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I I i i I 4 i 14 Evening News Thursday Nov 30 1978 1 6 Home Services 10 Personal 22 yean old man wtsties to meetmart attractive young lady 18 23 for friendship outings etc Box NA64 YOUNG man 24 with outgoing personality seeks lady similar for friendship which might lead to per manent relationship Box NA 61 RESIDENT Caretaker for Doctor's surgery required to take messages and clean Two bedroom flat avail able Box NA 52 SAMARITANS will hsten anytime Are you desperate suicidal? Ring Bolton 21200 Write 16 Bark Street Bolton YOUNG gentleman seeks company of young Isay for friendship outings etc Box PNA 65 HAVE you a Drinking Problem? Tel Bolton 25566 7 10 pm or 21200 anytime GRATEUL thanks to St Jude for favours received THINKING of you too Harvest Moon Little Star Box NA58 13 Personal Services 14 Hairdressing MARILYN TAYLOR 644 Chorley Old Road BOLTON Telephone 43015 Out of town prices inest quality products only used Private car park JANEIL SALON AH your Hairdressing requirements catered for by Janet O'Nail at her newly opened Salon in Ashworth Lane Astley Bridge Tel Bolton 591502 HAtRashlons New manage ment offer lower prices on permingnd styling special reductions for senior citizens Tuesday and Wednesday Appointment not al ways neccessary 41a Brad shewgate (above Broader and Spencer) Tel Bolton 2 1 292 Gas Central Heating Look what you get with Servowarm: Systems for every home Expert fast installation Low running costs ir Abundant supply of hot water on tap Dependable Nationwide service Over 50 branches In the Attractive finance arrangements i Call 061 773 2383 or Bolton 384229 or write to SHS (Bury) Ltd 429 Bury New Road Praatwich now for friendly advice and a free quotation without obligation A i i HAVE YOU BEEN TO Don't miss most attrac tive display of pine cane and wicket furniture Complemented by a fine range of Hand thrown Pottery Brass Copper and Wicker Were to solve all your gift problems and who knows you may be tempted to spoil yourself for a change I 106 Deansgate Bolton Telephone 385566 also at 4 Borough Road Darwen CHRISTMAS Treat your Carpet or Suite to a REVITALISING CLEAN Using the Superior STIMVAK DEEP STEAM EXTRACTION PROCESS or details Tel Lenco Wigan 56086 YOUR doth or ours Made to measure home visits can be ar ranged Call or ring Malcolm Boyd Tailors 142 Deansgate Bolton Tel 26889 (Access and Bar claycard) LYNN late of Peters of London wishes to announce the opening of her own Salon at 59 Gladstone Road arnworth Tel aro worth 791903 In Town styles at out of town prices MOBILE Hairdressing by Phil Appointments day or evening highlights cut blow el Bolton 63418 (evenings) THREE Salon Hair Dryers and Dryer Bank £60 ono Tele phone Bolton 24321 15 Business Services WAR OA WASTE RUBBISH 6ns o'! hiuvor for contracts ISpfPHWE BOLTON 'Ci Wateifco street Bolton a rs 4 Carpets and Three piece Suites cleaned as new by Bolton's leading cleaners High class upholstery serv ice for chairs ana three piece suites BOLTON CARPET CLEANERS SPA MILL SPA ROAD BOLTON 23772 PRINTING run out) Contact Houghton Press Westhoughton 815557 day Bolton 63241 evenings for fast delivery Crompton (Building Services) LTD CURE RISING DAMP Silicone injection damp course With 30 year guarantee approved by local authority and building societies COMPLETE decorating service domestic and commercial wotk undertaken 99 MARKET STREET ARNWORTH arnworth 74674 and 71544 after 6 pm 75685 CENTRAL HEATINQ SPECIALISTS GAS OIL SOLID UEL CONVERSIONS INANCE ARRANGED REE QUOTATIONS TELEPHONE OICE HOURS 1 ARNWORTH 74674 OR PROMPT SERVICE KILDARE BUILDING SERVICES LTD 100 102 KILDARE ST ARNWORTH Tel Night arnworth 793103 793359 SCP Toupee Co inest toupees professionally styled Keenest prices Bolton 20887 day 492695 Evenings CONSULTANT Hypnotist and psychologist Ian Hurdler BA