Session 30 - Akellon Wiki (2024)

Server started.

Ghostwish has connected.

Ghostwish:I WIN

Ghostwish:What's my prize?

TMG has connected.

Liatai:XDLiatai:You get a roll. :P

Ghostwish:In all seriousness though, might we get a few arcs concerning the mad wood elf cabals? :>


TMG:wut? o.O

Liatai:You might! Once you get higher in level.

Meany has connected.

Ghostwish:Oh yes. Don't think we'd be facing Tathi's mentor any time soon. ;)

Liatai:Also, I would suggest preloading maps. :3

Faerie has connected.

Meany:D:Meany:YoFae. :3

Ghostwish:Forest A! I see widdle patch.

Meany:I see nothiing.

Ghostwish:Forest B! Same

Ghostwish:Zoom out, you git.

Ghostwish:Forest C! Same/.

Ghostwish:On the road again is loaded.

Ghostwish:Redtree, loaded!



Ghostwish:Sculptor's studio, loaded.

Ghostwish:Back on redtree.

Meany:Can a macro have two +mod?

Dr. Hatari has connected.

Faerie:I think you'd have to ask Danny

Sicol has connected.

Faerie:Or possibly Shades

TMG:meany; eh?

TMG:yeaah, it can. Secon one just has to be named sometrhing els

TMG:like modb

Barbarus:??1d20+4+mod = Invalid expression: 1d20+4+mod.?? Fwip! Longbow arrow coming at you for ??1d8+mod = Invalid expression: 1d8+mod.?? damage!


Barbarus:??1d20+4+mod = 20 + 4 + 0 = 24?? Fwip! Longbow arrow coming at you for ??1d8+modb = 4 + 0 = 4?? damage!

Meany:Gawddamnit. =3=

Dr. Hatari:Edaric's new token reminds me of Terri.

Liatai:Well, they're from the same game and same piece of artwork. x3

Dr. Hatari:(Urge to protect rising. >:O)

Faerie:Clearly, they're secretly brother and sister.

Faerie:Or that.

Ghostwish:Clearly, he's Clint in disguise.

Meany:We ready?


Liatai:… in fact, I think that the characters that are in Edaric's token and Terri's token are brother and sister. XD So you're not far off, I guess, in one respect, Fae.

Dr. Hatari:Secret Toris! :O

GM:Oh! Before I forget; for those who joined after I said this, preloading the maps is reccomended.

Liatai:Just going to reread the last few bits of last session and get in character…

Tathi:Spells and certain doom? Check. Hidden agenda? Check. T&A? Check. Okay, I'm ready. :>

Sicol is disconnected.

Faerie:So, we're in…redtree?

GM:At the moment, yes. Is everyone ready?

  • Dr. Hatari is mostly here, and mostly in order. |3

Barbarus:Ready. :3


Ghostwish:Where's the token black guy?

Dr. Hatari:What is it, Tech.

  • Faerie rawrs at stupid vending machines, which won't take pennies.

GM:Ghost owes us a pizza.


  • Ghostwish orders a pineapple and canadian bacon pizza.

Barbarus:Well, technically, I'm mahogany.

  • Dr. Hatari grins.

Barbarus::3GM:Right! So where were we last session… *opens the Book Of Akellon*


Meany:Book of Draconic Lore.

Meany::3Dr. Hatari:>:|

  • Ghostwish opens the BEF.

Faerie:brb, getting candy

GM:After a night of travel made somewhat more difficult by the presence of demonic beasts, our intrepid group of adventurers arrived in Redtree to find the town seemingly deserted. After encountering and speaking with the town watch, they decided to pursue the lecherous Jonah Restren first, a 'sculptor' with a sinister method involving petrification via co*ckatrice, as the party discovered. Fortunately, they were able to free four of the seven petrified people found on the premises with a strange concoction found in the man's basem*nt, including their druid ally, who had gone ahead. After sending Restren off to face the justice system, the party returned to Redtree to discuss their next course of action, deciding on approaching the creek that the fiendish animal attacks seemed to center around from the south, through a thicket.

  • Faerie returns

Barbarus:After Barbie started a god old fashioned freak out session. :3

GM:Now, they are preparing for departure… Take it away! :D


Gnogglebolt:Restating very last actions from last session…

Gnogglebolt:"Anyone who does not have both an emergency melee and ranged option should acquire one now. Doesn't matter if it can't be used well, having it and not needing it is better than needing it and not having it."

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt goes over to Barbarus's carraige, and removes every nonessential item from his pack

Tathi:"That is standard fare for adventurers. Always have a backup of some kind. Which does remind me." She says, looking pointedly at Thomas. "YOU are getting archery lessons, young man."

Thomas Lazarus:Tom sighs. "I suppose that's pretty prudent…" Tom ventures off to purchase a crossbow. "Would anyone mind giving me some pointers?"

Thomas Lazarus:"Yes ma'am." D:Ghostwish:totally ninjaed you. :P

Barbarus:To Edaric, Aelian, and Kethanis. "Shall we be the scouts of this group, then?"

Elros:Elros already has a bow, in addition to his two swords. "Aim at the target, not your allies. Pull back. Fire."

Dr. Hatari:I already added it before game. Assume 4 trail ration bars are now in the carriage's inventory. Or Barbarus' inventory.

Dr. Hatari:Tom is at capacity.

Edaric:"Aelian and I should still have everything, I don't think that sculptor took… anything…" The bard pats down his pockets, then groans. "Aw, damnit."

Barbarus:"Something wrong?"

Edaric:"Yeah, I forgot that bugbear smashed Lucille…"

Tathi:Tathi looks over and peers at Edaric. "You're not related to a Terri Toris, are you?"

Aelian:"I still can't believe you named your lute."

Thomas Lazarus:"Oh.. I'm so sorry for your loss."

Thomas Lazarus:"—!?"

Edaric:"A who now?"

Tathi:She shakes her head. "Nevermind."

  • Thomas Lazarus slumps slightly. "A lute?"

Barbarus:"…Hmm. I can lend you some money to replace it."

Barbarus:"But if you do, I suggest you get an instrument blade built in."

Edaric:"I should have enough, but — an instrument blade, you say?" >:3


Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt returns after stowing the nonessentail items in his pack (which consisted of both ledgers x3 )

Tathi:"You could always get it enchanted for toughness too."

Barbarus:"It's a weapon mounted in a string or wind instrument."

Barbarus:"The instrument is reinforced as a side effect, to avoid smashing."

Edaric:"Huh! I wonder if they sell such things here…"

Barbarus:"…Broom Hilda might have one."

Gnogglebolt:"A blade in an instrument? Feh. I can build a small gun into one."

Brenner Fox:"There isn't much call for hidden weapons here."

Barbarus:"If she's running the general store here."

Thomas Lazarus:Tom is reminded by Barbarus' comments to check his own weapons. Crank, sching, flash! The ex-templar is suddenly bristling with hidden blades, which he inspects.

Thomas Lazarus:"Always be prepared." He nods as if it were prudent.

Barbarus::3Tathi:Tathi jumps a little at the bladed cleric. "Try not to put an eye out, okay!?"

Barbarus:"Okay, who here is good with a bow? Or at least not terrible?"

Kethanis Whitebranch:"By the forests!" The druid also jumped.

Barbarus:"Because I just remembered something that could be useful."

Gnogglebolt:"Not me. Bows are so much more crude to firearms.

Tathi:Then she looks over at Barbarus, who I can't just call kitty anymore thanks to Ezer. "Well, I am an elf."

Aelian:"Good with a bow, you say?" The half-elf holds up his longbow with a grin.

Barbarus:"It's a type of arrow my tribe's scouts use to send messages. They let out bird cries when they're launched."

Elros:"I've not used it recently, but I suppose I'm not terrible."

Barbarus:"The specific type of bird cry sends a message."

Dr. Hatari:I like how big Gnogglebolt talks, regardless of equipment. >:P

Gnogglebolt:"….Hmm. I'm sure I could jury-rig such an arrow to fit in a crossbow."


Dr. Hatari:I assume we're still gunless for a few weeks?

Edaric:"How much do you reckon it would cost to get a lute outfitted with such a blade… Barbarus?"

  • Thomas Lazarus goes about resetting the wrist, elbow and knee blade mechanisms.

Aelian:"Clever. Edaric and I also have signal whistles, should they be needed."

TMG:oh yes. Still gunless for a few weeks ^^;

Barbarus:??1d20+5 = 9 + 5 = 14?? Appraise check!

Dr. Hatari:>:3

Barbarus:"A signal whistle is much more noticible than a bird's shriek. :P"

Gnogglebolt:"here, barbarus, allow me to see one of these arrows."

Barbarus:"I don't have one. But do the local stores carry some?"


Gnogglebolt:"Well, let us not tarry! Let us all go aquire the equipment we need, and depart!"

Barbarus:"Also, Edaric, it should cost around ten gold coins to instal a weapon on a lute."

Brenner Fox:"You'd have to ask Broom Hilda. I've never seen an arrow like that before… Do you know how to make them? They would come in handy for the town watch."

Barbarus:"More depending if you want the blade itself to be a Master's work."

Thomas Lazarus:"Alright." Tom heads off to the general store to pick up a new weapon.

Liatai:All right, folks, state your purchases! :D

Barbarus:"I'm a butcher, not a fletcher. But there is a caravan with many Catfolk over by Castleton. You could ask one of their fletchers?"

Dr. Hatari:1 light x-bow, 1 quiver of bolts.

Meany:Does Edaric want standard or Master lute? :3

Gnogglebolt:"Oh, if you provide e with details, barbarus, I could probably make one."

Gnogglebolt:".. of course, I don't have the time for it now…

  • Elros has everything he needs. No purchases.

Dr. Hatari:Master lute: Looks suspiciously ocarina-like for a string instrument.

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt goes to the general store and browses around…

Meany:Master Musical Instrument with blade: 110 gp.

Gnogglebolt:"Hey, if we're not taking the cart with us, do we need another tent, Barbarus?"

  • Thomas Lazarus knocks at the general store. I'm sure she's not as bad as Barbie says. |3

Meany:Eight Signal Arrows, two for each archer, one set mimicing an Owl, another a goose.

Barbarus:"My tent fits four people, so probably."

"Grandma Broom" Hilda Strapp:The general store is very clean, and only has one person manning it… a venerable-looking old woman sweeping the area behind the counter. She glances up at Thomas as he enters. "You're new around here." Sweep, sweep. "The new priest, I imagine."

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt procures some pocket change from his sack of money out of Barbarus' cart, and heads to the general store


Tathi:Tathi just rolls her eyes. "A tent? Really? Where are we going, the northen mountains?"

TMG:Meany, you must move Barbarus to the general store so you can see :D

Barbarus:"Edaric, come, let us shop for musical instruments with daggers built in!"

Barbarus:"And I shall shop for signal arrows. :3"

Gnogglebolt:"Well, you never know Miss Tathi. No plan survives contact with the enemy. One must be prepared for every possibility."

Barbarus:The cat's ears go flat, and he hunkers down as he enters the store…there she is…Old Lady Death.

"Grandma Broom" Hilda Strapp:Sweep, sweep.

Thomas Lazarus:He nods at the first. "Thomas Lazarus. And I'm afraid not; I'm party to a group out of Castleton looking to resolve this animal siege. I've only just heard about your Lady.. I'm sorry for loss."


Thomas Lazarus:"I'll see to it that someone does come."

Dr. Hatari:*for your loss :x

Dr. Hatari:Also, pardon me a sec~

"Grandma Broom" Hilda Strapp:"Hmm." The old woman nods, then looks over at the new group entering… Barbarus, you might get the feeling that she's looking right. At. You.

Barbarus:*deer in headlights*

"Grandma Broom" Hilda Strapp:"That the rest of your group, then?" Sweep.

"Grandma Broom" Hilda Strapp:You'd better not shed on my nice clean floor, cat boy. >:/

Thomas Lazarus:Tom looks over his shoulder and back. "Oh, yes. We were just polishing off the last of our needs before setting out for the woods."

"Grandma Broom" Hilda Strapp:"Hopefully, you'll have more luck than the last group who tried to do what you're doing."

Barbarus:The catfolk is literally frozen in sheer panic.

Dr. Hatari:Due to necessity, I'll allow Tom's purchase to be implied or glossed over. I don't dare set that precedent of RP-buying every thing.

Dr. Hatari:36 gp for xbow and bolts?

Barbarus:People, feel free to shop and simply raid his pockets for money.

"Grandma Broom" Hilda Strapp:"If it's here, you're welcome to buy it. Just don't track too much mud in here, and don't think of trying any funny business." Sweep, sweep.

Thomas Lazarus:"…" Tom debates mentally! ??1d20+2 = 15 + 2 = 17??

Liatai:Edaric has enough to afford a masterwork lute with an instrument blade… but the town doesn't. :B A masterwork lute's the best that can be done within the GP limit of the town.

Barbarus:Holy crap-when did the puma get over by the counter.

Barbarus:Normal loot, then~

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt looks around the store, and finally settles on a small armful of items A bag of caltrops (1gp), flint and steel (1gp), a grappling hook (1gp), manacles (15gp), a small steel mirror (10gp), and acid flask (10gp) and an alchemist's fire flask (20gp). He also foots the cost of a two-person tent (10gp), though someone else will have to carry it.

Thomas Lazarus:Tom decides not to childishly break into a line of questioning verifying everything Barbarus just said, such as, "What's a Wemmic :D"


Barbarus: (( Normal lute with an instrument blade. ))

Barbarus:*insert shopping spree here*

Gnogglebolt:He heads over to Broom Hilda and deposits them on the counter. Or tries to. Damn tall-egs construction.

Edaric:Are you kidding? I don't want to risk my instrument in combat. |3 Sound quality is more important than a hidden blade, and I have my rapier and dagger.

Gnogglebolt:all in all, the individual items are ??1+1+1+15+10+10+20+10 = 1 + 1 + 1 + 15 + 10 + 10 + 20 + 10 = 68??

"Grandma Broom" Hilda Strapp:*ka-ching*

Dr. Hatari:Hm.. Tom's inventory weight is only 23 lbs, but his load is 99.

Gnogglebolt:gp deduct'd and items added to inventory notes!

Dr. Hatari:(Note: Invest in mithril. Or adamantine! *_*)

Barbarus:Tent, four person, 20 gp, plus eight signal arrows, 2 gp, and a hammock, 5 gp.

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt foists the tent on Thomas. "Ah…I hope you don't mind carrying this. My stature is not as great as yours…" (20 lbs two-person tent)

Thomas Lazarus:"It's no pr—" Tom buckles under it. ^^;

Thomas Lazarus:"—Ah.. perhaps I've overdone it."

Edaric:"Didn't you say we had a mule available to us?" ^^;

Elros:"If the mule isn't busy killing things, I believe so."

Gnogglebolt:"…Oh. barbarus, are we bringing one of the mules with us?"

Aelian:"A good point. Catfolk, does your mule have a pack saddle?"

Barbarus:"Honduras." The cat answers mutly. "Yes."

Gnogglebolt:"Ah. Okay then." Gnogglebolt takes the tent back from Thomas. "Nevermind then!"

Barbarus:He's busy starring at the local legend. =3=

"Grandma Broom" Hilda Strapp:Sweep. Sweep. "Something you need, boy?"

  • Thomas Lazarus seems glad to have that taken care of. Strong as he is, the tent and all that metal would have made him even slower.

Barbarus:"…You're Old Woman Death. o-o"

TMG:wait, I thought you said your inventory weight is 23, but your light load is 99o.O

TMG:the tent is hardly a blip!

Liatai:Armor, Tech.

Dr. Hatari:I mean the items in my backpack only account for 23.

Liatai:Full plate is heavy. ^^;


Dr. Hatari:His weapons and armor put him to 99.

TMG:well, account for the armor :B

Dr. Hatari:None of it I can part with, I think.

"Grandma Broom" Hilda Strapp:"If you're looking for a challenge, take it outside, boy. I'm in no mood to clean up more blood and fur from my shop floor." Sweep.

Liatai:And Gnogglebolt baaaacks away. XD

Gnogglebolt:Oh, he just finished his purchase…but sure. Why not. x3

Liatai:The timing was just funny, that's all. x3

Barbarus:"…I'm not that suicidal. ._."

Thomas Lazarus:Tom examines his unloaded crossbow briefly before stepping outside.

"Grandma Broom" Hilda Strapp:"Smart boy."

Barbarus:"Just…if you're here, why wasn't the Druid beaten into a paste when she first showed up?"

TMG:(but yeah, just realized. I think 'Old Woman Death' probably does work better than 'Old Lady Death' xD )

Dr. Hatari:Old Lady Death makes me think of Death's wife. |B

TMG:that and the original was "Old Man Death", so x3

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt steps outaside as well, and sees Thomas examining his crossbow.

"Grandma Broom" Hilda Strapp:"She stayed away from my shop once she started causing trouble." Sweep, sweep.


  • Thomas Lazarus practices drawing and locking the string, and releasing it with the firing bar. "Hmmm."

Barbarus:"…Fair enough. ._."

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt pulls out his own crossbow. "These might not be firearms, but the principle is similar. Shall I show you the proper technique?"

Thomas Lazarus:"I've never fired an arrow in my life. But better safe than sorry, I suppose. I hope they're not all flying and sitting in trees.." He seems glad to offer it to Gnogglebolt.

  • Edaric takes the lute outside and starts tuning it… Perform check ??1d20+13 = 9 + 13 = 22??. :D

Dr. Hatari:Oh, nix the offer.

TMG:…huh? offer what to gnogglebolt? o.o

TMG:oh. xP

Barbarus:"Well…thank you for not killing me when I first stepped in. ._."

"Grandma Broom" Hilda Strapp:"Don't cause trouble, don't shed on my floor, and don't track mud and blood in when you come back." Sweep, sweep. "Follow those rules, and you don't have to worry about it."


Barbarus:Boy takes his purchases, and slowly…backs…away.

Elros:Elros steps outside. Sees Thomas with a crossbow. Wonders if inside is a safer place to be.

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt takes a few minutes to show Thomas the effective ways to handle a crossbow with good technique and aim, and how to reload quickly if under fire.

Tathi:"HEY CAT."

Ezer:Who, me?

Barbarus:??1d20+2 = 4 + 2 = 6??

Barbarus:Jump check.


Thomas Lazarus:He looks to the weapon a bit hesitantly. "I'm the best swordsman I know - but I don't even think I can hold this in a straight line for a few seconds." ??1d20+3 = 13 + 3 = 16??

