not afk mining!).

Three things...

1. Incursions are bad juju for everyone... even PvPers. I've seen people scrammed and ganked by NPCs on gates. As in real life... try to get out of town for a few days till things blow over. Sansha loves to ruin everyone's day!

2. Contrary to popular belief, miners are not defenseless. They have access to the same tools and are subject to the same mechanics that any ganker is. You can protect yourself, but it requires a little bit of effort.

3. Just remember that your trade of choice, mining, does affect PvPers and gankers. Generally speaking, PvPers and gankers are at the mercy of miners and industrialists at the market. They just turn the tables out in space.

Alruin Vycjorant wrote:

So I bought a vexor and fitted it to my best knowledge (which was a fit for killing Dagan admittedly) and went to search for the ganker that killed me.
didn't find him naturally, but what I found was a juicy target in front of my homebase with a bounty of about 90 mill ISK on it.
He had a black bracket with a skull in it so I thought he would be fair game.
I should have grown suspicious as I had to deactivate security to shot on him, but well, despair and greed won out.
So I fired one shot and was immediately annihilated by CONCORD.


- have you modified your overview in any way? Valid targets will by default show as red, blinky red, or blinky yellow on your overview.

- You didn't have to lower your security setting to shoot him. If he was a valid target, you would have been able to shoot him no matter what. If not, the safties would have stopped you.

Alruin Vycjorant wrote:

So the question is: how do I hunt for bounties without falling out with CONCORD??? (I lost over 2% Security Rating for one shot?? WTF)

Well... here's the thing...

Simply having a bounty on your head does NOT mean you can be legally killed. A bounty is simply a reward for killing someone that another person dislikes... nothing more, nothing less.

You're thinking of "outlaws"... people who have committed so many acts of illegal aggression that their security rating is below -5.0. They can be engaged anywhere at any time... however they will mostly be found in low-security areas (0.4 to 0.1) because the NPC police will not follow them in there.

With regards to Bounty Hunting as a profession... it is, for the most part, not something you would do full time. Most of the people who get bounties slapped on them...
- run with groups that are just as skilled as they are (think roving packs of rabid dogs).
- are loudmouths/mouthpieces/mascots that never undock (why would they give you the satisfaction when they can just wind you up more?).
- are hidden away in some backwater fortress system filled with thousands of mindlessly bored friendlies (think "Deliverance" but with spaceships).
- usually don't fly anything expensive enough to warrant the effort (you only get 20% of the value of the ship you killed).

However... if you ever make PvP a career choice (and hang around in a "hot zone") bounties can add up over time and give a small bit of pocket change to work with.

Alruin Vycjorant wrote:

I lost another Vexor two weeks ago, also to my own stupidity, in a Serpentis hideout. I actually do not want to make a habit out of it especially as I quite soon will run out of money.

Post your ships fitting. It sounds like there is a problem with the way you are fitting your ships and/or with your character skills.Change isn't bad, but it isn't always good. Sometimes, the oldest and most simple of things can be the most elegant and effective.EVE Search - newbie joke inside; question on bounty hunting (22)
The Fiction Factory
Tribal Band


EVE Search - newbie joke inside; question on bounty hunting (23)

Posted - 2013.04.20 23:01:00 -[6] - Quote
Wanted to post a wall of text now that I stopped laughing (partially by the story, mostly by how I really like your attitude).

Then saw Shah already answered everything in the way I was going to do it (but in a less friendly tone though).

So +1 to Shah

When a WoW player leaves to return to WoW, the avg. IQ of both games rises.
Professional Forum Thread locker.EVE Search - newbie joke inside; question on bounty hunting (26)
Ice Fire Warriors
Late Night Alliance


EVE Search - newbie joke inside; question on bounty hunting (27)

Posted - 2013.04.20 23:05:00 -[7] - Quote

J'Poll wrote:

Wanted to post a wall of text now that I stopped laughing (partially by the story, mostly by how I really like your attitude).

Then saw Shah already answered everything in the way I was going to do it (but in a less friendly tone though).

So +1 to Shah

Sorry... I'm usually much nicer but I've been doing traffic school online. EVE Search - newbie joke inside; question on bounty hunting (30)Change isn't bad, but it isn't always good. Sometimes, the oldest and most simple of things can be the most elegant and effective.EVE Search - newbie joke inside; question on bounty hunting (31)
Oraac Ensor
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State


EVE Search - newbie joke inside; question on bounty hunting (32)

Posted - 2013.04.20 23:48:00 -[8] - Quote

ShahFluffers wrote:

Most of the people who get bounties slapped on them...
- run with groups that are just as skilled as they are (think roving packs of rabid dogs).
- are loudmouths/mouthpieces/mascots that never undock (why would they give you the satisfaction when they can just wind you up more?).
- are hidden away in some backwater fortress system filled with thousands of mindlessly bored friendlies (think "Deliverance" but with spaceships).
- usually don't fly anything expensive enough to warrant the effort (you only get 20% of the value of the ship you killed).