Write Came House Markland Hill Bolton or Phone Ramsbottom 3887 ARAN Knitting Orders now being taken for 1979 Tel Bolton 491568 PREGNANCY Laboratory Urine Test Result same day £2 Tele phone Bolton 67348 HYPNOTISTPSYCHOLOGIST Mn Knights has helped thousands of people overcome smoking over weight emotional problems phobias migraine etc ree booklet on request Contact Mrs Knights Spinners Hall 77 St George Road Bolton Tel: Bolton 21580 or 41627 ARNWORTH Health Club for gymnasium sauna alendertone body wraps solarium facials leg waxing' depilex electrolysis TV lounge Men Monday Wednesday riday Ladies Tuesday Thursday Saturday Gladstone Road arnworth Tele phone 72921 WEDDING Album with 20 colour photographs £24 Church reception and evening disco attended 50 to 100 photographs taken including special effects ree colour proofs un der discount scheme Telephone Bolton 20759 Century Photographic 99 Tonge Moor Road LOOK" Glamorous feel confident superfluous hair moles warts skin veins permanently removed by Dia thermy Electrolysis Eyebrow shap ing eyelash ayeing manicure beauty therapy Hushon Brown Clinic Lloyds Bank Chambers Bolton 31853 UTTLE Hulton Solo Club Are your alone and lonely then go along to your local Solo Club for windowed divorced separated and single per sons age group 25 60 Secretary Mrs Wilson Brierley House Com munity Centre Thursday 8 pm NEEDA rend Confidential and personal service for the lonely (18 80) who are seeking friendship or marriage SAE for details free Needs rend 2 Hall Corn Exchange Manchester 4 Telephone 061 834 5482 MEETAMATE in Bolton: the Com panionship Bureau for Divorced single or just lonely people or infor mation about General or Executive Register write Meetamate 304 Brandlesholme Road Bury SUITS Measured in the comfort ot your own home itting and delivery included Own materials also made up Telephone Day Atherton 879561 evenings Westhoughton 814848 NEED a riend Introductory bu reau for the lonely seeking friend ship or marriage to Need a rend 1 Cora Exchange Manchester 4 Tel 061 834 5482 (24 hours) SEWING machine home repair service Clean adjust lubricate £395 Specialists for over 45 years Immediate service Skeltons 10 12 Great Moor Street Bolton 25876 SHARE your Xmas with someone special Join Sue Carr's riendship Agency now AU agesareas ree bro chure Somerset Villa Harrogate Telephone 0423 63525 anytime EAR PIERCING in your home by qualified nurse Pure Set gold studs or sleepers £4 95 24ct gold plated £350 Jewel look £3 50 Bolton 23700 after 5 pm CITY Escorts will provide pleasant and attractive companion tor that special occasion City Escorts Manchester 061 236 6775 UR Coats remodelled ree esti mates from 10 am to 6 Henry's 287 Deane Church Lane Bolton 651326 ELASTIC Band Trusses for mennd women EC 10 prescription dis sensed with Shannons 59 Brad ford Street Tel 21789 BACKACHEI Supports for mennd women Shannon 59 Brad ford Street Bolton Tel 21789 for ap pointment DENTAL Repairs rapid service 10 am to 6 Closed Wednesday Room 7 124 Newport Street Bolton Tel 21198 CLOTHING Alterations under taken by experts Bolton Clothing Alteration Services Limited 124 Newport Street Bolton 387781 MARITAL Aids Aphrodisiacs Books etc Colour catalogue 20p House of Pan (E) Coleshul Binning ham B46 1HT REGISTERED child minder has va cancies Moss Bank Way Doffco*cker area Tel Bolton 491277 ANCY Dress Hire Varied selec tion available now Tel Bolton 652779 ELECTRIC Shaver repairs andpares Quick service Kindles 78 Bradshawgate Bolton Tel 29696 14 Hairdressing MOBILE HAIRDRESSING Have your hair cut and blown at home Day or evening appointments £3 STEPHEN arnworth 75924 after 5 30 pm Book early for Christmas CHRISTINA Mobile Hairareaaw to your own home Christina qual ified hairdresser Infra red perms cut and blown Tel Horwich 693858 after 7 30 pm LA Ronde 140 St George's Road Telephone 