Ezer:*innocent face*

Tathi:Tathi giggles behind her hand, and just smiles.

Thomas Lazarus:He does alright.

"Grandma Broom" Hilda Strapp:Pointed look at the elf lady. Sweep.

Tathi:Tathi looks over at the lessons, and shakes her head. "Really? You couldn't get a shortbow at least?"

Thomas Lazarus:"This seemed easier." ^^;

  • Edaric is playing a little tune, happy as a clam. :3

Barbarus:"Gnoggle, you wanted to look at these signal arrows?"

Gnogglebolt:"hmm? Oh!"

Barbarus:Cat holds up two different types. "This one mimics an Owl's call. And this one mimics a goose's call."

  • Koehel is sitting quite contentedly on Kethanis' arm, looking curiously around at the party every now and then. My druid is safe, I'm well-fed, all is good with the world. :3

Thomas Lazarus:"..Well. That'll have to do." He buckles the quiver to his belt and hangs the crossbow near.

Kethanis Whitebranch:"Which type of owl, and which type of goose?" Leave it to the druid to ask those questions. :B

Dr. Hatari:African or European?

Kethanis Whitebranch:"A screech owl sounds very different from a barn owl, after all."

Barbarus:"Screech, and…actually, I think this might be a swan. =3= Darn, mispurchased."

  • Kethanis Whitebranch nods.

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt examines the arroer. "..Ah, drat. The workmanship required for this is too precise for me to make one in a single day, but I may yet be able to trim one down to fit in a crossbow…"

Barbarus:"So, owl to indicate stealthy approach by the enemy, swan to indicate we've been discovered?"


  • Thomas Lazarus folds his arms into his sleeves. "I think I'll be better off getting their attention on the front-line, or casting spells to help us if a fiend is out of reach."

TMG:brb, makin' a sammich

TMG:Gnogglebolt follows the others if they depart


Dr. Hatari:om nom

  • Edaric approaches the party again, lute slung on his back, looking quite content. :3 "So, when are we leaving?"
  • Thomas Lazarus looks about to the others.

Barbarus:"Kethanis, could you come with me?"

Kethanis Whitebranch:"Me?"

Barbarus:Barbie leads the Druid to the stables.

Thomas Lazarus:"I think that covers all of our supplies. Barbarus, please collect your companion and I think we can begin."

Barbarus:"Good afternoon."

Barbarus:"Good afternoon."

Barbarus:"Hey, Vene."


Brogan McKain:"Afternoon. You the owner of these mules? — Hey, there you are, Kethanis. Was getting worried about you."

TMG:*pops in*

Barbarus:"Yep, these are the war-mules."

Ghostwish:brb bio

Barbarus:"Can you cast that spell which allows people to speak with animals, Kethanis?"

  • Kethanis Whitebranch nods to the stablemaster before looking to the mules. "I see… They look quite well-loved." :3 "Which one is Venezuela, and which one is Honduras?"

TMG:since danman's not here, can we assume he followed Gnogglebolt's advice and bought a ranged weapon (light crossbow probably if he is only proficient in simple weapons)?

TMG:Or will we wait for him next week and then retroactively add it in?

Dr. Hatari:Sounds reasonable.

Barbarus:"Venezuela is the older female. Honduras is the male here."

Dr. Hatari:He could have joined in the practice.

Barbarus:"Um, Kethanis, you might want to back away from Vene's pen a bit. ._."

Kethanis Whitebranch:"I can, but it only applies to myself, not to others." :3 Handle Animal ??1d20+11 = 8 + 11 = 19??

Barbarus:"She's prone to violent outbursts-"

Venezuela:*…I hate you less than I did five minutes ago. :/ Enjoy your continued life.*

Kethanis Whitebranch:"Hello, Venezuela." :3 "Nice to meet you."

Barbarus:"Oh whew."

Barbarus:"Could you explain to Venezuela that she's going to be staying here to help defend the town?"

Dr. Hatari:Venezuela: "I'a, Dagon, I'a, Hydra, Cthulu nagh fhtagn >:O"

  • Kethanis Whitebranch nods. "Is there anything you would like me to say to Honduras while the spell is active?"

Barbarus:"He's going to be going on his first solo operation, so I'd advise him getting more pointers from Vene."

  • Kethanis Whitebranch relays the messages, nodding and listening to what the mules have to say.
  • Koehel hops up onto the druid's head and sits there as a contented ball of feathers. |3

Meany:Venezuela's freuqent use of ragekillmaimwreckdestroy should raise some alarming question. :B


Kethanis Whitebranch:"… How long has Venezuela been serving as a combat aid to you, Barbarus?" ^^;

Barbarus:"Me? Only two years. She rode on the Wemmics with my father, though."

Barbarus:"Actually survived a fight with Old Lady Death. ._."

Barbarus:"I wonder if the two remember each other."

Kethanis Whitebranch:"Small wonder…" The druid speaks in the animal tongue… -Venezuela, your master makes sure that you have plenty of time in the pastures away from the field of battle, I hope? A mule as stalwart as you deserves some time to rest and enjoy yourself.-

Liatai:In the meantime, I'll move Honduras outside.

Liatai:And when people are ready, hop over to Forest A!


Dr. Hatari:Transpose!

Venezuela:Hrmph. Boy keeps making me do less than I am able. >:/ Never running as far as I can in a day, or killing as many monsters which need killing as I can. Got into a big fight with that little gnomething when the thing objected to stopping early for the night.

TMG:clear some fog so I know where to set down?

Liatai:There's some fog cleared. Zoom out. :3

TMG:aha, found it

Dr. Hatari:Big. :O

  • Kethanis Whitebranch chuckles. -I'm sure he's only looking out for you, though I'll relay that to him.-


Liatai:Arrange yourselves as you please. :3

  • Thomas Lazarus looks about the forest.

Thomas Lazarus:"I'm afraid none of my magic could last long with the kind of search we're about to do.." He glances to Kethanis. "How about those potions?"

Barbarus:Barbie makes sure Honduras knows to obey Kethanis or Tathi when he's not around. >:/

Barbarus:??1d20+3 = 3 + 3 = 6?? Handle Animal.

GM:After walking for a bit outside of Redtree, the trees grow thicker, and soon, you are in a dense thicket.

Faerie:Fail! :U

TMG:uhoh. x3

Dr. Hatari:"U not the boss of me >:B"

Kethanis Whitebranch:"The potions are only good for an hour, I'm afraid."

Gnogglebolt:Before heading out, Gnogglebolt made sure -someone- was carrying the stash of potions Kethanis gave them before.

Thomas Lazarus:"Well, that's still quite better than nothing."

Kethanis Whitebranch:"Though, you needn't worry about using any on me… No tracker can find me in a forest unless I wish to be found." The druid smiles calmly and strokes Koehel's feathers idly.

Barbarus:"All the archers have their arrows? :U"

Aelian:"Mm. Owl for 'we're being followed,' swan for 'we've been spotted?'"

Gnogglebolt:Oh, and DM. Fiat time. Can Gnogglebolt trim an arrow to fit in a crossbow, and if so, how quickly and how many?

Liatai:He can trim two, but it's a bit of an odd fit. -2 penalty on the shot's attack roll.

TMG:I was actually going to note that ^^


TMG:fortunately, these arrows may not be meant to be actually just -at- something, just shot :>

TMG:so…Gnogglebolt trims one saw and one goose arrow. He gives them both to Thomas unless thay're already small-sized arrows.


Aelian:"Right. Someone familiar with the wilds should walk behind the rest of us to cover our trail."


Aelian:"I'll do that if no one else wants to. I'm better at distance combat, anyway."

Barbarus:"I can do that. :3"

Thomas Lazarus:"Alright then." He looks to the more wordly members in turn. "Lets drink up and get this show on the road."

Edaric:"Who's going in first?"

Thomas Lazarus:"I'll go ahead, as long as that screening magic is still active."

Thomas Lazarus:"After that.. probably not the best scout ever."

Dr. Hatari:What was the time on Hide from Animals again? :x

Liatai:10 minutes.

TMG:one hour

Dr. Hatari:wut

TMG:er…oh o.o

Liatai:Pass Without Trace is an hour. :B

Gnogglebolt:"He should probably only use the potions once we're sure we're near the enemy."



Elros:"No sense wasting them, after all."

Gnogglebolt:"They don't last long, so they'll only be useful on the final approach."

Thomas Lazarus:"True.. but who knows when that's going to be?" Tom concedes, and begins marching on. He draws his blade alone, for now.

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt marches, keeping his crossbow at the ready.

Dr. Hatari:With a party this big, I think I'll defer to GM group-move, if that's okay.

Liatai:Spot checks, all - ??1d20+7 = 17 + 7 = 24?? ??1d20+5 = 3 + 5 = 8?? ??1d20+11 = 3 + 11 = 14?? ??1d20+1 = 19 + 1 = 20??

Thomas Lazarus:??1d20+2 = 14 + 2 = 16??

Barbarus:??1d20+4 = 4 + 4 = 8?? Spot. :U

Dr. Hatari:Wow. Are you okay? :P

Gnogglebolt:Spot: ??1d20 = 8??

Dr. Hatari:That looked very slow.

Liatai:It was very slow. :B

Faerie:Erm, one moment…

TMG:I'm okay with DM group move, too

Elros:spot ??1d20+10 = 8 + 10 = 18??

Liatai:Ghost? Tathi Spot? :3

Tathi:??1d20+1+2 = 10 + 1 + 2 = 13?? spot

Ghostwish:Sorry, was researching a fix for my xbox.

  • Aelian raises a hand and stops, then draws an arrow from his quiver. Edaric also stops, unholstering a crossbow. (Spot check results have been given out!)

Elros:Elros slowly draws his bow. "I believe we're being watched. Look, up in the trees."


Elros:"And not the friendly sort."

Gnogglebolt:"Ah. Again?"

Thomas Lazarus:Tom freezes, and reaches his free hand for the crossbow.

Faerie:Nor the sort from Baltimore. >.>

Gnogglebolt:"Well, there goes the method of our approach being unknown."

Thomas Lazarus:"..Alright.. and how shall we handle this?"

Barbarus:Barbie's longbow is in him hands. >:o

Kethanis Whitebranch:"Koehel can outpace a raven in flight," Kethanis says, taking a sling out of his pocket.

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt grips his crossbow tightly. "Well, perhaps we have the might to overpower her regardless. We did handily route that pack of demonic wolves. Though, we don't know how many she can raise…"

Thomas Lazarus:"The time for what-ifs and oh-no's has passed. Let's take the shot!"

Aelian:Initiative time. ??1d20+4 = 14 + 4 = 18??

Elros:initiative ??1d20+3 = 11 + 3 = 14??

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt slowly turns and gets his crossbow in both hands. "I concur."

Barbarus:??1d20+2 = 20 + 2 = 22?? Dex check!

Thomas Lazarus:??1d20 = 14??

Gnogglebolt:Init: ??1d20+1 = 15 + 1 = 16??

Edaric:??1d20+1 = 6 + 1 = 7??

Kethanis Whitebranch:??1d20+1 = 4 + 1 = 5??

Tathi:??1d20+3 = 10 + 3 = 13?? init!

Liatai:Elros and Thomas have the same initiative. :o

Dr. Hatari:Tom has 11 dex. Elros certainly has dibs on going first.

Fiendish Raven 1:??1d20+2 = 10 + 2 = 12??

Faerie:If you like. Elros has 16 dex.

Barbarus has received initiative.

Barbarus:??1d20+4 = 12 + 4 = 16?? Spot check on ravens. >:o

Liatai:They're in these two trees…

Liatai:There you go. Targeting boxes. :3

Dr. Hatari:Those are actually really hard to spot. :O

Dr. Hatari:WAIT anime mech HUD targeting squares, you're right on time!

Barbarus:Attacking Raven number three. :3

Barbarus:??1d20+4+mod = 8 + 4 + 0 = 12?? Fwip! Longbow arrow coming at you for ??1d8+modb = 6 + 0 = 6?? damage!

Fiendish Raven 3:The arrow flies past the bird and lodges in the tree's trunk.

Barbarus:If only I had purched thunderarrows. >:o

Barbarus:End turn.

Aelian:The half-elf you freed fires an arrow at Raven 1 ??1d20+6 = 12 + 6 = 18?? for ??1d8 = 4?? — then quickly reaches back and snaps off another arrow! ??1d20+6 = 4 + 6 = 10?? for ??1d8 = 3??.

Fiendish Raven 1:AWK! And down goes one raven.

Gnogglebolt has received initiative.

TMG:range increment… 80 feet…

Faerie:5 foot step towards the middle raven?

Liatai:There's a raven within the range increment, and a few more that are near it.

Gnogglebolt:Aiming at raven numero cinco! ??1d20+5 = 8 + 5 = 13??!

Dr. Hatari:(I derp at Spanish numerals. :B)

TMG:and deducting 1 bolt from inventory

Fiendish Raven 5:Oof! So close. The fletching ruffled the bird's feathers.

Elros has received initiative.

Elros:Elros shoots his crossbow at Feindish raven 3! ??1d20+8 = 17 + 8 = 25??

Dr. Hatari:>:O

TMG:crossbow bolts don't have fletching. They're short and metal. x3

Elros:for ??1d8 = 5?? damage

Fiendish Raven 3:AWK! And down goes another raven, with a bolt clean through it!

Thomas Lazarus has received initiative.

  • Thomas Lazarus drops to a knee and levels his crossbow at Raven 2. Here goes; ??1d20+3 = 18 + 3 = 21?? ??1d8 = 7??

Fiendish Raven 2:Seems those lessons did you good, Thomas. AWK!

Aelian:"Not bad for a first-time shot."

Tathi has received initiative.

Thomas Lazarus:The briefest hint of a smirk pulls at the corner of his mouth. But there are still more ravens to go.

Liatai:Go Tathi go! :o

TMG:Fork magic missile!

Tathi:Tathi sends out a pair of magic missiles, one at 4 ??1d4+1 = 2 + 1 = 3??, and one at 6! ??1d4+1 = 2 + 1 = 3??

Ghostwish:sorry for the short, slow post.. nursing a headache here >

Fiendish Raven 5:AWK AWK!

Fiendish Raven 5:The last raven left… surprisingly, does not flee. It swoops toward the party, talons extended.

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt's eyes go wide at this, right before impact. "That's new."

Edaric:??1d20-1 = 4 - 1 = 3?? crossbow shot into melee!

Gnogglebolt:er, *different

Aelian:"Watch where you're aiming!"


Ezer:Oh boy, a bird! Can I eat it? :D

  • Kethanis Whitebranch mutters something to Koehel, and the bird launches from the druid's arm. SCREE! ??1d20+8 = 5 + 8 = 13?? for ??1d4-2 = 2 - 2 = 0??!

Koehel:Unfortunately, Koehel's talons don't find their mark.

Miron has received initiative.

Miron:??1d20+2 = 2 + 2 = 4?? crossbow shot from the archivist bot!

Barbarus has received initiative.

Barbarus:Move slightly closer. :U

Barbarus:??1d20+4-4+1 = 5 + 4 - 4 + 1 = 6?? Longbow arrow! For ??1d8+1 = 8 + 1 = 9?? damage. Firing into melee accounted for.

Barbarus::[Barbarus:End turn. :o

Ghostwish:kitty boi is rogue, yes?

Aelian:Aelian takes a step back - ??1d20+8 = 9 + 8 = 17?? for ??1d8 = 5??!

Fiendish Raven 5:AWK! And luckily, the arrow finds its mark in fiendish flesh instead of Koehel.

Dr. Hatari:JaLiatai:Combat over! :D

Gnogglebolt:With the last raven down, gnogglebolt idly checks his crossbow.

Ezer:Ezer bounds over, and munches. Omnomnom~ |3

Gnogglebolt:"…Well, when we first saw them, it was a huge flock that attacked us."

Liatai:The bird tastes terrible, like it was soaked in sulfur.

Thomas Lazarus:"Whew.." He looks about quickly and arms another bolt.

Ghostwish:and before I reset it..

Ghostwish:2nd level spells prepared: 3x Scorching Ray 1 See Invisibility 1st level spells prepared: Magic Missile Shocking Grasp - used Burning Hands - used as a torture implement. Detect Magic Identify

Gnogglebolt:"Seems they are used both as intelligence-gatherers and mass rapid-strikers. Not very effective, though."

Ghostwish:Tathi's spell list is telling a story again. :O

  • Thomas Lazarus stands and hooks his crossbow away.

Liatai:Be right back in two shakes, sacred canine duty. ^^;

Ezer:Bleh. Why are you ont tasty? D:Ezer:*not tasty

Thomas Lazarus:"Let's keep up the momentum and advance. Before other keen-eared animals come wandering to check on those sounds."

Kor:Try cheese. It's much tastier.

Fiendish Raven 5:Because I'm born of the Abyss? :B

Gnogglebolt:"Let us soldier on. I don't know about anyone else, but I think the time for long-term stealth is gone. Let us crush anything this witch throws at us."

Barbarus:"Less talking, more marching."

Gnogglebolt:"Masking our final approach with the potions will still be useful, but for now, let us make haste." Gnogglebolt starts hustling.

Ezer:I could try you instead, mouse. :D

TMG:Liatai; sienna asking for you in WF-studios

Kor:Bring it, whisker-face!

TMG:(when/if everyone else follows gnogglebolt, ready for group move again

Tathi:Tathi is following, watching the brush for further ambushes.

TMG:…DM? ya there? :o

Ghostwish:sacred canine duty, ya git. :P

Liatai:I just said I was going AFK for sacred canine duty. ^^;

TMG:oh, whups ^^;

TMG:missed that

Liatai:Onward we go… Keeping this arrangement of people? :3

Ghostwish:Sure. :>

Dr. Hatari:Quite so.

Liatai:Gnogglebolt and Thomas, roll Search checks.

Thomas Lazarus:??1d20-1 = 14 - 1 = 13??

Liatai:??1d20+4 = 18 + 4 = 22?? ??1d20+2 = 10 + 2 = 12??

Gnogglebolt:Search? o.o ??1d20+4 = 7 + 4 = 11??

Liatai:The lead party moves forward… Listen checks, Thomas and Gnogglebolt. ??1d20+5 = 10 + 5 = 15?? ??1d20+6 = 10 + 6 = 16??

Thomas Lazarus:??1d20+2 = 1 + 2 = 3??

Gnogglebolt:Listen: ??1d20+2 = 20 + 2 = 22??

Gnogglebolt:and why only us?


