High School DxD is a supernatural action anime series based on the light novels written by Ichiei Ishibumi and illustrated by Miyama-Zero, published by Fujimi Shobo. The story centers around Issei Hyoudou, a perverted high school student who was nearly killed by his first date, later revealed to be a Fallen Angel. He is soon saved by Rias Gremory, a crimson-haired beauty who reveals herself as a Devil of the Gremory Family, and finds out that he himself has been reborn as a Devil made to serve her. The story focuses on the ongoing battle among the Fallen Angels, Angels, and Devils, and Issei's ongoing relationship with Rias, her peerage, alongside other Devils and Angels.
- 1 Seasons
- 1.1 Season 1
- 1.2 Season 2 (NEW)
- 1.3 Season 3 (BorN)
- 1.4 Season 4 (HERO)
- 2 Music
- 3 References
- 4 External Links
Season 1[]
The first season of the anime, produced by TNK and directed by Tetsuya Yanagisawa, aired on TV Tokyo's AT-X satellite channel from January 6, 2012 to March 23, 2012. AT-X airings of the season were uncensored, while the airings on TV Kanagawa (which began on January 11, 2012) and other networks were heavily censored. Six Region 1 DVD and Blu-ray compilation volumes were released by Media Factory between March 21, 2012 and August 29, 2012, each containing a three-minute OVA short entitled "Release the Swaying Delusions" (妄想爆揺解除オリジナルビデオ Mōsō Bakuyure Kaijo Orijinaru Bideo, lit. "Release the Swaying Delusions Original Video") and other bonus material. The first season covers the Red Dragon Emperor's Awakening arc of the light novels.
An OVA episode (listed as Episode 13) was bundled with the limited edition release of the 13th light novel on September 6, 2012 on Blu-ray disc. The episode features an original plot written by Ichiei Ishibumi himself.[1] Another OVA episode (listed as Episode 14), also written by Ishibumi, was bundled with the limited edition release of the 15th light novel on May 31, 2013 on Blu-ray disc.[2]
In North America, the first season of High School DxD is licensed by FUNimation Entertainment,[3] who simulcasted the series (in its censored format) on their video website and on their Hulu page. FUNimation also released the series on DVD and Blu-ray. The first season is also licensed in Australia by Madman Entertainment.[4] Currently, High School DxD can be watched on Hulu and Apple TV. Season availability may vary.
Season 2 (NEW)[]
A second season of the anime, titled High School DxD NEW (ハイスクールD×D NEW Haisukūru Dī Dī Nyū),[5] was announced at the post-end credits of the 13th episode,[6] and premiered on AT-X and Chiba TV on July 7, 2013. The new season covers the first half ofBirth of the Breast Dragon Emperor arc of the novels, and is split between two arcs: "The Excalibur of the Moonlit Schoolyard" (月光校庭のエクスカリバー Gekkō Kōtei no Ekusukaribā) and "The Vampire of the Suspended Classroom" (停止教室のヴァンパイア Teishi Kyōsh*tsu no Vanpaia).
The tagline for the second season is "Let's Go!! Boobs!!" (いくぜ!!おっぱい!! Ikuze!! Oppai!!)
Season 3 (BorN)[]
A third season of the anime, tiled High School DxD BorN (ハイスクールD×D BorN Haisukūru D×D BorN), was announced [7]and premiered on AT-X on April 4, 2015.
Season 4 (HERO)[]
A fourth season of the anime, titled High School DxD Hero (ハイスクールD×Dヒーロー Haisukūru D×D Hīrō) was announced and premiered on April 10, 2018.[8] [9] [10] Taking over TNK, the anime was produced by Passione.
The opening theme for the first season is "Trip -Innocent of D-", performed by Larval Stage Planning. The ending theme song is "STUDYxSTUDY", performed by the new voic actress unit StylipS, consisting of Arisa Noto, Yui Ogura, Kaori Ishihara, and Maho Matsunaga, all of whom had voiced characters in the anime. Both songs were released as CD singles by Lantis on January 25, 2012 and February 8, 2012, respectively.[11][12] "STUDYxSTUDY" was also released in a limited edition, featuring a bonus DVD containing the music video (standard and dance variants), a "making of" video, and a video of StylipS's photo shoot.[13]
An two-disc original soundtrack was also released by Lantis on March 21, 2012.[14] A character song album, called GirlsxSongs!, was released by Lantis on June 27, 2012.[15] The album features songs sung by the main female cast of the anime, and includes a cover of StylipS' debut song "STUDYxSTUDY".
- ↑ ANN: High School DxD Light Novel to Bundle Unaired Episode
- ↑ ANN: High School DxD Novels to Bundle 2nd Unaired Episode
- ↑ ANN: FUNimation Entertainment Acquires High School DxD
- ↑ ANN: Madman Entertainment Announces New Acquisitions at Manifest 2012
- ↑ ANN: High School DxD 2nd Season's Title, Additional Cast Revealed
- ↑ ANN: High School DxD TV Anime Gets 2nd Season
- ↑ ANN: High School DxD Light Novels Get 3rd Anime Season
- ↑ ANN: High School DxD Gets New TV Anime Series
- ↑ https://twitter.com/ishibumi_ddd/status/954548826039246848
- ↑ https://twitter.com/ishibumi_ddd/status/972066382916476930?s=21
- ↑ Trip -innocent of D- at Lantis (Japanese)
- ↑ STUDYxSTUDY (Regular Ed.) at Lantis (Japanese)
- ↑ STUDYxSTUDY (Limited Ed.) at Lantis (Japanese)
- ↑ High School DxD Orignal Soundtrack at Lantis (Japanese)
- ↑ High School DxD: GirlsxSongs! at Lantis (Japanese)