25621 Cold Perms from £3 Heat erms from £250 Poodles £2 Please book early for Christ mas Perms TYPING technical legal contracts theses medical Confidential service Deliverycollection available Pen Ion Bolton 381528 PLANS drawn and submitted within seven days for all types of building work David Leyland Bolton 62596 (home) 33498 (office) REUPHOLSTERY Service by crafts man for free estimate Telephone Bolton 492607 Povey 62 Kirkby Road Bolton £20 Standard Arch Side Gate complete Modern Gate Co 136a rear Bradshawgate telephone 25551 PLANS prepared for all types of building work quick efficient serv ice Economic rates A Whittam Bolton 50507 INTERCITY Upholstery Re uphol stery Estimates free Large or small Bolton 44143 evenings 061 723 1719 ELECTRONIC stencils duplicating etc Boltcn 53726 Bromley Cross area PLANS drawn and submitted for porches alterations extensions etc Quick Service Tel 492301 A ftobophone Telephone Answer ing Machine does more than answer phones Telephone 061 872 5454 We'll cure Rising Damp end give you a 30 yeer written guerantee Also Timber Specialists Approved contractors to Thomas Ness Ltd subsidiaries of the National Coal Board local authorities building societies etc Telephone for free quote advice CP DAMP PROOING 27 WATER ST RADCLIE Telephone 061 723 1195 Evenings arnworth 71975 CALOR GAS delivered dailyGas heaters 3 bar rrp £8580 our pries £61 2 bar rrp £3950 our price £3260 EGGBRIDGE MARINA LTD Nelson Street (Ex Walkers Tannery premises) Bolton Tel Bolton 385385 Closed Sundays 16 Home Services BRIAN WILco*ckSON cures rising damp woodworm and dry rot Up to 30 years guarantee BOLTON 4726541902 'Moorbank 352 Church Road Sovereign approved A WHY NOT INVEST IN A PATIO DOOR Direct from the manufacturers st unbeatable value all tailor made in' beautiful polished anodised finish eg 6ft 3in wide by 8ft high Price £295 includng hardwood sub frame and installation (no charge for plastering etc) Telephone Daytime Leigh 678194 Evenings Leigh 604192 Showroom open seven days Sunday 10 am to 2 pm DISCOUNT DOUBLE GLAZING (Leigh) 12 Brown Street North (Off Lord Street) Leigh Manufacturers of all Aluminium Home Improvement Products BUILDER Extensions slating tiling bricklaying plumbing jolnering roof Insulation and Injection damp coursing ree estimates No de posit up to 5 years to pay Bolton 492789 day 45302 nightnd 061 790 2736 422 CHORLEY OLD ROAD BOLTON INDESIT Hoover most makes automatic washing machines repaired and serviced 12 months guarantee Lancashire Repairs and Service 200 Crescent Road Bolton 389227 day arnworth 794111 daynight ASPHALT LOORS Macadam Drives Paths JACK BOYDELL ASPHALT COMPANY BRADSHAW WORKS BRADSHAW ROAD BRADSHAW Telephone Bolton 58079 day 29674 51053 evenings BOILER SERVICING or your domestic gas boiler maintainance Ring arnworth 71544 Darley Domestic Heating Co Ltd 1 DARLEY STREET ARNWORTH WARDROBES made and fitted to customers' own specification in White Melamine and Teak etc or ROOS Slating tiling etc chimneys cap ped or lowered etc Estimates free arnworth 793051 free estimate and planning Tele phone Tottington 4009 Gregory Cabinet Makers 53 Hol thouse Road Tottington Showroom 114a Tottington Road Harwood Showroom open Sundays 1030 am to 2 pm RUBBISH CONTAINERS Household or Industrial LANCE DICKINSON LTD OAKENBOTTOM ROAD BOLTON Telephone 2030231663 SMYTHE Painters and Decorators Personal service 273 BOLTON ROAD NORTH RAMSBOTTOM Tel Ramsbottom 5672 after 5 0 pm POINTING Plastering Brick work Roof repairs Chimney Stacks reduced or taken down Cowls gut ters and downspouts fitted All types of joinery undertaken win dow frames doors gates and fenc ing Internal alterations and plumbing carried out by tradesmen Estimates given without obligation ree of charge all work fully guar anteed Please Tel Bolton 654305 46053 or 42332 Mr Hilton 489 Lever Edge Lane THIS IS YOUR