Faerie:Crit fail and crit success. o.o

Liatai:Gnogglebolt hears this quite clearly under his feet… creeeeak crack crack crack…

Dr. Hatari:"I can't hear anything over the sound of your hearing!"


Liatai:Reflex saves!

Meany:Awakened trees? :U

Thomas Lazarus:??1d20+1 = 7 + 1 = 8??

Gnogglebolt:Reflex! ??1d20+6 = 10 + 6 = 16??

Dr. Hatari:Probably a pit. :P

Kethanis Whitebranch:"What —" ??1d20+2 = 13 + 2 = 15??

Aelian:??1d20+8 = 14 + 8 = 22??

Thomas Lazarus:"Gu—" Clank, crash, clatter!

  • Aelian scrambles as the forest floor opens up beneath the lead party! He makes it to the other side of the pit, but the others? ??1d6 = 2?? fall damage.

Koehel:"SQUAWK!" Koehel flutters - ??1d20+5 = 14 + 5 = 19??

Tathi:"Looks like it's time to initiate a scouting party.." Tathi says, looking pointedly at Barbarus and Elros.

Koehel:And lands beside the pit, peering in. D:Kethanis Whitebranch:"We're all right… I think… ouch."

Gnogglebolt:"Yeak!" Gnogglebolt squeaks as he falls into a trap

  • Thomas Lazarus coughs and sits up. "What a bother.." He claps a hand on the gnome to make sure all is (mostly) well.

Elros:"We need me to scout something then?"

Thomas Lazarus:Orisons! (1 hp healing to Gnogglebolt and Thomas)

Tathi:"Unless Gnogglebolt and the others would like to engage in more impromptu flying lessons?"

Gnogglebolt:"Errrgh… I think I'm okay… landed on my elbow, though. Ow." He looks up to see how high the top of the hole is.

Liatai:The hole is 10 feet deep.

Thomas Lazarus:"Here," Thomas kneels down and cups his hands before Gnogglebolt. The human can nearly reach out of the hole.

Meany is disconnected.

Edaric:"Can you three climb up on your own, or do you need rope?"

Gnogglebolt:"I've got rope, and a grapple hook to tie onto the end, but…ah. Alright, thank you thomas, then we'll all pull you up with a rope."

Thomas Lazarus:"Thanks." ^^;

  • Koehel frets around the edge of the hole. You okay, master? D:Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt steps on Thomas's clasped hands and pulls up out of the hole with Thomas boosting him from below.

Gnogglebolt:Once up, he pulls out his length of silk rope and feeds one end down. "Tie that around your waist."

Thomas Lazarus:Quite so. He offers Kethanis the same deal.

Thomas Lazarus:*knot knot* ??1d20 = 3??

Kethanis Whitebranch:??1d20+1 = 13 + 1 = 14?? Climb check — seems he didn't notice the trick with Gnogglebolt. :B

Thomas Lazarus:"Okay." :3

Gnogglebolt:He gives the other end to everyone else, who presumably line up and pull the armored man out.

Thomas Lazarus:??1d20-2 = 3 - 2 = 1?? Climb, we'll see if the rope is necessary.

Thomas Lazarus:Oh yeah.

  • Kethanis Whitebranch almost makes it — but then falls back. He notices Thomas offering help. "— Oh. Thank you. ^^;"

Gnogglebolt:between all of us, we should have the combined lifting capacity to lift Thomas.

Dr. Hatari:As much as knot-coming-loose shenanigans would be giggle worthy, I believe this particular shallow pit has seen enough spotlight. x3

Aelian:"Right. Should we reorganize the scouting party or continue on?"

Tathi:"It seems we have both a rogue and a ranger. They should be taking point."

MeanyOwl has connected.

Thomas Lazarus:"Thank you all.." He rubs the back of his neck and speaks softly. "..Indeed.. I'm no scout, like I said. I'll follow behind the front line in case of attack."

Ghostwish:Meany be trying to- there he is.

Dr. Hatari::UTMG:whispering what you missed

Liatai:Got it covered.

TMG:ah, okay

Barbarus:"Fine. :3"

Kethanis Whitebranch:"Right… I suppose I'll fall back and help cover the trail." ^^;

Barbarus:"Kethanis, know your way around a mule?"

  • Kethanis Whitebranch nods, approaching Honduras calmly - ??1d20+11 = 10 + 11 = 21?? Handle Animal.

Barbarus:??1d20+4 = 12 + 4 = 16?? Spot. :o

Barbarus:??1d20+5 = 17 + 5 = 22?? Listen.

Dr. Hatari:Swap me with Miron and I'll be happy. :3

Liatai:So, we have the scouting party, the mid-party, and the trailing party… Looking good? :3

Dr. Hatari:Gorgeous.

  • Koehel perches on Honduras' back. Scoutin'! :O

Faerie:And will Ezer be coming with the scouting party?

Barbarus:GM? :3

Liatai:Shall we assume you rolled those after the party had advanced a little? :3

Barbarus:Sure. :D

Barbarus:Barbie stops moving. :o

  • Aelian looks at Barbarus. "What now?" he hisses.

Barbarus:He flaps his hand, mimicing someone's jaw moving, then points northwest.

Barbarus:Er,m, GM…how far can our character's see in normal light? ._.

Liatai:Roll a Spot check.

Barbarus:??1d20+4 = 7 + 4 = 11??

Liatai:You see nothing but trees.

Thomas Lazarus:"…" Tom slowly unsheathes his blade, careful not to cause a resonance squeal.

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt still has his crossbow at the ready

  • Aelian nocks an arrow and looks around… ??1d20+7 = 20 + 7 = 27??
  • Aelian stands stock-still.

Aelian:"Two people… giant wolf," he says quietly.

Elros:Elros slowly puts his bow away, and draws both swords. "I take it they don't look friendly?"

Gnogglebolt:"…I should've brought more manacles…" Gnogglebolt breaths to himself.

Thomas Lazarus:"If we have time, let me prepare."

Dr. Hatari:Whispered, I forgot to add.

  • Aelian shakes his head. Definitely not friendly. "Campsite. They don't seem aware of us yet."

Ghostwish:Tathi jumps in, spells blazing! WOO HOO!


Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt nods to Thomas.

Thomas Lazarus:Tom winds his arms in the air briefly, swinging each of the bound-up rosary crests into his palms. He closes his eyes and intones a litany of prayers under his breath.

Liatai:??1d20 = 12?? ??1d20+2 = 8 + 2 = 10?? ??1d20+2 = 8 + 2 = 10??

Liatai:Carry on. :3

Thomas Lazarus:"Brothers and sisters at my side, be my shield and armor, and together we will be Pelor's brand with which to cleanse this blight from the world. Amen." Tom chain-casts Bless, Divine Protection, Enlarge Person, and Divine Power.

Ghostwish:damn, idled brain! Almost thought thomas cast a viagra spell!

Dr. Hatari:Everyone in the party recieved +1 morale bonus to hit, +1 deflection AC, and +1 resistance bonus to saving throws for 4 minutes.

Liatai:Making room for giant Tom. :B

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt watches the magic begin to flow from Thomas. "Easy with the magic. We'll need most of our power for the witch herself."

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt's eyes also go wide at Thomas suddenly growing in size.

  • Thomas Lazarus whispers, "I'll not take chances with another giant wolf." Lucent energy is rolling off of him as Tom takes on a lesser avatar's stature!

Barbarus:"Sweet. :D"

Gnogglebolt:"…I hope you have more than one of those. but let us go!"

  • Aelian looks briefly over his shoulder at the prayer.. then double-takes. O.o
  • Edaric unslings his lute and follows.

Thomas Lazarus:"Now, go quickly!"

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt raises his crossbow and prepares to follow the others into battle.

Dr. Hatari:I've been favoring this set lately. I like the urgent tone.

Elros:"That would appear to be a rather large wolf, yes."

Liatai:Surprise round GO! :D

Barbarus has received initiative.

HUGE Fiendish Wolf:Indeed it is, the size of a horse, and with deep black fur and red eyes.

Ghostwish:f*ckING HICCUPS

Dr. Hatari:x3TMG:everyone has their ranged weapon out and loaded? Everyone can shoot on the surprise round then.

Barbarus:Barbie moves to the side. >:o And….

Barbarus:??1d20+4+mod = 1 + 4 + 1 = 6?? Fwip! Longbow arrow coming at you for ??1d8+modb = 5 + 1 = 6?? damage!

Barbarus::[Liatai:Surprise round means move or shoot.

Barbarus:Oh. :D

Barbarus:Just move then. :3

Dr. Hatari:I take it one cannot charge, then?

Liatai:That's a full-round action, so no, I don't believe so. ^^;

Aelian:The red-haired ranger favors the "shoot" option. ??1d20+8 = 9 + 8 = 17?? for ??1d8 = 3?? for you, wolf!

HUGE Fiendish Wolf:While the arrow sticks into the wolf, it soon falls back out onto the forest floor.

Gnogglebolt has received initiative.

Gnogglebolt:Quickfire! (no reload, surprise round) ??1d20+5 = 9 + 5 = 14??

Liatai:Hit! Roll damage! :D

Gnogglebolt:??1d6 = 3?? if a hit

HUGE Fiendish Wolf:Gnogglebolt's bolt has the same effect… which seems to be nothing.

Elros has received initiative.

Elros:Elros moves up to get into position.

Elros:Since he has his swords out, he chooses not to run up and attack just yet.

Liatai:Will Ezer do anything? You can command him with a free action and a Handle Animal check.


Faerie:Let's see…

Faerie:He's within one move action, but would he get an attack then?

Liatai:Nope, just a move.

Faerie:But on a normal round he would?

Faerie:Or not?

TMG:uhoh, um….one thing of note.

TMG:Bige beasts have big reach >.>


Liatai:On a normal round, he would… heck, he could even pounce.

Dr. Hatari:On a normal round, yes, he would. Although it would be dangerous as I'm sure Tech is typing.

TMG:and little Ezer is a little lacking in the HP >.>



TMG:maybe just command him to 'stay'? does he know that one?

Elros:Elros chooses to give no command right now.


Thomas Lazarus has received initiative.

Dr. Hatari:There are other foes.

Dr. Hatari:But here we go. x3

Thomas Lazarus:A daunting 12 foot Tom draws his shield out with blade to advance on the equally massive wolf. His expression works into a fierce glower, complete with actually glowing pupils. He's clearly challenging the beast to a good, old-fashioned Heaven or Hell throw-down.

Elros:Yeah. Nothing for now.

Dr. Hatari:Done

Tathi has received initiative.

Tathi:Tathi favors the 'laser' option on the wolf. ??1d20+6 = 11 + 6 = 17?? ranged touch attack for ??4d6 = 17?? fire damage! (bless)

Liatai:Roll a caster level check, Tathi!

Tathi:??1d20+5 = 17 + 5 = 22?? caster check, evocation!

TMG:oop, almost forgot Thomas's spells on my turn. Ah well, didn't make a difference

Barbarus: (( Brb. :3 ))

  • Dr. Hatari notes all them buffs in the footer for now.

HUGE Fiendish Wolf:The wolf snarls at Thomas — bring it, tin can! — but then yipes as Tathi's spell hits!

Dr. Hatari:There.

  • Dr. Hatari is still fond of the party title 'tit* & Lasers'.


Edaric:The bard, meanwhile… starts to play a tune? And a rousing tune it is! Inspire Courage, +1 morale bonus on attack and damage rolls in addition to saving throws versus charm and fear effects!

Ghostwish:That's what the perverted members of the party call Tathi when she's outside of listen check range?

Dr. Hatari:Sadly, the accuracy penalty does not stack with bless. The damage bonus still applies, though!

Dr. Hatari:Er… accuracy bonus. >.>

Kethanis Whitebranch:The druid and his hawk move up.

Miron has received initiative.

Miron:Beep boop archivist bot.??1d20+3 = 14 + 3 = 17?? crossbow bolt to the wolf.

Ghostwish:does ye bard bonus apply to spell damage?

Dr. Hatari:Probably not. x3

Ghostwish:useless bard.. *grumblegrumble*

Miron:??1d6 = 2?? damage… and no, it doesn't. Weapon damage rolls only. ^^;

HUGE Fiendish Wolf:The bolt lodges in the wolf's fur and is shaken aside as initiative is rolled… ??1d20+2 = 7 + 2 = 9??

Briarclaw Druid:??1d20+2 = 17 + 2 = 19??

Briarclaw Huntress:??1d20+2 = 2 + 2 = 4??

Miron has received initiative.

Barbarus has received initiative.

Dr. Hatari:Spellcaster. D:Briarclaw Huntress:"What the hell —?! Giant priest?!"

Dr. Hatari:He probably doesn't have an infernal anti-arrow hide. :3

Briarclaw Druid:"Forget the giant priest — interlopers in our forest!" the hooded man snarls.

Liatai:Go Barbarus go!

Barbarus:??1d20+4+mod = 6 + 4 + 1 = 11?? Fwip! Longbow arrow coming at you for ??1d8+modb = 6 + 1 = 7?? damage!

Liatai:Coming at who?

Ghostwish:the kitty boi is a rogue, yes?


HUGE Fiendish Wolf:The arrow whizzes past the wolf.

Liatai:Meanwhile, prep your Reflex saves if you're in…

Faerie:Kitty is a boi?

Faerie:Bishie-boi kitty?


  • Dr. Hatari clears throat while looking at Meany. :|

TMG:aw man. If only Barb's first atack didn't miss

Liatai:If you're in this area. Roll Reflex. :3

Thomas Lazarus:??1d20 = 13??

TMG:it would have gotten sneak-attack damage

Dr. Hatari:Oh, wait. Make that a 14.

Dr. Hatari:Everyone has +1 to saves from the earlier spells.

Gnogglebolt:Reflex: ??1d20+6+1 = 15 + 6 + 1 = 22??

Briarclaw Druid:The druid raises his hands and begins to chant… and suddenly, the plants around your feet spring to life, snatching at your ankles, growing up around you, trying to entwine you in their clutches!

Kethanis Whitebranch:??1d20+3 = 3 + 3 = 6?? Reflex!

Edaric:??1d20+5 = 11 + 5 = 16?? Reflex!

Dr. Hatari:The most irritating spell ever!

Aelian:??1d20+8 = 12 + 8 = 20?? Reflex!

Tathi:??1d20+4 = 5 + 4 = 9?? reflex!

Honduras:??1d20+5 = 7 + 5 = 12?? Reflex!

Koehel:??1d20+5 = 13 + 5 = 18?? Reflex!

Elros:??1d20+6 = 14 + 6 = 20?? reflex

  • Dr. Hatari banks on the druid having 17 wisdom or less. =3=;

Ezer:??1d20+5 = 11 + 5 = 16?? Reflex!

Miron:Miron Bot beep boop ??1d20+2 = 7 + 2 = 9?? Reflex.

Liatai:The vines reach up and firmly ensnare Tathi, Kethanis, Mironbot, and Honduras, though the rest of you can move at half speed through the snatching vines.

Elros:"Holy bleeping bleepidy bleep, vines again."

Kor:Oh yes. ??1d20+5 = 10 + 5 = 15??

Thomas Lazarus:"Hrm!?"

Kor:Kor is safe. :3

Ezer:And I…need a separate reflex save, or no?

Liatai:Took care of it already. :3 Ezer is safe.

Dr. Hatari:You also can't charge through rough terrain, correct? x3

Ghostwish:Tathi: This is not my fetish!

Faerie:"It is now! :D"

  • Aelian growls at the vines, moving out of their reach.

Gnogglebolt has received initiative.


Ghostwish:hrm.. getting out of entangle is a pain.

Dr. Hatari:*checked* Drat.

TMG:crap…checking if you can reload while on the move…

Dr. Hatari:I believe you have the option of just dealing with it and trying to act from there, at concentration check's mercy.

TMG:crap. Can't reload and move at the same time.

Dr. Hatari:DC 15 to cast entangled.

Liatai:15 plus spell level.

Gnogglebolt:Okay then. Gnogglebolt stays put, dodging the vines, while reloading and firing his crossbow at the offending druid. "In-leaguers with infernals! Surrender or die!" Attack; ??1d20+5+1-1 = 17 + 5 + 1 - 1 = 22??, damage ??1d6+1 = 5 + 1 = 6?? if hit, deducting 1 bolt from inventory

TMG:end turn

Liatai:??1d10 = 6??

Dr. Hatari:… *retroactively removes earlier bolt >.>*

Briarclaw Druid:The bolt finds its mark in the druid's thigh. "— Agh!"

Elros has received initiative.

Elros:Elros is well within the range now where he can run up and attack the huge wolf. Right-handed attack ??1d20+3 = 13 + 3 = 16??

HUGE Fiendish Wolf:Roll damage, for that is a hit!

Elros:For ??1d8 = 6?? damage


HUGE Fiendish Wolf:The sword scores a small scratch in the wolf's hide.

TMG:And plus str bonus!

Dr. Hatari:Track some, if not all of them. :B

Elros:??6+3+1 = 6 + 3 + 1 = 10?? where +3 is STR bonus

Elros:And +1 because you say so?

Dr. Hatari:It was from the bard's music.

HUGE Fiendish Wolf:What the — that gash didn't seem so big a second ago. >.o

Thomas Lazarus has received initiative.


Faerie:Hey, I think Imma grab some food from convenience store. Back in a few minutes.

  • Thomas Lazarus fights and thrashes through the brush, just barely getting to within arm's reach of the huge wolf.

Faerie:I need PB&J. Getting bored after a week of naught but ramen noodles.

Liatai:Good idea. :3

Thomas Lazarus:Someone is coming down with a bad case of righteous smiting! ??1d20+11 = 8 + 11 = 19?? ??2d8+9 = 10 + 9 = 19??

HUGE Fiendish Wolf:YELP! Now THAT was a solid blow.

HUGE Fiendish Wolf:Not quite enough to down the creature, but still enough to leave a solid gash from shoulder to forepaw!

Tathi has received initiative.

Tathi:First, Tathi tries to keep from losing her spell ??1d20+6 = 16 + 6 = 22?? concentration! Right before she sends yet another firey laser of doom at the wolf! ??1d20+2 = 10 + 2 = 12?? ranged touch attack into melee for ??4d6 = 7?? fire damage! (bless)

Tathi:??1d20+5 = 3 + 5 = 8?? caster check, evocation!

  • Thomas Lazarus kicks off the last of the grasping vines and fixes his stance. Come on, wolf!

HUGE Fiendish Wolf:The spell fizzles against the wolf's hide harmlessly as it sidles in and obliges!