Evidence?EVE Search - newbie joke inside; question on bounty hunting (35)
Ice Fire Warriors
Late Night Alliance


EVE Search - newbie joke inside; question on bounty hunting (36)

Posted - 2013.04.21 00:00:00 -[9] - Quote

Oraac Ensor wrote:

ShahFluffers wrote:

Most of the people who get bounties slapped on them...
- run with groups that are just as skilled as they are (think roving packs of rabid dogs).
- are loudmouths/mouthpieces/mascots that never undock (why would they give you the satisfaction when they can just wind you up more?).
- are hidden away in some backwater fortress system filled with thousands of mindlessly bored friendlies (think "Deliverance" but with spaceships).
- usually don't fly anything expensive enough to warrant the effort (you only get 20% of the value of the ship you killed).


Admittedly, it's mostly anecdotal and experiential.

I and most of my alliance fall under point 1 and 4. And I personally know a few people that fall under the other points.

Change isn't bad, but it isn't always good. Sometimes, the oldest and most simple of things can be the most elegant and effective.EVE Search - newbie joke inside; question on bounty hunting (39)
Oraac Ensor
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State


EVE Search - newbie joke inside; question on bounty hunting (40)

Posted - 2013.04.21 00:32:00 -[10] - Quote

ShahFluffers wrote:

Oraac Ensor wrote:

ShahFluffers wrote:

Most of the people who get bounties slapped on them...
- run with groups that are just as skilled as they are (think roving packs of rabid dogs).
- are loudmouths/mouthpieces/mascots that never undock (why would they give you the satisfaction when they can just wind you up more?).
- are hidden away in some backwater fortress system filled with thousands of mindlessly bored friendlies (think "Deliverance" but with spaceships).
- usually don't fly anything expensive enough to warrant the effort (you only get 20% of the value of the ship you killed).


Admittedly, it's mostly anecdotal and experiential.

I and most of my alliance fall under point 1 and 4. And I personally know a few people that fall under the other points.

Hardly justifies "most of the people".EVE Search - newbie joke inside; question on bounty hunting (43)
Ice Fire Warriors
Late Night Alliance


EVE Search - newbie joke inside; question on bounty hunting (44)

Posted - 2013.04.21 03:07:00 -[11] - Quote

Oraac Ensor wrote:

ShahFluffers wrote:

Oraac Ensor wrote:

ShahFluffers wrote:

Most of the people who get bounties slapped on them...
- run with groups that are just as skilled as they are (think roving packs of rabid dogs).
- are loudmouths/mouthpieces/mascots that never undock (why would they give you the satisfaction when they can just wind you up more?).
- are hidden away in some backwater fortress system filled with thousands of mindlessly bored friendlies (think "Deliverance" but with spaceships).
- usually don't fly anything expensive enough to warrant the effort (you only get 20% of the value of the ship you killed).


Admittedly, it's mostly anecdotal and experiential.

I and most of my alliance fall under point 1 and 4. And I personally know a few people that fall under the other points.

Hardly justifies "most of the people".

Most of the...

Would you like to play a semantic "shell game" with me? EVE Search - newbie joke inside; question on bounty hunting (47)

Change isn't bad, but it isn't always good. Sometimes, the oldest and most simple of things can be the most elegant and effective.EVE Search - newbie joke inside; question on bounty hunting (48)
Alruin Vycjorant
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation


EVE Search - newbie joke inside; question on bounty hunting (49)

Posted - 2013.04.21 17:31:00 -[12] - Quote
Damn this forum!!!

I just composed a long post for the past hour only to see it miraculously vanish after hitting post.

I will get back to you as soon as possible, in the meantime thanks for all the nice answers!!!

EVE Search - newbie joke inside; question on bounty hunting (52)
The Fiction Factory
Tribal Band


EVE Search - newbie joke inside; question on bounty hunting (53)

Posted - 2013.04.21 17:39:00 -[13] - Quote

Alruin Vycjorant wrote:

Damn this forum!!!

I just composed a long post for the past hour only to see it miraculously vanish after hitting post.

I will get back to you as soon as possible, in the meantime thanks for all the nice answers!!!

The forums save a draft every 5 seconds or so...so unless you type really really fast you won't miss much by recalling that Draft.

When a WoW player leaves to return to WoW, the avg. IQ of both games rises.
Professional Forum Thread locker.EVE Search - newbie joke inside; question on bounty hunting (56)
Alruin Vycjorant
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation


EVE Search - newbie joke inside; question on bounty hunting (57)

Posted - 2013.04.21 17:43:00 -[14] - Quote
the draft only consisted of the bunch of quotes I copied of the beginning of me writing so I won't forget what I wanted to answer to.. .unfortunaty I haven't found where to look for the drafts to see if it is hidden somewhere.Pages: [1] :: one pageFirst page | Previous page | Next page | Last page
EVE Search - newbie joke inside; question on bounty hunting (2024)


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Name: Greg O'Connell

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