RIGHTI to a grant of two thirds up to £75 to wards Supawrap Ion insulation supplied and fitted for only 99p per sq yd (less grant) As demon strafed by our company on Gra nada TV BPC Insulations Tel 386005 or 78871 42 Higher Mar ket Street arnworth RENCH Polishing service An tiqugs bars modern furniture dis plays Work undertaken in your home or in our workshops Evans Brown Limited Vuican Works Turton Street Bolton Tel 382015 HOME improvements and general repairs by tradesman Glynn and Seal 33 Blackburn Road Eagworth Telephone Turton 852703 evenings Atherton 878957 anytime PLUMBING and Electrical installa tions and repairs Guaranteed work at competitive prices Telephone 656100 evenings Mr Unsworth 223 Settle Street ROO Specialist Pointing slating roofseal 20 off Nov 29 1978 to Dec 29 1978 ree estimates Smith 27 Lancaster Drive Little Lever arnworth 708981 WE can insulate your loft with three tach thick fibre glass with an outlay to you from as little as £20 including a three inch thick cylin der jacket Telephone Wigan 493207 anytime for details Hall Insulations 12 Silvington Way New Springs Park Wigan BATHROOM Suites sink units immersion heaters etc Showers from £69 50 All work fully insured and guaranteed Lever Home Plumbing and Electrical Services Registration No 2307307 4 Here ford Crescent Little Lever arn worth 76362 and 061 799 9398 RE UPHOLSTERY Have your Suite Re covered before Christmas by craftsmen who care Large selec tion of Dralons and upholstery fab rics Telephone now for free estimate Day 389134 night 491584 Cover Craft Upholstery Grecian Mills Lever Street DOMECTRIC Washer and Cleaner repairs spare parts sup plied 55 Derby Street Bolton 27003 CHIMNEY Sweeptag brush vac Eric Collier 48 Nugent Road Bolton 61502 6 Overbath Showers com plete with curtain and rail with 12 months' guarantee parts and labour £65 including fitting Tel Bolton 385558 PAINTING Decorating Damproof Plastering Graining Tyroleaning Joinery Pointing Guttertag Esti mates Write or call Mr Poole 36 Maze Street Darcy Lever Bolton SPECIALISING in all types of joinery Realistic prices Estimates free Robinson 21 Smithy Croft Bromley Cross Bolton Tel 57646 GLASS Emergency Replacement and Boardtag up Service day Bolton 204445 night Bolton 55892 or 32257 Bolton Glass Co Ltd 116 Derby Street Bolton? QUICK efficient' decorator Cheap rates available anytime Mr Grabka 99 Lonsdale Road Bolton 43893 5: 3 CURED BY SILICONE INJECTION DAMP PROO COURSE Approved Installer to local authorities Building Sociatlaa under sgrasmant Board Cartificata No 78538 REE SURVEY fHtt ESTIMATES 20 Yaar Guarantee pfHATTERTON Services) Ltd 1220 ST GEORQE ROAD inBOLTON Tel: 388047 Evenings 061 707 1 693 I PLASTERING LABOUR and MATERIALS rom £195 per sq yd NORTH WEST PLASTERING CO Swan Lana No 3 Mid Bolton Tsl 492900 er 34920 any time WINDOWS MODERNAND Supplied and fitted in wood or aluminiun Single 'or double glazed or details: Tel Bolton 27396 HOMETREND BURY NEW ROAD BREIGHTMET DRAWER DIVANS 4ft Bin £95 Also 3ft £75 TOWERS 65 87 Derby Street Bolton Tel 28985 LOOR TILING ALL TYPES TO OICES SHOPS Glazed ceramic wall tiling to bath rooms and kitchens Consult: Bolton Tilecraft 356358 HALLIWELL ROAD Tel BOLTON 43506 or 42988 WINDOWS Modern and Georgian Windows sup plied and fitted Also double glazing doors and porches inance avail able or free estimate telephone TAMESIDE WINDOWS Tel Bolton 58673 667 TONGE MOOR ROAD BOLTON Have you a proniem with Rubbish and Waste? Hire a container from James Booth (Bolton) Ltd WILLOWS LANE BOLTON Telephone 61411 Cheapest in town ITTED Wardrobes made to cus tomers own specifications in White Melmtae teak etc any shape or size of room or free quote ring Bolton 54542 Heywood 69581 or 061 764 8453 Cromer Cabinet Makers Hazplthorpe Heys Lane Heywood STRUCTURAL Survey Services Chartered Building Surveyors Specialists in