TMG:Wait it get a critical hit.


HUGE Fiendish Wolf:… watch it be a crit. XP ??1d20+11 = 20 + 11 = 31?? for ??1d8+10 = 1 + 10 = 11??!


Dr. Hatari:Figures.



TMG:Ahahahahaha xD

HUGE Fiendish Wolf:Confirm - ??1d20+11 = 8 + 11 = 19??

HUGE Fiendish Wolf:Is that confirmed, cleric, due to your large size?

TMG:wait, what's Thomas' current AC?

Dr. Hatari:Nay! The penalty from size and decreased dex was offset by divine protection. Tom's standing AC is 20.

TMG:saved by the SKIN OF YOUR TEETH. xP

  • Dr. Hatari is totally double-checking though.

Dr. Hatari:Indeed, safe.

HUGE Fiendish Wolf:Still a solid CRUNCH to the upper arm as the wolf's teeth pierce through gaps in the armor.

TMG:that does it

TMG:we ARE making a funnypage about this.

Dr. Hatari:Not that I haven't prepared for that eventuality thoroughly with stacks of Close Wounds spells to survive crits. x3

TMG:COME AT ME BRO part—-what is it, 3? 4?

  • Edaric continues to play, hopping around a little to avoid getting snatched up by vines.

Dr. Hatari:3Dr. Hatari:I mean, maybe. :B

Aelian:"Edaric, you idiot, MOVE!"

Ghostwish:this is why anything that boosts criticals actually hurts the players not the enemies. XP

Thomas Lazarus:"GRAH!!" Tom staggers back as the wolf gets a sizable bite in his arm, but manages to bat it away before any serious wrenching damage is done.

Kethanis Whitebranch:"Apologies, brother…" The druid wrestles a hand out of the plants and intones a spell-phrase of his own. ??1d20+4 = 17 + 4 = 21?? Concentration check…

Dr. Hatari:XD XD XD

TMG:Lulz. Druid Vs Druid

Kethanis Whitebranch:"… but two can play at this game."

Briarclaw Druid:??1d20+2 = 5 + 2 = 7?? Reflex!

Briarclaw Huntress:??1d20+5 = 9 + 5 = 14?? Reflex!

Faerie:And back


TMG:^ relevant :>

Dr. Hatari:This reminds me of an Arena match back in WoW. Let's just say after 25 minutes, I was not happy to be fighting 2 druids.

Briarclaw Druid:"What the —" And then the druid is practically SMOTHERED by vines.

Briarclaw Huntress:The woman with a shortbow fights her way through the vines and shoots an arrow at Elros! ??1d20+5 = 17 + 5 = 22?? for ??1d6 = 3?? damage!

Miron has received initiative.

Miron:Miron-bot struggles for his book of lore while entangled in vines… "Foghorns, freeze-drying — fiendish!" ??1d20+9 = 14 + 9 = 23?? Knowledge (arcana) check for dark knowledge!

Dr. Hatari:How authentic. x3

Ghostwish:Not enough bleeping.

Miron:"Listen here, folks" says the gnome while fighting the foliage. " these creatures, their devil blood makes their hides hard to get through with non-magic weapons, and they resist spells, but if you hit them hard enough, they should fall! *BLEEP!*" +1 on attack and damage rolls from dark knowledge!

Barbarus has received initiative.

TMG:but only against the wolf, right?

Liatai:Only against the wolf, right.

Tathi:Ooo, does that apply to spell damage?

Liatai:Let me check.

Barbarus:??1d20+4+mod = 11 + 4 + 2 = 17?? Fwip! Longbow arrow coming at you for ??1d8+modb = 1 + 3 = 4?? damage!

TMG:what's that target, barb?

Liatai:Nope, it's just attack rolls, not damage. My mistake. ^^;

Liatai:And target?

Barbarus:Wolf. :3

HUGE Fiendish Wolf:Third verse, same as the first. A little bit louder, but the damage is no worse.

Barbarus:End turn. :p

Briarclaw Druid:"You will burn for trespassing in our lands!" the druid snarls — ??1d20+7 = 12 + 7 = 19?? Concentration, and anyone within the evil druid's entangle spell who isn't entangled, roll Reflex again. DC 13.

Gnogglebolt:Reflex! ??1d20+6+1 = 7 + 6 + 1 = 14??


Briarclaw Druid:Bright flames spring to life in the druid's hand, and he flings them ??1d20+2 = 18 + 2 = 20?? toward Thomas! Ranged touch attack for ??1d6+2 = 1 + 2 = 3?? fire damage!

Edaric:??1d20+4 = 13 + 4 = 17?? Hop, hop, strum, strum…

Dr. Hatari:Needless to say.

Ezer:??1d20+6 = 9 + 6 = 15?? Reflex!

Koehel:??1d20+6 = 4 + 6 = 10?? Reflex!

Koehel:"— AWK!"

Kethanis Whitebranch:"Koehel!!"

Aelian:Hunter versus hunter - ??1d20+6 = 15 + 6 = 21?? for ??1d8 = 5?? and ??1d20+6 = 5 + 6 = 11?? for ??1d8 = 6?? rapid-fire arrows!

Gnogglebolt has received initiative.

Dr. Hatari:*adjusts spectacles* Sorry, I fear I'm getting criss-crossed with all these stacking modifiers. Give the wolf 1 HP back; I rolled incorrectly earlier. I believe I've got it now.

Briarclaw Huntress:One of the half-elf's arrows finds its mark in the huntress' shoulder.

Liatai:Go Gnoggle go! :D

HUGE Fiendish Wolf:Oh hey, I feel better. :3


Dr. Hatari:We'll see.

Gnogglebolt:Dodging the vines yet again, Gnogglebolt fires this arrow at the druid again. ??1d20+5+1-1 = 8 + 5 + 1 - 1 = 13?? and ??1d6+1 = 4 + 1 = 5?? damage. "Last chance! Surrender now! No prisoners otherwise!" he shouts across the field, with a voice surprisingly deep for one of his size (gnome thing, apparently)

Gnogglebolt:end turn

Briarclaw Druid:The arrow flies past the druid, whose hands are still blazing with bright flames.

Elros has received initiative.

Liatai:Oh drat. Faerie's still out, isn't he?

Faerie:No, I'm here.

Liatai:Oh, hi! :D

Liatai:Your turn. :3

Gnogglebolt:oh, and deducting another bolt from inventory

Elros:Elros two-handed attacks! Right ??1d20+3 = 5 + 3 = 8?? and left ??1d20+2 = 8 + 2 = 10??

TMG:Ouch :Elros:Elros is, apparently, knocked off balance by trying to swing twice. Oop.

Thomas Lazarus has received initiative.

Thomas Lazarus:"What is it.. with.. wolves, anyway?!" Tom sloughs off his shield and grits his teeth. Soft waves of light begin to roll off of the templar as he rears back; apparently fed up with this string of bad luck against members of the canine persuation, he's going for broke! No holding back at all! (Instant cast, Close Wounds on self for ??1d4+5 = 2 + 5 = 7??, followed by a domain-empowered overhead swing ??1d20+14 = 18 + 14 = 32?? ??2d8+13 = 12 + 13 = 25??)

Liatai:Tech, you don't need to note when you deduct a bolt from your inventory, I trust you to manage it. ;3

HUGE Fiendish Wolf:SLAM!

TMG:I note that stating aloud what I track reminds others to do the same ;)

HUGE Fiendish Wolf:That slice, endowed with the power of the sun, slices the wolf clean in half, severing its spine. It clearly won't be bothering anyone any more.

Tathi has received initiative.

  • Thomas Lazarus tugs his sword from the earth with a grunt and begins catching his breath.

Tathi:First, Tathi tries to keep from losing her spell ??1d20+6 = 12 + 6 = 18?? concentration! Right before she sends a firey laser of doom at the druid! ??1d20+3 = 20 + 3 = 23?? ranged touch attack into melee for ??4d6 = 10?? fire damage! (bless)

Dr. Hatari:!Dr. Hatari:You can crit with rays.

Dr. Hatari:Try it~

Tathi:??1d20+3 = 4 + 3 = 7?? crit confirm!

Dr. Hatari:Durn.

Briarclaw Druid:Do not try to fight fire with fire when facing an evocationist. You'll end up like this guy… burnt to a crisp. The fires in his hands sputter and die away.

Edaric:Hop, hop, strum, strum~

Tathi:Tathi tsks. "Silly old fool."

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt, to his credit…doesn't react much to the sudden death-


TMG:red X is dying, not dead?

  • Kethanis Whitebranch tries to extricate himself from the vines — ??1d20+1 = 13 + 1 = 14?? "Koehel, I'm coming, hang on!"

TMG:That's kinda confusing >.>

Liatai:Check the labels.

TMG:oh, wait

Liatai:Laaaaabels. :B

TMG:you're using it for both dying AND dead? o.o

TMG:Baw. x3

TMG:fine. x3

Liatai:To be fair, it can be hard to tell whether someone's dead or dying from thirty feet away. :B

TMG:Fair enough. I was about to complain, but I supplied myself with exactly that explanation

Dr. Hatari:Especially eyeball-deep in groping vines.

Ghostwish:Tathi: Still not my fetish!

Dr. Hatari:x3* Faerie snerks

Faerie:Tentacles of inappropriateness.

Briarclaw Huntress:The huntress tries to retreat — oh wait. Forgot Kethanis' vines. >:3 ??1d20+5 = 15 + 5 = 20?? Reflex!

MeanyOwl:How long until them vines die off? >:o

Ghostwish:knowledge.. nature? :P

Briarclaw Huntress:And fires off an arrow as a parting gift! ??1d20+5 = 20 + 5 = 25?? shortbow arrow for the giant cleric, ??1d6 = 4?? damage if it hits!

Dr. Hatari:Like forever.

Dr. Hatari:X_x

Briarclaw Huntress:??1d20+5 = 3 + 5 = 8?? crit confirm. XD

Liatai:Oh jeez. XD XD

Ghostwish:Thomas, crit magnet. XD

Thomas Lazarus:"Keth—GAH"

Liatai:Thomas, you need armor with fortification on it, STAT. XD

Dr. Hatari:Apparently.

Miron has received initiative.

Miron:Swear swear swear swear struggle struggle. ??1d20+2 = 9 + 2 = 11?? Strength check.

Dr. Hatari:I have one Close Wounds left, to shave the lethal upper portion of damage off of an otherwise fatal crit.

Barbarus has received initiative.

Dr. Hatari:I do not know if that trick can be used on myself though. :P

Barbarus:"Oh no you don't!"

Barbarus:??1d20+4+mod = 15 + 4 + 1 = 20?? Fwip! Longbow arrow coming at you for ??1d8+modb = 6 + 0 = 6?? damage!

Briarclaw Huntress:The arrow lodges in the huntress' back, but she's still trying to run!

Aelian:Fwip! Have another arrow! ??1d20+8 = 19 + 8 = 27?? for ??1d8+1 = 4 + 1 = 5?? damage!

Briarclaw Huntress:And down she goes into the vines.

Dr. Hatari:Oh dear. Let's see.. size penalty, dex decrease, divine power, morale from bless but not the song, archivist doesn't apply, damage from power, size increase bolt, carry the two…

Dr. Hatari:Oh thank goodness. x3

  • Dr. Hatari puts crossbow away.

Tathi:Tathi mutters something in elven as she tries to wriggle her way out of the vines! ??1d20+3 = 4 + 3 = 7?? escape artist!


Barbarus:"Honduras! Get out of there this instant!"

Ghostwish:buy a pizza

TMG:do the vines disperse if their caster goes down? o.o

Barbarus:??1d20+3 = 17 + 3 = 20?? Handle Animal.


Honduras:Hee-haw! I'm trying! D: ??1d20+3 = 3 + 3 = 6??

Ghostwish:does -any- spell go down when the caster goes down? Is this ever even addressed?

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt starts trying to move out of the vines himself, maneuvering through the thick brush

Tathi:Tathi mutters something in elven as she tries to wriggle her way out of the vines! ??1d20+3 = 20 + 3 = 23?? escape artist!

Dr. Hatari:A caster can dismiss any spell with (D) in its entry as a standard action.

Tathi:Whoa. Hondini elf!

Dr. Hatari:As for disappearing on death… *shrug* :B

Dr. Hatari:Guess not.

Edaric:Strum, strum, hop, hop…

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt finally gets out of the first mass of vines and looks in the mass of vinez Kethanis summoned, brushing himself off and checking his equipment.

Tathi:Tathi manages to get out of the vines without scratching herself or ripping any clothing. Sorry fan boys.

Aelian:"Edaric! EDARIC! Stop playing! They're down!"

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt actually seems…unusually tense, even though the battle's over.

Edaric:"What? — Oh."

Thomas Lazarus:"Haaah… haaah…" Tom raises his head and looks around at the others.

  • Kethanis Whitebranch waves a hand, dismissing his set of vines while trying to escape from the other druid's.

Gnogglebolt:He holds a stern gaze at the fallen bodies in the vines.

Gnogglebolt:well, no longer in the vines now.

Tathi:"Well!" Tathi says simply. "Shall we search the bodies and invesitgate the tent?"

Gnogglebolt:"…Did I state very clear surrender terms?" Gnogglebolt asks, to no one in particular.

Kethanis Whitebranch:??1d20+1 = 20 + 1 = 21??

Kethanis Whitebranch:And Houdini druid, too. o.o

  • Thomas Lazarus straightens his back finally. "I don't think they ever would have agreed to bow to us, considering what they consort with."

Barbarus:??1d20+4 = 5 + 4 = 9?? Search. >:o

Barbarus:On corpsey.

  • Thomas Lazarus narrows his eyes at the fallen ur-wolf and cleans his blade in the grass.

Tathi:"You did not." Tathi says.

Barbarus:??1d20+4 = 7 + 4 = 11?? Second search on this corpsey.

  • Kethanis Whitebranch is focused on freeing Koehel. ??1d20+1 = 8 + 1 = 9?? Str assist.

Gnogglebolt:"…More or less. Not exactly what I was asking though. I stated very clear surrender terms…I repeated the terms. And the terms were not acknowledged?"

Barbarus:??1d20+4 = 14 + 4 = 18?? Search on this tentsy.

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt's gaze has not shifted off the fallen bodies, even as Barbarus starts searching them.

Liatai:Barbarus, wait, will you? XD

Tathi:"Barbarus! Take your time, we're not being hounded."

Barbarus:"Chornic case of the stupids, Gnoggle."

Elros:That does seem to go around. >.>

  • Thomas Lazarus picks up his shield and slides the handle over his scabard, then inserts the blade. He looks to Gnogglebolt with a frown.

Thomas Lazarus:"..Yes, friend.."

TMG:(why is no one actually answering his question directly. You're screwing up my dialogue x3 )

TMG:ah, thank you. x3

Kethanis Whitebranch:D: ??1d20+1 = 4 + 1 = 5?? assist!

Kethanis Whitebranch:D: D: ??1d20+1 = 13 + 1 = 14?? assist again!

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt looks down, then takes a very deep breath, with a hint of shuddering. He then grips the handle of his morningstar.

Gnogglebolt:"Then there will be no prisoners now."

Tathi:"Wait a second." She says, looking at Gnogglebolt. "What exactly are you on about this time? Are you mad we didn't wait for them to surrender or-.. oh."

  • Thomas Lazarus mutely kneels and draws a wand. He attempts to patch up some of Elros' wounds. ??1d8+1 = 1 + 1 = 2??

Kethanis Whitebranch:??1d20+1 = 4 + 1 = 5?? assist again — D: D: D:Thomas Lazarus:And then himself. ??1d8+1 = 8 + 1 = 9??

  • Elros is…healed for 2?

MeanyOwl:Wand has love for the cleric.

Dr. Hatari:Ehn. Dice. :B

Kethanis Whitebranch:"Hang on, Koehel, I've almost got you —" ??1d20+1 = 5 + 1 = 6??

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt moves over to the bleeding bodies, with his morningstar out in his hand. he doesn't move closer to them, yet.

Kethanis Whitebranch:??1d20+3 = 17 + 3 = 20?? Reflex!

  • Thomas Lazarus slides the wand away and looks to Gnogglebolt again. "…"

Tathi:Tathi watches curiously.

Liatai:??1d100 = 12?? ??1d100 = 18??

MeanyOwl:GM-ness? :o

Liatai:I said wait. :B

Gnogglebolt:The hand that holds the morninstar raises just a little bit, and a step closer is almost taken…but then the hand falls limp, and several steps are taken back. Gnogglebolt is shaking slightly.

  • Kethanis Whitebranch is oblivious. Koehel's stuck D:Thomas Lazarus:"Gnogglebolt." He frowns and sounds concerned.

Thomas Lazarus:"You don't have to do anything."

Gnogglebolt:"They…they'll die on their own if we wait long enough, their wounds are great…"

Gnogglebolt:"I…I can't do it myself, though."

  • Elros is just gonna assume he was healed for 2. >.>

Dr. Hatari:Yes, for 2.

Liatai:Yes, Elros, you were healed for 2.

Dr. Hatari:I'm out of Orisons, so unless you want a wand charge for the last 1 point.. :B

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt takes another shuddering breath, and grits his teeth, simply staring at the bleeding bodies and waiting for them to take their last breaths.

Elros:"As much as I hate to say it…would you rather I finish them? It would be…more humane."

Gnogglebolt:"But just..leaving them like this is cruel….I just can't do it myself." He looks up at Elros, and mutely nods.

Tathi:Tathi watches impassively, and then sighs as she walks over, drawing her shortsword. In two quick strokes, she ends the lives of the miscreants.

Elros:"Oh, well…that works also."

Tathi:She sheathes her blade, and turns to look at Gnogglebolt, a neutral expression on her face. "Live a life of war, and you lose a little of yourself. I envy you, Gnogglebolt."

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt sharply intakes breath at the act, but otherwise doesn't react. Beyond a "The deed is done, then."

Gnogglebolt:He also gives Tathi a curious gaze.

Kethanis Whitebranch:"Will someone help me?! Koehel is —" Suddenly, the vines disappear. ??1d20+3 = 2 + 3 = 5?? Reflex…

Thomas Lazarus:"…" He simply gives the fallen ur-wolf a thoughtful look before dismissing his — oh wait.

Kethanis Whitebranch:And bird and druid both fall back on their rear ends. "Umph!"

Thomas Lazarus:"Ah—terribly sorry, friend."