professional struc tural surveys of residential prop erty Tel Bolton 45538 or Weeton 614 Mr Boyce Mythorpe Road Weeton SHOWER over bath 6kw Gain sborough £70 7kw Gainsborough £80 ully installed complete with alide rail kit curtain and rail 12 months guarantee MI Show ers 505 Radcliffe Road Bolton Telephone 34700 or 21975 BRICKWORK Excavating demo lishing and gable ends a speciality Pointing stone and brick fireplaces and feature walls Any job under taken Loughlan 32 Highgate Lane Little Hulton Tel 061 799 5385 MR BURNS Builder Brickwork kitchen extensions chimney breasts removed slates and asphalt roof ing guttertag etc All aspects of the building trade 77 Everbron Road Tel 63485 WALLBOARDS from £295 There is still time to get them up for Christmas We consider our se lection and prices second to none DIY Back Halliwell Road Back Eskrick Street Bolton 40267 CLEANING carpets and uphol stery steam cleaned on site Metcalfe 90 Ainsworth Road Bury 061 797 0706 EMERGENCY Plumbing roofing and drains all types immediate at tention Mr Horan Bolton 383575 13 Singleton Avenue GENERAL Property Repairs ire places and decorative orickstone work a speciality Mr Cummings 37 Jedburgh Avenue Bolton 492374 ELECTRICAL repairs and installa tions car stereos fitted light deliv eries undertaken Tel 653442 Openshaw 528 Lever Edge Lane PLUMBING and Property Repair ing Estimates free Telephone 389740 anytime A Plumbing 8 Meadside Bolton ELECTRICAL work and all installa tions no job too small A King 21 Tottington Road Tel Bolton 56357 PAINTING and Decorating Rea sonable prices Estimates free Mr Hart Top loor 5 Church Bank Telephone Bolton 56910 COLLECTED ree of charge washers cookers fridges etc Smith 14 Moorgate Bury Tel 061 797 0120 JOINERY All types of internal and external joinery Mr Ban nister 9 Mornington Road Bolton 491010 1 6 Home Services 4 THE ROOING SPECIALISTS SESISTEREO ROO CONTRACTOR Roofing Slating elting Tiling Asbestos Sheeting i Estimates end samples free Industrial and Domestic Roofing JAXINTE LTD ARNWORTH 72605 or 791052 25 LONGCAUSEWAY ARNWORTH LANCS 4 jfc 1 i 3 1 AUSTINS LANE LOSTOCK 1 yet Spacial 2 yaar guarantee aat efficient inatallationa byur fully qualified tradesman Corgi registered Excalfant aftaraalaa aarvice Absofutaly fraa aatlmataa Black Kats Impeccable reputa tion BLACK KAT nd CENTRAL HEATING MEANS PURRECDON OUR EATURES INCLUDE advice and satisfaction with completed job Telephone Bolton 43011 48 Wyresdale Road Bolton Telephone BOLTON91 791 693850 or ATHERTON 882560 Evenings only INJECTION DAMP COURSES Perfectly Inatailed Dry Rot Wat Rot Woodworm a speciality Local conaultanta for Building Societies Estate Agentsnd Borough Councils Ring now: Ramsbottom 2Q97 PAINTING and Decorattag Inte rior and Exterior Domestic and In dustrial 715 certificate if required letcher 531 Plodder Lane arnworth Tel arnworth 73586 PAINTING 8 DECORATING by DECOR DESIGN Only four weeks to Christmas till time to brighten up your home We specialise tn top quality paint ing and decorating so give us a ring anytime for free estimates the 'rldT INSULATION Hava your loft insulated and the Council will pay two thirds of the cost up to £50 Save up to £1O more till the end of December with thia Ad Phone Bolton 381965 day or night NORCRIS 381 Bury Road BOLTON yr You low 25 of your heat through the roof 1 The government will give you a grant of up to £50 towards the $pst of loft insulation Tel BRIAN WILco*ckSON for estimate Bolton 47255 and 41092 Moor Bank 332! Church Road Reupholstery 1 Have your Three Piece Suite Chairs etc reupholstered before' Christmas Large range of mate rials top workmanship or free estimate telephone: CRAT DESIGN i UPHOLSTERY i GLENBORO AVENUE BURY 061 784 1086 or Tottington 5607 118 Boltoa Road Wist RaimbofloM SO year guarantee ree survey BEAT RISING GUSTS INSTALL NOW PAY LATER HEATSWAYS LIMITED Over 6500 systems installed in Greater Manchester area is our rec ommendation and guarantee ULL HOUSE HEATING from £450 or £1 75 per week As advertised on TV NO DEPOSIT Top quality fully guaranteed boiler changes no obligation Offices and showrooms: 178 182 Bury New Road Whitefield or free estimate telenhone 061 766 6511 (day) 061 766 4385 any time Corgi Gas BP Oil MODERN WINDOWS Replace your old sash windows with up to date insert frames We measure make and fit including glazing ANY SIZE £33 (excluding VAT) Also your existing windows double glazed by us JK JOINERY TOTTINGTON 4696 8 ASH GROVE RAMSBOTTOM ULL GAS CENTRAL HEATING £549 Boiler five radiators copper pipe work automatic controls ana hot water ully guaranteed Terms arranged BOLTON 25106 Salford 061 736 8619 ull details no obligation GAEY LTD 38 RTZWARREN STREET SALORD 6 ROOING We are a registered company specialising in au aspects of root ing full re slates re tiles and gene ral property repairs We offer free estimates guarantees and satisfac tion with the completed job Bolton 430 1 1 DECOR DESIGN 48 WYRESDALE ROAD BOLTON HOUSE re wired ive lights four plugs from £90 All types of electrical work carried out Esti mates free Tel 384261 any time Duilaghan 15 Exford Drive Bolton HOOVER Hotpoint Philips and Servis automatics Twin Tubs Tumble Dryers and Vacs repaired in the home Six months guarantee Ramsay and Co 118 St Helens Road Bolton 654306 RIDGEREEZERS All makes repaired promptly 12 months guar antee Hermetic Repairs 345 Manchester Road 0D Telephone Bolton 21798 ROOING problems Consult the Specialist plus emergency service Telephone Mr Taylor 181 Long Lane Bolton Telephone 385490 or 389679 PLUMBING and alterations by City and Guild Craftsman plus 24 hour emergency service Tel Mr Taylor 181 Long Lane Bolton Telephone 385490 or 389679 SERVIS Washers and Dryers re paired Also vacs repaired ree es timates prompt attention Kelly 39 Rowena Street Bolton arnworth 77885 PAINTING and decorating esti mates free Russell 29 Brad shaw Meadows Bradshaw Tel Bolton 50398 PAINTING and Decorating Pri vate and commercial Morton 5 Walker Avenue Tel 27588 INSULATION by specialists Example £55 for average loft of 45 sq yd Telephone now Bolton 386468 arnworth 709683 West houghton 811572 Tempt a Limited 16 Wisbeck Road REEZERSRIDGES All makes repaired and guaranteed Tele phone Arctic Refrigeration Dormer Street Bolton 68478592093 PLASTERING All types under taken cement rendering Tyrolean and pebble dash no job too small Estimates free Alan Molyneux 2 Haydock Drive Boothstown Tele phone 061 790 3794 WASHERS Tumble Dryers Vacuum Cleaners repaired Hot potat English Electric etc Val Domestic Appliances 133 Chorley Old Road Bolton 44238 52758 PLUMBING and Heating Bath room suites sink units glazing and bursts No job too small Satisfac tion guaranteed DO Plumbing 107 Withins Lane Telephone Bolton 383082 CALOR Gas ree delivery serv ice seven days a week 9 am to 8 pm Crompton Way Caravans Crompton Way Bolton 24980 and 389111 GUTTERS and Downspouts from 80p per foot All roofing and damp ness problems quickly solved Bolton 55960 Moran 99 Mackenzie Street EX HOOVER Engineer David Lane Repairs service specialist in Matchbox Automatics Driers Vacuums ree estimates Tel 388127 15 Ktagsley Street Bolton ROOS slated or tiled Tele phone Bolton 47718 and Ross (Roofing) Ltd 36 Kilworth Drive Lostock Bolton PLUMBING Gas fitting and Prop erty repairs Distance no object ree estimates Tai Mr Tennant on 44382 31 Arnold Street Bolton ONE DAY House Re wiring serv ice from £85 including plastering Bolton Electrical 45 Knowsley Street 40565 BACK GATES made and fitted £25 complete Marland 18 El ton Avenue arnworth Telephone 792739 or 72591 RUBBISH removed Garages walls etc demolished tarmacing Estimates free MacDonald 12 Ashfield Grove Bolton 52114 EX BendixHotpoint engineer re pairs to