TMG:(FunnyBackgroundEvent. Death of a thousand dramatic moments. )

Thomas Lazarus:Huge-Tom plucks the pair from the grasses & vines.

Honduras:There, I'm out. :D Don't be angry anymore?

Gnogglebolt:At Tahi's words, Gnogglebolt looks down again. "I hope…I hope that doesn't happen to me."

Kethanis Whitebranch:"— Ah… thank you." ^^;

Thomas Lazarus:Then his spells wear off. o.o

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt goes to help barbarus search the tent. He doesn't approach the bodies,

Thomas Lazarus:One for the road. ??1d8+1 = 4 + 1 = 5??

Koehel:AWK! Don't drop us don't drop us — AWK he dropped us! D:Dr. Hatari:x3Gnogglebolt:taking 10 on a search; ??1d20+4 = 7 + 4 = 11??


Gnogglebolt:I mean.

Gnogglebolt:??10+4 = 10 + 4 = 14??

MeanyOwl:Oi. :U

TMG:either that, or an assist on Barbarus, if his result is higher

Liatai:On the druid, you find a well-made club, a well-made sling, a suit of hide armor, a heavy wooden shiel, and a wooden stick with a feather tied to it and a clear crystal on the end.

TMG:masterwork sling? o.o

  • Thomas Lazarus closes his eyes and grasps the symbol at his neck, allowing the two at his wrists to dangle. He whispers a prayer of gratitude.

Liatai:On the huntress, you find a well-made shortbow, a well-made dagger, twelve arrows in a quiver, a suit of studded leather armor, a box of dry dusty powder, a vial of transparent pale green liquid, and two vials of a deep green translucent liquid.

  • Thomas Lazarus cracks one eye aside to Tathi. "How is your stamina holding up?"

Ezer:*sniff sniff* You're quite large. And also quite dead.

Barbarus:"We got potions!"

Liatai:In the tent, you find a variety of supplies; 300 GP, an ebony scroll case, a garnet ring with a swirling gold design, five boxes containing twenty candles each, four axes for chopping wood, flint and steel, an iron pot, 5 boxes containing sausages (probably stolen from a local farm), nine bags of chestnuts, a bag of dried mushrooms, a bag of salt, a bottle of honey, a pouch of spices, a pouch of tobacco, a wooden pipe, and two bedrolls.

Elros:Well, that looks like a fine dinner, at least.

Faerie:You know what we need some time? Animan antics session.

Gnogglebolt:"Barbarus, how much can your mule carry?"

Faerie:*Animal antics

Liatai:Seconded. x3

Tathi:Tathi notes the loot. "Keep it all together, we'll check for magical weaves later."

TMG:liatai; and of course, the tent itself :>

Ghostwish:afk, gotta start dinner

  • Thomas Lazarus dismisses it.

Liatai:And the tent itself, of course. x3 It holds four.

MeanyOwl::OGnogglebolt:"Or, how much would you estimate your mule can carry? to the nearest hundred pounds?

MeanyOwl:AT-4, what are you doing in Akellon?!

TMG:wut? o.o

Ghostwish:XPLiatai:??76*3 = 76 * 3 = 228??

  • Dr. Hatari didn't realize Honduras was a 2x2 piece. >:o

MeanyOwl:??168.5+20+20+8 = 168.5 + 20 + 20 + 8 = 216.5??

Liatai:Maximum light load for Honduras is 228 pounds.

MeanyOwl:??228-216.5 = 228 - 216.5 = 11.5??

TMG:alrighty. It's already carrying the two-person tent that Gnogglebolt bought…anything else?

Liatai:He can drag up to ??230*3*5 = 230 * 3 * 5 = 3450?? pounds.

TMG:(and I'll assume Babrarus said words to the effect of "he can carry a little over two hundred pounds before beginning to slow down)

TMG:(and the two-person tent is 20 lbs, as a reminder)

Barbarus:Honduras currently has two-hundred an sixteen pounds on him. :o

Barbarus:So, he'd be slowed down by this new tent.

TMG:wut? o.O

TMG:what is he carrying? 0_o

Dr. Hatari:Two hundred pounds of what. =3=

Barbarus: (( Barbie's equpiment, plus two new tents, and eight trail bars. ))

Dr. Hatari:Cats? Lazy? It seems so obvious in hindsight.

TMG:barbarus isn't carrying his OWN equipment? and what on earth is so heavy?

Barbarus: (( The various Kits him has, rope, foodstuffs, and seven days of feed. =3= ))

Barbarus: (( Plus the saddle itself. ))

TMG:all that adds up to 168? o.O


TMG:that still seems awfully high

Liatai:… does he really need seven days of feed in a forest full of plants? :B

MeanyOwl:It's what's in the iventory spreadsheet, on the mule. =3=

Thomas Lazarus:"Have you found everything? We don't need to carry it all. We can overload ourselves on the trek back to town."

MeanyOwl:…Also, barbie's apparently got sixty-eight pounds of equipment on him person.



Gnogglebolt:"You're right. Though, let us just take what looks most valuable, just in case." Which, as Gnogglebolt sorts through…

TMG:(also, is the "well-made sling" actually masterwork?)

  • Kethanis Whitebranch looks up at the sky through the tree branches… "Pardon my asking, but how is everyone faring? How are your stores of magical power?"

Barbarus:Barbie inspects the stick. :o

Barbarus:??1d20+5 = 7 + 5 = 12?? Appraise!

Liatai:Yes, it is, and sized for a medium creature.

  • Thomas Lazarus sighs.

Liatai:It's a well-made stick. :B

TMG:well-made club, a well-made sling, a wooden stick with a feather tied to it and a clear crystal on the end, a well-made shortbow, a well-made dagger, a box of dry dusty powder, a vial of transparent pale green liquid, and two vials of a deep green translucent liquid.300 GP, an ebony scroll case, a garnet ring with a swirling gold design

Thomas Lazarus:"I over-did it. I have a modest smite spell and one emergency healing prayer, plus the wand, and my body." He glances to Tathi. "I imagine you're a little worse off."

Kethanis Whitebranch:"I ask because the sun is beginning to creep lower in the sky."

TMG:Unless someone actually strips the dead bodies of their armor.

Ghostwish:and brb, getting dinner

TMG:though the armors are probably heavier than the above list combined

TMG:anyone disagree with the above list of things to grab "for now", just in case?

MeanyOwl:I do not.

Thomas Lazarus:"Hmmm…" Tom squints at the stick.

Thomas Lazarus:"Offer than to Kethanis. I think it's probably a wand, like mine. He might be able to find out what it does. It was a druid's, afterall."

Gnogglebolt:"I suspect it might be magic, so you folks can have fun with it."

Barbarus:The stick is offered.

Kethanis Whitebranch:"Perhaps… but I don't have any identification spells prepared today."

Thomas Lazarus:"Oh, well. They're good for a lot of uses. Just try it somewhere?" :3

Kethanis Whitebranch:??1d20+4 = 8 + 4 = 12?? Spellcraft…

Barbarus:…Barbie has UMD. =3=

Kethanis Whitebranch:"If our magical supplies are dwindling, it may be wise to rest before we draw much closer to our quarry's den."

TMG:….forgot to ask this earlier >.>

TMG:according to the map back at town


TMG:-how- far away was the creek from the town, on foot?

Liatai:A few hours. It's rather late in the afternoon now.

Thomas Lazarus:Tom sighs. "While I want to forge on.. … ..I must concede that our friends advice seems wiser."

Liatai:Around 5 or 6o'pocketwatch.


Thomas Lazarus:"Our spells are almost all gone, and I do not fancy the idea of trying to spot these creatures in the dark, in their own turf."

Gnogglebolt:"Well, that's why I said go easy on the magic, and save most of it for the master…"

  • Thomas Lazarus mutters, "I can barely see a stone's throw away."

Gnogglebolt:"Oh well. If we took out those ravens from earlier, and these lackies here, -maybe- the witch doesn't know we're already on our way to her."

Tathi:"Well, if we are going to take a break, I could get around to checking for magic amoung our latest spoils."

Edaric:"I can ward an area for sleeping in, if we decide to rest. Should be easier on those of us with human eyes," the bard says with a small smirk toward the priest.

  • Thomas Lazarus chuckles blandly for a moment. "That would have been nice, but that wolf did not seem like so casual a threat that we could go easy."
  • Thomas Lazarus nods thankfully to Edaric.

Gnogglebolt:"Well, if forging on is suicide, where the alternative is camping and only -possibly- having our quarry elud us, then very well. Let us make camp."

Liatai:There we go, impromptu graveyard. :B

  • Thomas Lazarus nods slowly. "If we could be sure it was just her, I would personally lead the charge. But she could have another alpha with her. Or maybe two. Or Pelor forbid, a bear."

Elros:"It would do us no good if we were exhausted when we next run into trouble, in any case."

Barbarus:The cat looks at the huge wolf longingly.

Barbarus:"Darn it, why can't she use normal wolves that size?"

Edaric:"Right — if we could set up within an area close to…" The bard paces out an area…

Barbarus:"I could make a crown roast fit for the King from those ribs!"

Gnogglebolt:"Hm…does anyone object to no fire for the night?"

Barbarus:"I can see perfectly well by starlight, so no."

Gnogglebolt:"If there are still ravens prowling, that would assuradly give away our position."

  • Thomas Lazarus raises his brows. "If so, I shall have to pass on keeping watch. My eyes can't make out the interior of a room with just one candle lighting it."

Edaric:"… Something like this? If we can stay inside this circle, I can set up an alarm in case anything comes in and tries to bother us during the night.

Barbarus:Barbie produces a lamp!

Barbarus:"I have a lamp you can use, and lots of oil. :3"

Gnogglebolt:"…Hrm. Not sure I want to put my faith in a magical alarm."

Thomas Lazarus:"Maybe for emergencies. Thank you."

Tathi:Tathi snorts. "You would prefer one that malfunctions or fills your face with smoke, gnome?"

Gnogglebolt:"But if no one else thinks a watch is necessary, then very well."

Aelian:"Maybe not, gnome. But it's saved us a number of times on the road from bandits."

  • Thomas Lazarus smirks.

Thomas Lazarus:"Let's pitch tents, then."

Dr. Hatari:Taking a 5 minute break~

Tathi:"Right then. Gather up all the new ill-gotten gains, and let me have a look." Tathi says, beginning to cast Detect Magic.

Edaric:"I'll help keep watch if it's needed, too… besides. There's one other thing I can do to help." The bard helps with pitching the tents, then unslings the lute from before, tuning it back up. He smirks. "… Any requests? If I'm playing to help protect us, it might as well be something we like."

Gnogglebolt:"I don't suppose you know any Mazian ballads?"

Liatai:The stick, the vials, and the box of dust all glow with magic to your eyes, Tathi.

Edaric:"Mazian…" The man strums the lute thoughtfully. "I don't know many, having never been there myself… but I can give it a try." Perform - ??1d20+11 = 6 + 11 = 17??

Tathi:"Hrm. Well, it suffices to say the vials are potions, but let's just be certain." She says, castin Identify, and tapping each item in turn.

TMG:hour-long casting time? >.>

Edaric:While the bard plays, a soft golden glow suffuses the campsite, settling onto each member of the party… a feeling of calm and safety suffuses the area, despite the surrounding dangers that might be lurking in the area.

TMG:and 100 dollar pealdust wine? >.>

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt smiles, and for the first time since the battle, seems to relax a little.


Miron:Beep boop potion identifying bot. ??1d20+9 = 10 + 9 = 19?? ??1d20+9 = 10 + 9 = 19?? ??1d20+9 = 14 + 9 = 23??

TMG:100 -GP- material component, sorry

Miron:Analysis complete. The transparent green vial is a potion of Barkskin (+2).

Tathi:??1d20+3+1 = 7 + 3 + 1 = 11?? fort save against drunkeness! +1 from the teachings of a drunken master. :>

Liatai:As far as the wand goes… why, it's a wand of cure light wounds!

Liatai:It's about half-used-up, but it should still come in handy.

Tathi:Wow. She just -barely- made the saving throw. :>

Liatai:The dust is dust of dryness.

Liatai:And the two potions that haven't yet been identified are potions of Hide from Animals.

Tathi:"Right, wand of cure light wounds, somewhat used, a dust of dryness.. Well I wonder what they were going to do with that. And a-" She says, and just barely catches a small burp, before continuing, a little red in the cheeks. "And two potions of hide from animals. I swear, whoever made this spell was a booze hound."

Barbarus:"Dryness? :o"

Barbarus:"Why would they have dust of dryness?" »

Barbarus:??1d20+2 = 20 + 2 = 22?? Wis check.

Tathi:"Correct. Did I not just ask that?"

Elros:"Because dust of wetness would just be silly."

Elros:"Highly illogical, even."

Tathi:"Akellon look out, we have a new scholar enroute." Tathi says with a bit of dry sarcasm on the side..

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt snorts.


TMG:how many hours in total did all the identifying take?

TMG:he might be asleep by the time it's all done


Barbarus:"Wasn't there a local drought going on here?"

Ghostwish:The entire spell only takes an hour, Tech.

TMG:yes it does, but can't you only identify one thing at a time?

TMG:or do I have that wrong?

Tathi:"Right, well, I have no interest in all of this, and thus I am going to start my rest. You all know the rules, disturb me for any reason beyond life and death and death will happen. Painfully." She says simply, heading into the tent.

Ghostwish:That, Tech is a long standing debate.

  • Edaric continues to play, even though the spell has been completed… He just seems content to have a lute back in his hands again.

Ghostwish:It states, each item touched.

Ghostwish:Question is.. is that during the HOUR LONG casting time?? Or is it immediate?


Ghostwish:It doesn't specifiy.


TMG:Identify Divination Level: Brd 1, Magic 2, Sor/Wiz 1 Components: V, S, M/DF Casting Time: 1 hour Range: Touch Targets: One touched object Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No The spell determines all magic properties of a single magic item, including how to activate those functions (if appropriate), and how many charges are left (if any). Identify does not function when used on an artifact (see the Dungeon Master?s Guide for details on artifacts). Arcane Material Component: A pearl of at least 100 gp value, crushed and stirred into wine with an owl feather; the infusion must be drunk prior to spellcasting.

TMG:-One- touched object. A -single- magic item.

TMG:I have no idea where you got "each item touched"

Liatai:For listening pleasure;

Ghostwish:… well so they changed it. Again. *sigh* well, way to go Tech. You just ruined the party's identifying scheme, cuz there is no way Tathi is blowing 100 gold a pop.

Barbarus:"…So…if these people have Dust of Dryness, and a local drought has been happening…"


TMG:so, which one thing does Tathi choose to identify? And as for the rest, well…from the things in the DMG and such

Ghostwish:Don't care.

Kethanis Whitebranch:"What are you saying, Barbarus?" o.o

TMG:I think the -sttandard- way to find out the properties of a magic item is to just try it (or at least some small part of it). For example, the DMG says one can sniff a potion and get some vauge hint at it's function

Liatai:Assume the dust was labeled. :B

Barbarus:"I think this bad Druid is orchestrating the drought…for what reason though."

Liatai:And the potions can be identified with Spellcraft checks.

Liatai:Now are we done?

Ghostwish:Duh, but as the ONLY way to be absolutely sure about the properties of a magical item, or, even worse, if it's cursed is via identify, we're still boned.

TMG:righto then, problem solved. :>

TMG:ghost; that's where the fun part comes in ;)

Thomas Lazarus:"An extra wand of curing, you say..? May I?"

Ghostwish:…. tech, you have the weirdest definitions of fun..

  • Edaric keeps playing. ??1d20+11 = 1 + 11 = 12?? Peform check

TMG:From some of the wording of the DMG, it seems to suggest that the risk of just trying something for the heck of it is standard


Dr. Hatari:DONK.

Ghostwish:DM! Request for the next mechanical bit of technology to have an awful, permanent gender-swapping curse on it!

TMG:ghost; well, it's not my definition xD

Edaric:D:Edaric:*tweak tweak tweak fixing a broken string D:*

Dr. Hatari:In his defense, his worst is still better than our best.

Faerie:I second Ghost's motion.


TMG:Liatai's already stated that there are no tech devices to be found in Akellon o.O

Dr. Hatari:Thirded!

Liatai:I'm perfectly willing to houserule that multiple items can be identified with Identify.

TMG:the only way a tech device could be cursed is if someone steals one from Gnogglebolt

Dr. Hatari:Oh, you and your definites.

Ghostwish:DM! A further movement that the device is actually alien in origin, and will inadventently crown gnogglebolt as the king of a highly obnoxious, pop-music loving race of aliens who then abduct him!

Faerie:Oh, I just assumed Ghost meant the next thing you made. >.>

GM:You know what? HOUSERULE!

Dr. Hatari:I put forward the movement that Miron get the spare wand of CLW, since he is the only other person who can operate it more than 50% of the time.

Ghostwish:Done and done.

GM:Multiple items can be identified with one casting of Identify. However, you must hold each item to be identified in your hands at the time of casting the spell.

Dr. Hatari:Oop. >.> *checks stove*

Dr. Hatari:(Why can't I hold all these potions~)

Edaric:Fix fix fix fix tune tune strum~ ??1d20+11 = 14 + 11 = 25??

Edaric::DLiatai:Righto, who's taking first watch?


Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt offers first watch.

Liatai:Spot and Listen checks, watchers!

Elros:I can take whichever.

Kor:??1d20+3 = 15 + 3 = 18?? listen and ??1d20+3 = 8 + 3 = 11?? spot for Kor!

Gnogglebolt:Spot: ??1d20 = 17?? Listen: ??1d20+2 = 1 + 2 = 3??

MeanyOwl:Balanced rolls~

Liatai:Nothing disturbs you during the night… and everyone's natural healing rate is doubled, thanks to the bard's spell.

Elros:Elros will take second watch, or something.

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt removes his armor then, wakes whoever's taking second watch, gives them his pocketwatch, and goes to sleep.

Dr. Hatari:Lasagna get!

  • Kethanis Whitebranch sleeps outside, and seems quite content to do so. Koehel keeps watch from the tents' apexes when he isn't sleeping.

Liatai:Let's check the weather… ??1d100 = 14??

Elros:Woo, second watch. And with a watch, for the watch. ??1d20+10 = 8 + 10 = 18?? spot and ??1d20+8 = 15 + 8 = 23?? listen, just in case.

Kor:Squeak. Who's got cheese? ??1d20+3 = 9 + 3 = 12?? listen and ??1d20+3 = 19 + 3 = 22?? spot for Kor!