Bendix and Philco er retti 50 Hill Cot Road Bolton Tel: 52352 CLEENSWEEP Brush and Vacuum Efficient service Rob erts 208 Bradford Road Bolton 26953 TILING to bathroom kitchen etc A Butterworth 64 Colchester Drive arnworth Telephone 76555 PLASTERING excellent job done estimates free Pritchard 4 Hor rocks old Bolton 52422 PLASTERING and Cement Work Estimates free Scholes Tel 29165 16 Southfield Street Bolton HOOVER Service (Authorised) Mann ex hoover 6 orton Avenue Brieghtmet 26854 PAINTING and Decorating Esti mates free A Hanley 152 Rishton Lane Tel 21852 JOINERING irst class work of all types ree Estimates Speakman 12 Minster Road Bolton 28339 DRAINS unblocked quickly and with powered machin ery Walmsley 113 Sapling Road Bolton 653547 LEAKING Roofs Pointing Gut ters Downspouts Tel day Bolton 21478 night 653837 96 Beaconsfield Street RE UPHOLSTERY for Christmas Worn suites do get noticed but you can easily avoid embarrassment A new interior and beautiful nev covers by Greenhank will restort comfort and attractiveness now ir good time for Christmas Then watch it win admiration and it will cost only half that of a new suite Guaranteed re upholstery in best quality Ambler Leathercloth Mo quette Dralon Tweed etc or new patterns free estimate contact Greenbank Upholstery 61 Glynne Street arnworth Telephone 72540 (Established 32 years) PLASTERING all types including special effect plastering cement ren dering and Tyrolean a speciality Archways designed and constructed to through lounges etc Damp proof ing No job too small Satisfaction guaranteed Plastering 14 Richmond Grove arnworth 72443 anytime RE UPHOLSTERY Your three piece suite made as new in Dralon Mouquette simulated leather etc Wide selection of patterns Estimates free workmanship guaranteed Telephone: or write Lomax 59 ieldhead Avenue off Ainsworth Road Bury Telephone: 061 764 4397 WINDOWS Porches Georgians and Bays made to your specification at our workshop All jotaery manu facturing undertaken Trade in quiries welcome Honour and Eden Brook Mill Adlmgton 482231 day or arnworth 73732791676 after 5 pm PLASTERING of all types under taken Decorative plastering and archways' constructed a speciality ree estimates Satisfaction is guar anteed Telephone RH Plaster ing Bolton 386226 or 593157 22 Portugal Street SERVIS Washing Machine and Dryer problems? Call the manufac turars for quick efficient service by your local Servis Service Engineer Only genuine Servis spares used guaranteed 12 months Telephone Servis at 061 794 6115 (5 lines) BRICKWORK All types of brick work and stonework undertaken ireplaces gable ends pointing gar den walls etc or free estimates telephone Bolton 53283 Mr Un sworth 9 Ivy Bank Road TEN rolls of Woodchip supplied hung and emulsioned £35 Also any ether decorating Telephone any evening between 6 and 8 pm Mr Robinson 061 723 3704 26 Holland Street Radcliffe IRST CLASS Joinery and Build ing No job too small Prompt atten tion and reasonable rates from time served tradesmen Hender son 44 Hawthorn Crescent Totting ton 5062 17 Removal Haulage And Storage McIntyre REMOVALS I STORAGE' I BOLTON 62836 I or 61820 CHEAP reliable removals from £250 per hour House rubbish re moved Price negotiated anytime Telephone 852859 SEL DRIVE Luton Removal Van for hire DIY Save Tele phone 4312344307 Autohire Hat field Road Bolton TRANSIT urniture Van and Driver for hire anywhere anytime Small loads from £3 Telephone 54766 and 061 761 3734 Transport Large or small Removals and Haulage reasonable rates reliable sprvice Te): Bolton 24267 ORGET the rest use the best Parker Piano and Removal Specialists Telephone 492267 CHEAP reliable Removals any time anywhere Telephone Bolton 32744 REMOVALS and tight carrying (Parcels etc) Tel Bolton 388015 anytime HOME Overseas Removals Stor age since 1880 William Whittle Ltd 21965 REMOVAL Storage for a cen tury