Liatai:A clear night. The stars are clearly visible, and the forest is peaceful. Unless, of course, you're not accustomed to forest noises. Then it might seem pretty loud. :B

Elros:Elros is pretty accustomed to forresty noises. Being a ranger, and all.

Liatai:Nothing bothers the group. :3

TMG:and a third watch, to finish off the eight hours? (or are we doing four 2-hour watches?)

  • Dr. Hatari slowly lowers his hand away from the Troll skeleton. >.>

Liatai:Psst. Kor. The druid doesn't have cheese, but he does have some animal treats in his pockets. ;3

Barbarus:Barbie fer de third watch!

Edaric:Edaric takes the third watch as well, refreshing the alarm spell.

Kor:CAT. And the mouse scampers away.

Elros:Elros gives Barbie the pocketwatch, and turns in for the night.

Barbarus:??1d20+4 = 13 + 4 = 17?? Spot. ??1d20+5 = 4 + 5 = 9?? Listen.

Liatai:Nothing disturbs you in the wee hours of the morning, either. :3

Thomas Lazarus:Tom is up a bit early during the final watch, and kneels outside the tent in mute prayer for a time.

TMG:so, 5 or 6o'pocketwatch (assuming six to account for moving about and in-between things), one hour for the indentifying, then eight hours for rest…

Kor:Cat's gone? Goodie.

Tathi:Tathi is also up at this time, although she spends it quietly flicking through her spellbook.

TMG:should be…dang. 2 in the morning o.o

Dr. Hatari::|TMG:..I think.

Kethanis Whitebranch:Kethanis also wakes early, spending some time in quiet meditation under a nearby tree, Koehel sitting on his shoulder.

TMG:no, 3. Sorry

Liatai:Assume the party wakes at a reasonable hour. XP

Dr. Hatari:Then we sleep in more, or went to bed later. It would be counter-productive to bother with that.

Dr. Hatari:A night-time forest raid, I mean.

TMG:alright then…

  • Thomas Lazarus reads manga for like three hours unproductively. =3=

Dr. Hatari:There we go.

Ezer:Ker-yaaaaawn, With big toothy mouth.

Kor:SQUEAK! Back in the tent.

  • Edaric tunes up and plays quietly behind the tent… ??1d20+11 = 2 + 11 = 13??




Aelian:"Some people might not like music in the morning."

Edaric:D:TMG:ah, nevermind

TMG:don't have the alchemy kit with me

Dr. Hatari:Okay, spells re-picked.

Edaric:"They didn't seem to mind at night…"

  • Thomas Lazarus opens his eyes and raises, then sets about rebuilding and rigging his armor & kit.

Aelian:"Yes, but that was night, and you were casting a spell, not playing for no reason before anyone has had breakfast." :/

Tathi:Spells recharged. Everything is so much simpler when you just blow stuff up, eh cleric? :P

TMG:Shoot! ALmost forgot.

Barbarus:Barbie has some trail bars~

  • Dr. Hatari was totally agonizing over the buff/support/attack list. :P

TMG:Deducting 1 trail ration from "yesterday"

Barbarus:And jerky~

Edaric:"Speaking of breakfast…"

Barbarus:Buffalo jerky~

Aelian:"Hmph. Forgot rations again, did you. I'll see what I can find."

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt walks around to stretch again as the others start waking up, then dons his armor.


Barbarus:"I have six spare trail bars…"

Gnogglebolt:He bites into some of today's daily trail ration, then waits for the others to be ready to move out.

Barbarus:"And…what appears to be buffalo jerky..yum. :3"

Thomas Lazarus:"Heeeellllp" Tom pathetically reaches for his pauldron buckles. :B

TMG:(we might be able to get one more encounter done tonight!)

Barbarus:Barbie helps.

Thomas Lazarus:"Thanks. This uniform can be a huge bother."

Aelian:"Bah. Trail bars. I can find something fresher." ??1d20+6 = 12 + 6 = 18?? Survival check.

Tathi:Tathi is already munching on her rations. Kor eats most of it.

Aelian:"There we are. Wild grapes. And ripe, too." :3

Barbarus:"Which is why I prefer simple bone armor."

Barbarus:"whistles in the wind, but much easier to put on."

  • Kethanis Whitebranch shares breakfast with Koehel. :3

Edaric:"… uh, Aelian."


Thomas Lazarus:"I don't know.. wouldn't that make me more attractive to wolves?" He smiles, somewhat nervously.

Edaric:"Did you forget we found a whole stash of food in this tent earlier?" ^^;


  • Aelian facepalms.

Barbarus:"Not if you bleach the bones correctly."

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt checks over his crossbow experimenally, ensuring it's in proper working order. "Righto, so when everyone's ready to go, let us depart as soon as possible…"

Dr. Hatari:The next loot trove should just read, "Beep boop JUST GOLD HAY"

Dr. Hatari::BBarbarus:"If it wasn't for that danged fiendish nature, I could make you some armor from that wolve's bones."

  • Kethanis Whitebranch nods, standing. "The same arrangement of people as yesterday, I imagine?"

Barbarus:"And the fur! Oh, gods it pains me to leave such lucious black fur behind!"

Gnogglebolt:"Indeed. Scouts ahead, track-erasers behind.

Thomas Lazarus:"If you say so."

Thomas Lazarus:"Oh, yes.. I prepared the greater ward for you, Elros. It should last until we've taken care of this. One way or another."

  • Thomas Lazarus casts Shield Other on Elros. +1 AC, +1 saves, and 1/2 of his damage goes to Tom. 4 hours.

Barbarus:??1d20+4 = 6 + 4 = 10?? Spot. ??1d20+5 = 6 + 5 = 11?? Listen.

TMG:just to recheck, did we take -everything- from the tent and druids with us on Honduras, or just the list I compiled?

TMG:It didn't include the food

Dr. Hatari:Probably just the list, we couldn't manage everything and still be Light.

TMG:or the druids armor, unless someone actually stripped them

Liatai:The first thing you encounter this day is a choice.

Liatai:There is a path leading northeast into the forest, and a path leading northwest.

TMG:…did anyone bring the map from the town? >.> or a re we relying on someone who already knows the area?


Dr. Hatari:Interesting. Can we easily spot that spaceship lock-on'd farmer to the northwest?

Barbarus:??1d20+4 = 14 + 4 = 18?? Spot check on that corpse.

Kethanis Whitebranch:"Both of these paths should lead us to the creek eventually…" And yes, you can.

Gnogglebolt:"Hmm… Kethanis, do you know which way—oh. Right then."

  • Thomas Lazarus scowls at it.

Thomas Lazarus:"Whoever killed the local priestess has set up a grim ward to the west."

Thomas Lazarus:"..And so that is where I suggest."

Gnogglebolt:"Well, if it makes no difference, no need to stress over it. I'll flip a coin—eh?"

Kethanis Whitebranch:??1d20+8 = 1 + 8 = 9?? …

Aelian:??1d20+7 = 18 + 7 = 25??…

Edaric:??1d20+5 = 5 + 5 = 10??…

Aelian:"… wait."

Gnogglebolt:"…Right then. Let us go the direction that takes us towards possible evidence. Or possibly a trap, but if it's a trap and we can beat it, well, that few resources for the witch."

Ghostwish:Yes, let's head towards the ghoul- I mean, corpse.

Aelian:"I don't think it's the druid's work… or if it is, only remotely. Do you see those clusters of berries on the tree?"

  • Thomas Lazarus is phazed.

Elros:"If we're looking for trouble, there seems to be trouble to the Northwest. I agree with Gnogglebolt."

Barbarus:??1d20+4 = 2 + 4 = 6?? Spot on them berries.

Barbarus:"What tree?"

Tathi:??1d20+4 = 11 + 4 = 15?? knowledge nature.. anything unusual bout dem berries?

Aelian:"The one with the corpse beneath it," the ranger growls. "They look like wild grapes… but the leaves. They're different."

Gnogglebolt:"Wait…not the work of the druids? And…why is a cluster of grapes important?"

Aelian:"We might be in assassin vine territory, that's why."

Aelian:"Watch your necks."

Thomas Lazarus:"!" He nods.

Barbarus:??1d20+4 = 13 + 4 = 17?? Knowledge nature on assassin vines.

Gnogglebolt:"Oh,?" Gnogglebolt chuckles a little. "Ah, those like to grow in the norther areas of Mazio. Unfortunately, I don't have a Trimomatic with me…"

Gnogglebolt:"Oh, Assasin vines?" Gnogglebolt chuckles a little. "Ah, those like to grow in the norther areas of Mazio. Unfortunately, I don't have a Trimomatic with me…"

Tathi:"Good! Then you won't be exploding on us."

Thomas Lazarus:"Well, lets give it a wide berth, and I won't have to bother using mine."

Tathi:"By the way.. assassin vines have a rather.. disgusting habit of using fresh kills to fertilize themselves."

Gnogglebolt:"As interesting as that is, if we;re sure it -doesn't- have anything to do with out witch, then…

Gnogglebolt:"Yes, I'm aware of that bit. Trimomatics make the harvesting easy and relatively safe, though."

Tathi:"Now, doesn't anyone feel obligated to keep the lands safe from just a threat?"

Edaric:"Should we try to set it on fire?"

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt stops with his mouth open, then looks at the corpse in the distance.

Gnogglebolt:"…Very good point."

Kethanis Whitebranch:D:Kethanis Whitebranch:"No, you will not set it on fire!" >:O "You'll set the whole forest ablaze, what with the drought!"

Dr. Hatari:x3Gnogglebolt:"If people in Akellon don't have the equipment to deal with assasin vines, then let us destroy it. A pity, the wine is worth a hearty sum."

Tathi:"Drought.. hrm.. I wonder if the dust of drying has anything to do with that?"


Dr. Hatari:Double lulz.

Barbarus:"I said so last night."

Thomas Lazarus:"A fair point. Then, how does one go about killing an assassin vine? Where…. ah…. is it?"

Aelian:"Wouldn't do much good anyway. I've heard assassin vines are notoriously fireproof… not sure how true that statement is. Might have been an exaggeration."

Gnogglebolt:"…Hmm. Perhaps we can use that to our advantage, then. I am unfamiliar with this magic dust, so tell me; what would happen if you applied it directly to a plant?"

Thomas Lazarus:"Does it have some fleshy base?"

Gnogglebolt:"It's a mobile vine that twists around a tree. When it senses moment, it attempts to strangle the source, then deposites it at the base of it's host tree, and its own roots."

Liatai:Ahem, Gnogglebolt, Knowledge (nature)? :B

Gnogglebolt:"They tend to be a pest when they're not routinely harvested."

TMG:oh, okay fine, scrath that then

TMG:no ranks, can't make it

Dr. Hatari:x3 x3

Liatai:He knows a bit too much about assassin vines for someone who hates the outdoors. XP

TMG:alright, alright x3

TMG:Good point

Barbarus:??1d20+4 = 6 + 4 = 10?? Knowledge Nature. :3

Ghostwish:CITEH BOHY

TMG:Scratch above lines….

Dr. Hatari:Geh back where ya came in

Liatai:Barbarus knows nothing more than what has already been told to him in a whisper.

Gnogglebolt:"I'm…not sure. I just know Trimomatics make approaching and harvesting a breeze."


Barbarus:"We leave the vine, but mark our location on the map."

Barbarus:"Warn the locals when we get back."

Gnogglebolt:"Ah well, it is just a plant. It shouldn't be that difficult—"


Edaric:"Now that's a sound idea!"

Gnogglebolt:"Splendid idea, Barbarus."

Thomas Lazarus:Phew. Someone wasn't looking forward to inevitably being strangled.

Thomas Lazarus:"Alright." ^^;

Gnogglebolt:(assuming we -have- the map) Gnogglebolt does just that, marking their present location.

Gnogglebolt:"Now, let us go the -other- direction, and make haste! The witch awaits."


Aelian:"Now. Do we believe we can skirt the vine, or shall we head the other way?"

  • Aelian nods. Prepare for vworpage, and roll Listen checks!

Thomas Lazarus:"Indeed. We could read into subtle conflicting clues, or forge on."

Barbarus:??1d20+5 = 14 + 5 = 19?? Listen.

Thomas Lazarus:??1d20+2 = 11 + 2 = 13??

Gnogglebolt:"Well, if we're going to come back the vine's direction anyway, that wouldn't matter…"

Gnogglebolt:Listen: ??1d20+2 = 9 + 2 = 11??

Tathi:??1d20+1+2 = 10 + 1 + 2 = 13?? listen for the elf lady, and ??1d20+3 = 1 + 3 = 4?? listen for Kor!

Liatai:Kor is munching berries. :B

Barbarus:Barbie stops.

Elros:liten ??1d20+8 = 19 + 8 = 27??


  • Thomas Lazarus checks his crossbow during the walk.

Barbarus:"Growling, yipping, further along the path."

Barbarus:??1d20+4 = 2 + 4 = 6?? Knowledge Nature to identify the souns.


  • Thomas Lazarus furrows his brow and whispers, "Something else under attack? Or, playing, maybe?"

Barbarus:Hurr durr.

  • Dr. Hatari pictures a gargantuan wolf with Bane's venom-injector thingy from Batman. D:Dr. Hatari:(And a lucha mask.)

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt snorts. "Perhaps more of the witch's infernal dogs, probably."

Elros:"Mmm. We would do well to be on guard."

Gnogglebolt:"Let us slow our pace and investigate…"

Thomas Lazarus:"Let's use the hide from animal potions."

Liatai:Over to Forest C we go! Your tokens have been pasted. :3

Dr. Hatari:Ffff

Ghostwish:chargin' mah lazors.

Barbarus:??1d20+4 = 9 + 4 = 13?? Spot check on that partially concealed lizardman. >:o

Fiendish Wolf 6:As your approach, the yipping and growling grows louder, until you can finally see its source… a pack of fiendwolves larger than any you've seen before, clustered around the mouth of a cave in a small hill, baying loudly.

Gnogglebolt:"Wait—Kethanis, do your potions of animal hiding work on…infernal…wolves…"

Faerie:That…is a lot of wolves. o.O

Gnogglebolt:"…I very, very much hope the answer to that question is yes."

Dr. Hatari:See, this is why Sudden bullsh*t is good to keep in your back pocket. :B

MeanyOwl:Fifteen wolves.

Liatai:And Barbarus can see the lizard man, with an improvised wooden shield and a rough-looking club, defending the entrance of the cave.

Gnogglebolt:"If not, then I do have another idea."

Kethanis Whitebranch:"They don't."

Gnogglebolt:"Was afraid of that. Thomas, do you have another spell of growth again?"

Edaric:"Quick with the ideas, then, before they either notice us or tear that lizardfolk in there to shreds!"

Thomas Lazarus:He nods, looking serious at the sight of the fiend ocean.


MeanyOwl:hatari too~

MeanyOwl:You pinged out of the IRC~

Tathi:"Hrm. While I could kill quite a few.. this is a lot of them."

Dr. Hatari:That's okay.

Gnogglebolt:"Then let us make a stand. Quickly. All melee fighters make a line, everyone with ranged proficiency in back. Let's let them come to us, and become a meat grinder."

Dr. Hatari:I don't even check it during the game.


Barbarus:??1d20+3 = 4 + 3 = 7?? Handle Animal.

Thomas Lazarus:"Good idea." He whispers and advances a few paces.


Gnogglebolt:"Thomas, be prepared to cast that spell -as- they approach."

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt checks his crossbow.

Fiendish Wolf 6:??1d20+2 = 6 + 2 = 8?? ??1d20+2 = 7 + 2 = 9?? ??1d20+2 = 5 + 2 = 7?? ??1d20+2 = 11 + 2 = 13?? ??1d20+2 = 1 + 2 = 3?? ??1d20+2 = 19 + 2 = 21??

Barbarus:"Kethanis, can you try getting Honduras ready to fight?"

Thomas Lazarus:"…" He nods and casts something else, quickly.

Gnogglebolt:"Elros, move up with Thomas, create a solid line. Anyone else good with melee weapons?"

Fiendish Wolf 8:One wolf pauses in its baying. Make it quick!

Barbarus:"Trying to get the war-mule ready to go."

Tathi:Tathi prepares to fire a spell off, right away.

Kethanis Whitebranch:??1d20+11 = 7 + 11 = 18?? Handle Animal.

Gnogglebolt:"Hurry! here they come—aha! of course!" Gnogglebolt rifles through his pack.

Gnogglebolt:"Anyone with a ranged weapon, back up! Fire over the heads of the fighters to the wolves in back!"

Thomas Lazarus:Thomas invokes Protection from Evil on himself, and whispers a blessing to his blade. Magic Weapon'd.

Dr. Hatari:I'll hold off on extra spells lest I jump the gun.

  • Aelian falls back to the ranged area. Kethanis moves up, pulling a quarterstaff from his pack — O.o?! How did a quarterstaff FIT in there?!

Barbarus:"Gotta stay in range. :/"

TMG:oh -hell- thunderstones are only good against casters o.o

TMG:Alex? You around?


Faerie:Sorry >.>;;

TMG:ahTMG:We're trying to make a battle line. Meleefighters up front, rangeds in back

TMG:Thomas is going to use his enlarge spell

Fiendish Wolf 8:The wolf that noticed you HOWLS to the sky, and suddenly, about half the pack tuns toward you, malice in its eyes. ??1d20+2 = 14 + 2 = 16?? ??1d20+2 = 20 + 2 = 22??

Elros:Elros supposes he's better with swords, so moves up front to attack.

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt pulls out a flask of greenish fluid. "Here they come! Archers, now!"

Tathi:Can Tathi rip loose with a spell? :>

Gnogglebolt:Init: ??1d20+1 = 17 + 1 = 18??

Liatai:Roll initiative, first!

Barbarus:??1d20+2 = 11 + 2 = 13?? Dex check!

Ghostwish:oh sh*t, what buffs are active?

Thomas Lazarus:??1d20 = 10??

Elros:??1d20+3 = 15 + 3 = 18??

Tathi:??1d20+3 = 20 + 3 = 23?? init!

Dr. Hatari:Nothing party-wide, yet.

Dr. Hatari:I was gonna take a ready action to cast Enlarge upon the wolves approach, but inits are down. Thats all she wrote. :>

Edaric:??1d20+1 = 10 + 1 = 11?? ??1d20+4 = 3 + 4 = 7?? ??1d20+1 = 10 + 1 = 11??

Dr. Hatari:Buffs footer'd

Liatai:??1d20+2 = 13 + 2 = 15??

Tathi has received initiative.

Liatai:Now you can let loose with a spell! :D

Tathi:Tathi immediately fires for the closest wolf. Poor unlucky #6! ??1d20+5 = 10 + 5 = 15?? ranged touch attack for ??4d6 = 8?? fire damage!

Tathi:??1d20+5 = 9 + 5 = 14?? caster check, evocation! just in case

TMG:ouch, low roll

Dr. Hatari:Most frequently used spell: LASORS.

Fiendish Wolf 6:The flames blast over the wolf's form, leaving areas of blackened fur and bare skin in its wake.

TMG:…Hmm. According to the map, about how far are we from the target creek?

Liatai:Quite far.

TMG:more than another day?


TMG:er, more than today?

Liatai:Roughly an hour away.

TMG:Ahah. Very well then…

Fiendish Wolf:Two of the wolves leap into the cave - ??1d20+3 = 13 + 3 = 16?? ??1d20+3 = 13 + 3 = 16??

Fiendish Wolf 2:While the lizardfolk man deflects the incoming teeth with his shield, you hear a woman's voice yell from within, followed by a quite florid Elven curse. ??1d6+1 = 3 + 1 = 4??

Gnogglebolt has received initiative.

  • Thomas Lazarus is a bit thrown. He glances back to Gnogglebolt.

Ghostwish:Elven you say?

Liatai:Elven, I say.

Dr. Hatari:Eleven, pass it down.

Liatai:Go Gnoggle go!

Tathi:And what might she have said? :>

Liatai:Something very, very vulgar. :B

Gnogglebolt:"We're not too far from the creek! Casters, conserve your spells!" He holds the flask of green fluid in one hand and his crossbow in the other, and readies an action to toss the alchemist flask when at least 2 wolves are within 80 feet and 1 square of each other

Elros has received initiative.

Elros:"Oh dear. That's not terribly pleasant to hear."

TMG:elros can ready an action to attack the moment something comes in range…unless we decide to break ranks and charge in ourselves.

Liatai:And I mean very vulgar. As in, something you definitely wouldn't say in anything resembling polite company.

Thomas Lazarus:"There are people that need our help beset in there. Let's get their attention over here!"

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt agrees completely, and tries to make general noise and shouts to get the wolve's attention

Tathi:"Tsk, such language. Probably a wild elf."

Gnogglebolt:If he can do that.

Liatai:Your action, Elros? :3

Faerie:…wait, am I getting attention, or waiting>

Faerie:?Dr. Hatari:Bluff check to be loud :d

Dr. Hatari:Kidding~

Faerie:You people are confusing m with strategy. DX




TMG:well, what would Elros do?


TMG:Would he stick to the plan and hold the line in preparation for the wolves to come to him, or would he rush forward?

Dr. Hatari:Alex, just do anything, really. We've got a rapidly changing situation. You could shoot a bolt, or hold your ground, or charge. Although admittedly the last one would probably result in 9 wolves packing around you and destroying you. :x


Elros:Elros stays in place for now, waiting for the wolves to come closer. ??1d20+7 = 15 + 7 = 22?? handle animal check to make Ezer defend Gnogglebolt though.

TMG:which is why Gnogglebolt suggested a wall formation. If we charge in, we -might- win, but we'd sure as heck be surrounded.

TMG:it'd hurt alot

Fiendish Wolf 6:Here come the wolves! >:O Prep your AoOs and readied actions!

Dr. Hatari:Tom: "I'LL BE FINE MY ARMOR IS—" Every wolf crits Tom.

Barbarus:Why hello there. :3

Dr. Hatari:I never actually got to declare my enlarge before inits, so I may have to just derp this round.

TMG:did Elros ready an action to attack the mment one comes in range?

Barbarus:Why good bye, there. :D

Elros:Elros has readied by drawing his swords.

Barbarus:AoO? :3

Honduras:Honduras gets an AoO! HOOF. ??1d20+4 = 6 + 4 = 10?? for ??1d4+3 = 3 + 3 = 6?? damage!


Dr. Hatari:I'm afraid none of them have provoked yet. But if you readied a strike against their charge, you can take that.

Liatai:Nope, no AoO… but Elros can attack one of the wolves. :3

Elros:??1d20+3 = 3 + 3 = 6?? right-handed attack on wolf #8

Elros:And swings wide. Whup.

TMG:Oof :.

Liatai:Gnogglebolt, did you have an action you wanted to do?

TMG:not anymore ^^;

TMG:conditions weren't met anyway. Readied action dropped

Dr. Hatari:Hmm. Elros is level 4 as a ranger, right? So 4 BaB, a pre-established +3 str mod, not to mention possible bonuses to his weapons or feats. He didn't dual-wield, so shouldn't his attack bonus be atleast twice as high?

TMG:(we…actually, no, not dropped until my next turn)

Barbarus:What about this one next to me? ;o

Lizardfolk Man:While the party deals with the sudden tide of hellhounds, the lizardfolk man gives a battle cry and brings the club down HARD. ??1d20+6 = 17 + 6 = 23?? for ??1d6+4 = 6 + 4 = 10??!

Barbarus:Can I AoO him?

TMG:Oh man. Alex, have you been forgetting base attack bonus again >.>

Fiendish Wolf:YELP!

Faerie:TMG: I, um…

  • Dr. Hatari pats. :B

Faerie:I think it's updated in one place on my sheet…but not on the weapons where I'm looking? ^^;;

Dr. Hatari:Just want to make sure you're not selling yourself short, is all.

Faerie:…no, wait, I think it is right


Wild Elf Woman:And the woman's voice from before… lets loose with a primal scream. ??1d20+7 = 12 + 7 = 19?? for ??1d6+4 = 2 + 4 = 6??!

Wild Elf Woman:You hear a THUNK from within the cave. That sounded like it hurt.

Faerie:Um…attach bonus is BAB+STR?


Faerie:For melee

TMG:rangers have full attack bonus progression. That does mean you have +4 to every attack, just to start

Dr. Hatari:Yep.


Faerie:Okay, so I'm only shorting myself 1.


Dr. Hatari:Plus possible masterwork/magic weapon bonuses, and any feats like weapon focus.

TMG:and for melee with a one-handed weapon in your primary hand, add your full str bonus

TMG:what's your str bonus?

Faerie:+3Dr. Hatari:You don't need to take the two-weapon fighting penalties when you just swing once.

Liatai:It still wouldn't hit, unfortunately. >: And no, Barbarus, you can't AoO any of the wolves nearby.

Faerie:Oh, I don't?

Barbarus has received initiative.

Dr. Hatari:Only when you swing them both.

Liatai:Though now you can attack them. :3

Faerie:I assumed I had to take -4 when swinging my primary hand even when not attacking with my other hand.

TMG:right then, with +4 bab, and +3 str, if you make a single attack—oh, no

TMG:heck no!


TMG:You do NOT take two weapon fighting penalties if you're not actually making the full attack!

Dr. Hatari:No, you're okay holding something. It's the act of coordinating both strikes that is so hard.


Barbarus:??1d20+4+mod = 18 + 4 + 1 = 23?? Fwip! Longbow arrow coming at you for ??1d8+modb = 1 + 1 = 2?? damage!


TMG:if you only attack with -one- weapon, use your full bonuses!


Faerie:I think I get it now.


Dr. Hatari:Otherwise Tom would be taking -4 to hit just from having his shield out.

Fiendish Wolf 7:AoO! ??1d20+3 = 17 + 3 = 20?? for ??1d6+1 = 6 + 1 = 7?? , since you're using a ranged weapon in melee.

Dr. Hatari:Or.. -10 or whatever. :B

Fiendish Wolf 7:CRUNCH.

Edaric:The bard does what he does best and plays… +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and weapon damage rolls!

Honduras:Honduras also attacks - ??1d20+4 = 14 + 4 = 18?? for ??1d4+3 = 4 + 3 = 7?? damage!

MeanyOwl:Full atack?

MeanyOwl:In which case, he gets two hoofs. :3

Honduras:??1d20+4 = 9 + 4 = 13?? ??1d4+3 = 3 + 3 = 6??

Honduras:Second hoof misses, first hoof hits.

Kethanis Whitebranch:Kethanis moves up and lays a hand on Barbarus' shoulder… ??1d8+3 = 7 + 3 = 10?? healing!

Kethanis Whitebranch:"Koehel, attack… but be careful."

Koehel:"SKREE!" ??1d20+8 = 19 + 8 = 27?? talons for ??1d4-2 = 1 - 2 = -1??!

Fiendish Wolf 7:Yip! Yip! Ow! Get this bird off my face! >:O

Thomas Lazarus has received initiative.

Thomas Lazarus:"Hrrmm." The wolves rushed up faster than the ex-templar was ready for. He slides a step back and intones a spell - but is promptly standing there again. And there. And there! (Enlarge: Current AC versus Evil: 21)

Dr. Hatari:Done.

Aelian:Longbow shot one! ??1d20+6 = 19 + 6 = 25?? for ??1d8 = 2??! Longbow shot 2! ??1d20+6 = 5 + 6 = 11?? for ??1d8 = 2??!

Miron has received initiative.

Miron:??1d20+9 = 18 + 9 = 27?? "Fried ice cream… Fish… Frangible… Fiendish wolves!"

Miron:"Listen up, everyone — these wolves are a little more fragile than the large one we saw yesterday. They still resist spells, fire, and cold, but they're not so strong against weapons." +2 bonus to attack rolls versus fiendish wolves!

Tathi has received initiative.

Dr. Hatari:Is it just attack rolls and not damage, then?

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt is extra-glad he's holding a green flask in his hand and not an orange one.

Liatai:Just attack rolls, not damage. The bard's song gives you a bonus to damage, though. :3

Dr. Hatari:Gotcha~

Liatai:Go Tathi go! :D

Tathi:Tathi continues her barrage of LAZORS upon the hapless wolves! To #12, ??1d20+5 = 20 + 5 = 25?? ranged touch attack for ??4d6 = 12?? fire damage! ??1d20+5 = 11 + 5 = 16?? caster check, evocation!

Tathi:??1d20+5 = 8 + 5 = 13?? crit confirm!

Liatai:Roll to confirm that crit! :D


TMG:touch AC!

Dr. Hatari:Well, its confirm vs touch.

Dr. Hatari:So BOOMTOWN

Fiendish Wolf 12:And one wolf falls to firey lazors. Seems whatever fire resistance they had? Just wasn't enough to stand up to an evocationist on the loose.


Fiendish Wolf 3:And here comes another group of wolves… Say, Gnogglebolt, does this grouping look any better to you? >:3

TMG:Oooh. Much better in fact, but…ah! Yes!

TMG:Readied action go! (and JUST before my turn, too! xD )

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt hurls the acid flask at wolf number 3! 2 range increments beyond first, to -2 to the attack against touch AC… ??1d20+5+1+1-2 = 15 + 5 + 1 + 1 - 2 = 20??

Fiendish Wolf 3:Still a solid hit. :3

Gnogglebolt:Sweet :D ??1d6 = 5?? acid damage for wolf number 3, and 1 point of acid damage to wolves 10 and 11!

Fiendish Wolf 3:I mean — OH UNHOLY GODS THE BURNING!

Gnogglebolt has received initiative.

Dr. Hatari:Uhg. >.>

Dr. Hatari:Warm, humid day. Saw the first born wasp of the season.

Liatai:D:Dr. Hatari:Beeeees >:O

Liatai:So what are you going to do now, tinker?

Gnogglebolt:And now, Gnogglebolt takes another action. He aims his crossbow in a slightly parabolic trajectory and… fires waaay down field, all the way at wolf #13! -1 for range increment. ??1d20+5+1+1-1 = 11 + 5 + 1 + 1 - 1 = 17??

Gnogglebolt:That should get their attention.

Fiendish Wolf 13:WOW. Good shot! Roll damage!

Gnogglebolt:(if that's a hit, ??1d6 = 4?? damage)

Elros has received initiative.

Gnogglebolt:Finally, he reloads the crossbow. End turn.

  • Thomas Lazarus nods approvingly!

Fiendish Wolf 13:The crossbow bolt lodges itself quite firmy in the wolf's hindquarters. YIP!

Liatai:Go Elros go! :D

Elros:Fiendish wolf number 8! I have no particular quarrel with you. Prepare to die! ??1d20+4 = 18 + 4 = 22?? right and ??1d20+3 = 3 + 3 = 6?? left

Liatai:X3Dr. Hatari:Buff tally: +2 Insight to hit, +1 morale to hit, +1 morale to damage

Liatai:The right one hits. Roll away!

Elros:right hand for ??1d8+3+1 = 2 + 3 + 1 = 6??

Elros:(3 from str, 1 from morale)

  • Dr. Hatari offers dual thumbs. |3

Fiendish Wolf 8:Well, you haven't killed me, but you've given me quite a nasty gash.

Fiendish Wolf 8:And now it's my turn. ??1d20+3 = 17 + 3 = 20?? for ??1d6+1 = 6 + 1 = 7?? to Elros!

Fiendish Wolf 6:??1d20+3 = 13 + 3 = 16?? for ??1d6+1 = 4 + 1 = 5?? to the giant cleric!

Fiendish Wolf 1:??1d20+3 = 7 + 3 = 10?? for ??1d6+1 = 2 + 1 = 3?? to the giant cleric!

Dr. Hatari:Hm. How would one split odd damage with Shield Other?

Elros:Ow. That was rather painful. >.o

Fiendish Wolf 7:??1d20+3 = 9 + 3 = 12?? for ??1d6+1 = 4 + 1 = 5?? to the bird! GET THIS THING OFF ME! >:O

Liatai:??1d2 = 2??

Dr. Hatari:Koehel tanks it like a pro.

Liatai:Thomas takes 3, Elros takes 4.

Thomas Lazarus:Envy! >:o

Faerie:…wait, that's 4 instead of 7?

Liatai:Yep. Took care of it for you on the token. :3

Faerie:Mkay. o.o


Dr. Hatari:Indeed. Thomas' protection spell from earlier saved Elros from half his damage.

TMG:oop. And that reminds me, forgot to heal gnogglebolt from the night's rest

Fiendish Wolf 5:The other wolf from the first bit moves in… Roll your AoO, Thomas!

TMG:just 1 point

Thomas Lazarus:Chance. *_* (Taking AoO! ??1d20+12 = 3 + 12 = 15?? ??2d8+7 = 7 + 7 = 14??

Dr. Hatari:Note that Thomas' sword is temporarily magical for DR purposes.

Fiendish Wolf 5:DR or not, you sliced it open before it had a chance to attack you.

Lizardfolk Man:The lizardfolk man in the cave goes at the wolf in front of him with a club - ??1d20+6 = 3 + 6 = 9?? for ??1d6+4 = 4 + 4 = 8??!

  • Thomas Lazarus glares down condemningly at the approaching wolves, even as he liberates his blade from one of them.

Wild Elf Woman:??1d20+7 = 4 + 7 = 11?? for ??1d6+4 = 4 + 4 = 8??!

Wild Elf Woman:You hear no thunks this time.

Barbarus has received initiative.

Barbarus:Bow-blade, do your stuff! ??1d20+2+2+1 = 4 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 9?? Piercing damage for ??1d4+1 = 1 + 1 = 2?? damage~


Barbarus:End turn.

Liatai:Whiff. Roll Honduras' attacks!

Honduras:??1d20+4 = 4 + 4 = 8????1d20+4 = 18 + 4 = 22??

Honduras:??1d4+3 = 1 + 3 = 4??

Fiendish Wolf 1:HOOF'D!

Edaric:Play, play~ Don't forget your buffs~

Kethanis Whitebranch:And here comes a thwack over the head with a staff for you, wolf. ??1d20+5 = 17 + 5 = 22?? for ??1d6+2 = 2 + 2 = 4?? damage, plus Koehel scratches for ??1d20+8 = 17 + 8 = 25?? ??1d4-2 = 1 - 2 = -1??!

Dr. Hatari:Koehel! >:O *becoming fan*

Fiendish Wolf 7:YELP! OW! QUIT IT! >:O

Thomas Lazarus has received initiative.

Thomas Lazarus:Tom takes a step back and sends a heavy upward-sweeping blow towards Wolf 6! ??1d20+12 = 16 + 12 = 28?? ??2d8+7 = 12 + 7 = 19??


  • Thomas Lazarus sends it blasting off again!


Fiendish Wolf 6:Indeed he does. o.o Wolf fillet, anyone?

Aelian:Another set of arrows! ??1d20+6 = 19 + 6 = 25?? for ??1d8 = 2??, and ??1d20+6 = 18 + 6 = 24?? for ??1d8 = 8??!

Fiendish Wolf 3:SO close to crits. But they did this wolf in, nonetheless.

Miron has received initiative.

  • Thomas Lazarus does his best to bellow out at tht cave entrance, "HOLD ON!"

Dr. Hatari:*the @_@

Miron:Beep boop, dispensing fear-causing brand of justice in Cuthbert's name on Wolf 8. Boop. ??1d20+1 = 20 + 1 = 21?? Will save partial.

Fiendish Wolf 8:The wolf laughs at your puny robots! LAUGHS!

Tathi has received initiative.

Dr. Hatari:x3Tathi:Tathi notes one in the back that hasn't been harmed yet. Well. There's a quick fix to that! ??1d20+5 = 8 + 5 = 13?? ranged touch attack for ??4d6 = 14?? fire damage! Also, ??1d20+5 = 3 + 5 = 8?? caster check, evocation! Take THAT, #14!

Fiendish Wolf 14:OW. I don't like you. >:O

TMG:Bot doesn't use the crossbow? Ah well.

TMG:Oh, shiesse, deducting crossbow bolt from inventory, almost forgot :o

Dr. Hatari:Well, he didn't have much of a good line of fire with anybody.

MeanyOwl is disconnected.

Ghostwish:what cross- oh, you mean bot-boy

TMG:he could fire at one range increment, like I did. It's only a -1

TMG:Ah well. x3

Thomas Lazarus:Chance. *_* ??1d20+12 = 11 + 12 = 23?? ??2d8+7 = 9 + 7 = 16??

Fiendish Wolf 14:SLICE. And another pile of butchered fiendish wolf lands beside the first.

Fiendish Wolf 10:OM NOM MULEFLESH. ??1d20+3 = 6 + 3 = 9?? for ??1d6+1 = 1 + 1 = 2??!

Fiendish Wolf 11:OM NOM MULEFLESH. ??1d20+3 = 5 + 3 = 8?? for ??1d6+1 = 4 + 1 = 5??!

Dr. Hatari:Outmule'd!

Fiendish Wolf:OM NOM LIZARDFLESH. ??1d20+3 = 2 + 3 = 5?? for ??1d6+1 = 2 + 1 = 3??!

Fiendish Wolf 2:OM NOM ELF-FLESH. ??1d20+3 = 17 + 3 = 20?? for ??1d6+1 = 6 + 1 = 7??!

Dr. Hatari:The most delicious flesh is clear.


Faerie:…which elf? >.>



Dr. Hatari:BUT I JUST -

Fiendish Wolf 13:OM NOM LIZARDFLESH. ??1d20+3 = 2 + 3 = 5?? for ??1d6+1 = 4 + 1 = 5??!

Gnogglebolt has received initiative.

Liatai:x3Dr. Hatari:Afk a few, just grabbing some things~

Ghostwish:*Meany*: Tell Lia I said no. :o *Meany*: And that someone is DnDing At World's End. *Meany*: And that we must lynch these people.

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt nods in satisfaction that now there are only two wolves assaulting the people in the cave, whoever they are, so he hopes they can at least take care of them on their own. He maneuvers to take a shot at one of the closer wolves, while saying "Tathi! Trying using a less-powerful spell, we're only an hour away from the creek!"

Gnogglebolt:And he fires a crossbow bolt at wolf 9. ??1d20+5+1+1 = 14 + 5 + 1 + 1 = 21??, and ??1d6 = 4?? if a hit


Liatai:One sec, Meany can't see the server. D:TMG:uhoh

Liatai:The wolf does take a hit… and restarting the server in 3…



You have disconnected.

Server started.

Ghostwish has connected.

TMG has connected.

Faerie has connected.

Dr. Hatari has connected.

MeanyOwl has connected.


TMG:ah, whewe. You did save the campaig file before rebooting

MeanyOwl:Got your torches and pitch forks eady?

TMG:init preserved

Dr. Hatari::OTMG:and yup, end turn


Liatai:I see no init. D:Dr. Hatari:Weird.

Ghostwish:I see no init. :O


TMG:Go to the right map?

MeanyOwl:I see Init.

TMG:I see it…it's still here

MeanyOwl::3Liatai:Crud… okay. It was Tathi, wolves, Gnoggle, Elros, wolves, then what?

Dr. Hatari:Tathi 23, Wolf 422, Gnogglebolt 18, Elros 18, Wolf 616, Lizardfolk 15, Barbarus 13, Edaric 11, Kethanis 11, Tom 10, Aelian 7, Miron 0

Ghostwish:Oh! Wow. Never knew init was map by map.

Ghostwish:Liatai, the init is only on forest C. :>


MeanyOwl:Torches, pitcforks?

TMG:yeah, init is keyed to a map

Liatai:I'm getting an error whenever I try to add things to init. D:Ghostwish:why?

Dr. Hatari:…?

Ghostwish:Liatai, the init is only on forest C. :>

Liatai:I know, I'm on Forest C, I'm getting errors.


TMG:meany; what are you going on about?

MeanyOwl:Some folks ar DnDing At World's End.

MeanyOwl:I told Ghost to tell you. :O


MeanyOwl:So we could lynch them.

Ghostwish:I did.

  • Dr. Hatari has no idea what that means.


MeanyOwl:For this horrible abominations.

Ghostwish:Neither do I.

Liatai:Going to do this the old-fashioned way.

TMG:yeah, I'm clueless, too

MeanyOwl:Pirates of the Caribbean.

Liatai:Tracking init by hand.

Liatai:Let's do this thing! >:O

Liatai:Go, Elros!

TMG:Anyways! I can see the init, as can meany and others

TMG:it is now Elros'—yeah

TMG:after elros, the red-box wolves

Caswin has connected.

Dr. Hatari:Hi Caswin~

Elros:Elros tries again! Fiendis wolf number 8! ??1d20+4 = 10 + 4 = 14?? right and ??1d20+3 = 18 + 3 = 21?? left

Elros:??1d8+3 = 8 + 3 = 11?? left hand damage

Ghostwish:whoa, errors?

Liatai:Guys, there's a big big problem. D:Dr. Hatari:Hm. So it seems.

Liatai:So many errors whenever I try to do anything. D:TMG:Uhohs

Caswin:I got one, too.

Faerie:Why's there gotta be a problem now? I just hit for 11. D:Ghostwish:Save campaign, shut the program down. :>

Faerie:…12 even, since I forgot +1 bonus.

TMG:Yup. Looks like ya need to totally reboot MT liatai…happens every now and then

Liatai:Don't worry, I'll save and shut down. ^^;

TMG:save log in progress


Server disconnected.

Server started.

Faerie has connected.

Ghostwish has connected.

TMG has connected.

Ghostwish:I WIN- damnit.

MeanyOwl has connected.

Elros has received initiative.

Dr. Hatari has connected.

Liatai:Faerie, you can roll right hand damage, too, if you want to see just how dead this wolf is. :3

Caswin has connected.

Elros:??1d8+4 = 2 + 4 = 6?? right hand damage

TMG:liatai, did you save the log in progress?


MeanyOwl:I hopehopehope.

Fiendish Wolf 8:The answer to that is… very, very dead.

MeanyOwl:We get EXP out the wazzzoo.

MeanyOwl:For taking on an entire pack of these buggers.

MeanyOwl:And winning.

Liatai:Oh you will. x3


Faerie:Overkill! /Halo announcer voice

Ghostwish:hrm. question. can you share space with a large ally?

Fiendish Wolf 7:YOU HOLY BIRD! ??1d20+3 = 11 + 3 = 14?? for ??1d6+1 = 1 + 1 = 2?? damage!

TMG:I…do not believe so…

Fiendish Wolf 7:Miss~

TMG:I could be wrong.

Liatai:I think small characters can…

Fiendish Wolf 1:YOU HOLY — GIANT — THING! ??1d20+3 = 4 + 3 = 7?? for ??1d6+2 = 6 + 2 = 8?? — the wolf's teeth practically drip malevolence and drool.

MeanyOwl:Evil is incompotent, it seems~

Lizardfolk Man:THWACK! ??1d20+6 = 12 + 6 = 18?? for ??1d6+4 = 5 + 4 = 9??

Wild Elf Woman:??1d20+7 = 10 + 7 = 17?? for ??1d6+4 = 3 + 4 = 7?? THWACK!

Caswin:Is "Holy" an insult around these parts?

  • Dr. Hatari is shaved and dressed, ready to go, wooo cookies. But later. =3=

Liatai:For fiendish creatures, it is. :P

Barbarus has received initiative.

Barbarus:??1d20+2+2+1 = 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 7?? Bowblade punch!

Barbarus:Why do I even bother?

Liatai:Now for the mule!

Honduras:??1d20+4 = 8 + 4 = 12??

Honduras:??1d20+4 = 14 + 4 = 18??

Honduras:??1d4+3 = 1 + 3 = 4??

Liatai:On which wolf? Three are in hoof range.

MeanyOwl:1.Fiendish Wolf 1:One, as in, one dead wolf.

Edaric:Play play play, strum strum strum~

Kethanis Whitebranch:??1d20+5 = 15 + 5 = 20?? quarterstaff thwack for ??1d6+2 = 4 + 2 = 6??! Koehel claw attack for ??1d20+9 = 12 + 9 = 21?? for ??1d4-1 = 4 - 1 = 3??! Forgot birds benefit from bardic music too. :B


MeanyOwl:Aw, dang.

Fiendish Wolf 7:Death by BIRD. How humiliating!

MeanyOwl:Eyes bluring up. >

Thomas Lazarus has received initiative.

MeanyOwl:Need tea.

Fiendish Wolf 9:AoO on the giant cleric! ??1d20+3 = 3 + 3 = 6?? for ??1d6+1 = 4 + 1 = 5??!

Thomas Lazarus:Tom doesn't seem to mind the danger he puts himself in by advancing. (Provoke'd!)

  • Thomas Lazarus shoots a glare aside and returns the favor! ??1d20+12 = 5 + 12 = 17?? ??2d8+7 = 3 + 7 = 10??

Fiendish Wolf 9:Returns it… dare I say, ten-fold, with that damage roll? :P

MeanyOwl:All red box wolves are dead!

MeanyOwl:Two-fold, methinks. :o

Dr. Hatari:Ohhhh..! *bites lip stupidly grinning * B:Dr. Hatari:So proud!

Liatai:Bah, ruin my pun, why don't you. :P

MeanyOwl::PAelian:Longbow arrows! Fwip! ??1d20+7 = 14 + 7 = 21?? for ??1d8+1 = 2 + 1 = 3??! Fwip! ??1d20+7 = 1 + 7 = 8?? for ??1d8+1 = 4 + 1 = 5??!

Miron has received initiative.

Caswin is disconnected.

Dr. Hatari:..Huh. Can I provide him flanking with my reach, or does it have to be my token?

TMG:I'm pretty sure you can flank with reach

Dr. Hatari:H'okay. :3

TMG:as long as you are threatening the target from the opposite side of someone else with a mele weapon

Miron:Here comes righteous-midget-bot! ??1d20+9 = 16 + 9 = 25?? for ??1d6+2 = 3 + 2 = 5?? damage! And yes, you threaten the square, you provide flanking. :3

Tathi has received initiative.

Tathi:Tathi moves in as she fires off spell after spell, this time flinging a pair of magic missiles into the fray. One at 4 ??1d4+1 = 4 + 1 = 5??, and one at 11 ??1d4+1 = 3 + 1 = 4??!

Honduras:Could use some flanking over here too.

Ezer:Gah! Stop moving little gnome, I'm supposed to be guarding you!

Fiendish Wolf 11:Dead and — well, not dead, but hurting!

Fiendish Wolf 10:OM NOM CLERIC. ??1d20+3 = 16 + 3 = 19?? for ??1d6+1 = 6 + 1 = 7??

Fiendish Wolf 11:OM NOM MULE. ??1d20+3 = 4 + 3 = 7?? for ??1d6+1 = 1 + 1 = 2??

  • Thomas Lazarus shakes it off his leg. >:|

Fiendish Wolf 13:OM NOM ELF. ??1d20+3 = 6 + 3 = 9?? for ??1d6+1 = 5 + 1 = 6??

Gnogglebolt has received initiative.

  • Fiendish Wolf 10 is shaken around trying to bite on the steel. Grr, grr, grr! I'm a vicious ankle-biter! FEAR ME! >:E

Gnogglebolt:"Yes! We've got them now! Advance!" Gnogglebolt says. There's no more targets he can feasibly attack with his crossbow (shoot! deduct'n another bolt, I keep forgetting), he stows his crossbow and begins to advance towards the cave, drawing his morningstar as he does so

Gnogglebolt:end turn

Elros has received initiative.

Caswin has connected.

MeanyOwl:Watch Ezer pounce Gnoggle to keep him from wandering off.

Liatai:XDLiatai:Yes. XD

MeanyOwl:Ezer: Good gracious, you're worse than a newborn! >:E



Ezer:D: !

Fiendish Wolf 11:You LIE, gnome! You don't have us! You'll never beat our pack — oh wait, what, you mean there's only three of us left? … Well bugger. D:Ezer:Pounce pounce~

Thomas Lazarus:"Good thinking with the wall strategy, friend."

TMG:and elros can five-foot step and wail on #10!

Fiendish Wolf 10:He says with a wolf trying to gnaw his ankle off. Grr, grr, grr. >:E

Dr. Hatari:And there is the electronic ding. Goodnight my friends. I have put it off to (literally) the last minute, but I must now depart to make like 600 cookies.

Dr. Hatari:I'll leave my client open to watch the rest.


Dr. Hatari:Bye~


Liatai:See ya!


TMG:What would thomas's general action be, so Liatai can auto him if necessary?


Dr. Hatari:Bust up a wolf, heal wounds

Dr. Hatari:Lata


Liatai:XDCaswin:Liatai:Any actions from Elros?


Faerie:Whup, sorry



Faerie:Can't move across dead enemies?

TMG:if you take only a 5 foot step instead of 10, you can still have a full attak

TMG:no no, you can STAND on dead enemies. x3

Faerie:Ah, well then.

Liatai:At the moment, you're standing on two butchered wolves. x3

Caswin is disconnected.

Elros:5-foos step, and attack Feindish wolf 10 from atop a pile of dead wolves, presumably looking accidentally badass while doing it. ??1d20+4 = 18 + 4 = 22?? right and ??1d20+3 = 19 + 3 = 22?? left

Caswin has connected.

Fiendish Wolf 10:The wolf was too busy trying to gnaw the cleric's ankles off to notice your approach — and quite badass indeed. Roll damage with both hands, and roll to confirm the crit on the left! :D

Elros:??1d20 = 1?? crit left


TMG:still a hit

Elros:??1d8+4 = 1 + 4 = 5?? and ??1d8+4 = 6 + 4 = 10?? damage

Elros:??5+10 = 5 + 10 = 15??

Fiendish Wolf 10:SNICKER-SNACK.

Fiendish Wolf 10:And there's another dead wolf for the pile.

Elros:"It's dead, Jim."

Lizardfolk Man:??1d20+6 = 18 + 6 = 24?? for ??1d6+4 = 6 + 4 = 10?? club smack!

Lizardfolk Man:"Luethil! Hold your ground — you're not going to believe this."

Barbarus has received initiative.

TMG:meaneh? Mule-stomp time. :>

Barbarus:??1d20+4+mod = 10 + 4 + 1+2 = 141+2?? Fwip! Longbow arrow coming at you for ??1d8+modb = 1 + 1 = 2?? damage!



Liatai:… no worries, I can add it up by hand. XD

Barbarus:??1d20+4+2+1 = 17 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 24??

Barbarus::3TMG:what the f—

TMG:??1d20+4+mod = 17 + 4 + 1+2 = 211+2??

Fiendish Wolf 11:STAND YOUR GROUND — wait I'm the only one left?! D: Oh — OW ARROWS PAIN!

TMG:that is the darn strangest thing.

Honduras:??1d20+4 = 11 + 4 = 15?? ??1d20+4 = 9 + 4 = 13??

TMG:Right then. Don't put x+x in a variable

Fiendish Wolf 11:OW HOOVES PAIN!

Honduras:??1d4+3 = 4 + 3 = 7????1d4+3 = 3 + 3 = 6??

TMG:one number only

Fiendish Wolf 11:OW PAIN PAIN dead.

Barbarus:"Kethanis. I need you to either hit me or explain to me in no uncertain terms why these wolf carcasses can not be salavaged, and need to be burned. D:"

Gnogglebolt:"Excellent! Now, let's find out who the largest group of wolves we've seen so far are attacking, and why…"

Liatai:Though I think we'll leave off the who and why until next session. :3

Gnogglebolt:Gnogglebolt looks at the animal that's been following him, and gestures "Come on!"

Gnogglebolt:oh, allright. x3

TMG:EXP, then?

GM:Now, who wants EXP~?

GM:Let's hear those nominations!

MeanyOwl:Tathi for LAZOR.

MeanyOwl:Elros for Ezer schenannigans.

MeanyOwl:And for badassery.

TMG:Barbarus for "Fear of Death" x3

GM:Everyone gets 100 XP for Bird is the Word Part 2, 400 XP for The Alpha and the Druid, and 500 XP for Pack Seige. As well as 100 XP for roleplaying.

GM:You wanted EXP out the wazoo? YOU GOT EXP OUT THE WAZOO. x3

TMG:??100+400+500+100 = 100 + 400 + 500 + 100 = 1100??

Ghostwish:Barbarus for GOD DAMN YOU BOW WHY WON'T YOU WORK

Elros:??7000+100+400+500+100 = 7000 + 100 + 400 + 500 + 100 = 8100??

TMG:alllmost to lvl 5—whu? o.o

TMG:how did you start with 7000 EXP, alex? o.O

Faerie:Because I missed a session? :B

GM:Barbarus - 100 XP - Old Woman Death. 50 XP - Pelt Envy.

MeanyOwl:??100+100+2400+500+100+50 = 100 + 100 + 2400 + 500 + 100 + 50 = 3250??

MeanyOwl:Oop, typo.

TMG:erm, I think you typo'd that, meany >.>

MeanyOwl:Yep. :3

MeanyOwl:??100+100+400+500+100+50 = 100 + 100 + 400 + 500 + 100 + 50 = 1250??

MeanyOwl:??7400+1250 = 7400 + 1250 = 8650??

GM:Elros - 150 XP - Ezer Shenanigans. Get back here, I want to defend you! D: 100 XP - Standing on a two fiendwolf corpses while slicing another to bits with your two swords, one black, one bright steel. Accidental badassery my foot, you planned that. :P


TMG:And Thomas for COME AT ME BRO part 3!

GM:Tathi - 100 XP - LAZOR. 100 XP - Watch-Rat. Not only humanoids can stand watch!

GM:Gnogglebolt - 100 XP - No Prisoners.

GM:Thomas - 50 XP - COME AT ME BRO. You need fortified armor. :B 50 XP - TOM SMASH.

Ghostwish:??7400+100+400+500+100+100+100 = 7400 + 100 + 400 + 500 + 100 + 100 + 100 = 8700??

GM:I think that's everyone… Did I get everyone except Miron-bot? :3

Ghostwish:No nominations for Tathi's little PTSD session? :P

TMG:-tathi-'s PTSD? :P

Liatai:Tathi - 50 XP - War. War never changes.

Ghostwish:Uh, yah, the part where she offed the dying folk, and then went all war never- LOL Liatai XD

TMG:Ah, okay. x3

TMG:guess I don't know the definition of PTSD then, but okay :B

GM:Any last words for the server, or shall we take this to IRC? :D

TMG:Not at the moment…

Ghostwish:it's not just freaking out. it's also the flip side of the spectrum. Total numbness. :|

Ghostwish:And I be done. :>

TMG:well, except I got warm fuzzy when Thomas praised Gnogglebolt for his plan. x3

TMG:"Yay! I am successful strategist!"

Liatai:x3Ghostwish:1250 to level for me. :>

TMG:13…1250 for me, too :o

Faerie:IRC is fine with me.

GM:And now, to the IRC we go! :D

MeanyOwl:Seriously. It's getting hard to make Barbie not skin these boys for their pelts.

MeanyOwl is disconnected.

GM:Server shutdown in 3… 2… 1….


Ghostwish is disconnected.

TMG:save campaign file, and log?




TMG:okay, just checking. x3

TMG:Alwasy gotta check. better safe than sorry. x3

You have disconnected.

Session 30 - Akellon Wiki (2024)


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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.