Joseph Bentley (Bolton) Limited Telephone 28327 QUICKS Removals and Deliveries from £2 (Transit) Rubbish and long distance quotes Vans up to three tons available Tel Bolton 384717 SEVEN TON Van for hire with driver Deliveries anytime any where Rates negotiable Contact Horwich 692165 day or night VAN and Driver Telephone with storage space requires work HGV Licence with your own vehicle if re quired Telephone: 061 799 6182 Removals Reliable careful personal service Reasonable rales Bolton '651825 after 430 please RELIABLE cheap removals any where large or small Telephone arnworth 71002 day or arnworth 77602 evenings A to Removals and Carriers Anytime Anywhere at reasonable rates Bolton 47199 daytime 389008 anytime LEE Brothers removers and storers 568 Chorley Old Road Tel 42108 MAN and van Cheap quick serv ice Any evening Telephone 55033 RUBBISH and Dirt removed Ap prox £6 a lorry load Bolton and Bury area Tel 061 797 0120 REMOVAL and Delivery Service competitive rates anywhere Tele phone Bolton 64774 before 6 pm REMOVALS Storage and ship ping Tel Bolton 47859 or Rocn dale 45008 18 Money To Lend PERSONAL LOANS Up to £1000 We can offer our clients prompt and confidential service with com pletion within 48 hours Short term and Bridging Loans are available Our Manager will be pleased to assist and advise you Leigh fr District inance Group 74 St George Road Bolton Tel Bolton 21899 A LOAN £10 to £100 WITHOUT SECURITY OLEY 1 87 ST GEORGE'S ROAD BOLTON 23760 Iday) 852918 (night) 19 Loans Mortgages And Insurance Personal Loans to houseowners and mortgage payers for virtually anything rom £200 to £25000 Wa offer a quick local and personal service WEEKLY REPAYMENTS am't 2yr 4yr 6yr 8yr £500'610 376 303 £750 91S 564 455 £1000 1220 752 607 542 WEAVER INANCE LTD BROKERS J8 HIGH STREET WEAVERHAM alephone Weavarham 853680852020 (day) Atherton 884157 (evenings) LOAN 3 BY PHONE To' House Ownara and Mortgage Payers £500 £5000 Bolton 33498 (dayl Bolton 62596 (eveningsweskanda) or call at NIMAN 8 CO 3 CHURCHBANK BOLTON BANK LOANS Secured loans from £500 ree Life Insurance Tax relief available 48 hours pay out Unse cured loans from £150 WEEKLY PAYMENTS Loans 40 mths 60 mths 90 mths £500 £3 93 £3 00 £2 43 £700 £5 50 £421 £340 £1000 £7 86 £600 £486 WESTWOOD INANCE LTD 202 ST HELENS ROAD Bolton Telephone 653321 after hours arnworth 791068 RING us last for cash no secu rity required from £150 ast friendly service Applications taken up to 10 pm Telephone RV The Independant Broker 78 Deep dale Road Preston Tel 58959 er 52158 anytime THE workingmans Broker offers unsecured loans from £150 fast friendly service applications taken up to 10 pm Telephone Preston 52158 or 58959 Ribble Valley Security QUICK RESULTS WEEKLY REPAYMENTS Money may be used for virtually any curpose SEID AL IN ANCE COLTD STtJEET MANCHESTCRt Al 228 23672368 2701480 Evga and wnds phon BoRon 4472042024 £10000 available To houseowners and mortgage payers only fr 19 Loan MortQages And nurance Iggrs I i I 3 years years 7 years 10 years C600 C538 £393 £3 27 £1200 £10 77 £7 86 £654 £5 99 £1760 £1571 £983 55 £8 73 TSeawtM ae i Low monthly repayments Interest calculated on reducing balance We do not charge any teas Optional Sickness Accident cover Dial a LoanS £750 £5000 OR VIRTUALLY ANYTHING to Homeowners and Mortgage Payers over 2 10 years The Bankers' Agents 63 Corporation Street Manchester 4 061 834 7111 up to 70 pm Mon Sat i LOSTOCK INANCE SERVICES £400 £5000 Home owners and mortgage payera let us arrange your personal bank loan In tha privacy of your own homa WE CHARGE NO EES NO USS CONIDENTIAL SERVICE BEST AVAILABLE RATES UP TO 10 YEARS TO PAY a EXISTING LOANS AND HP SETTLED REE LIE ASSURANCE NO PENALTY OR EARLY SETTLEMENT Whv not telephone now for Immediate attention bolton 66818 any time Bankers Agents Licensed under the Consumer Credit Act 24 AINSCOW AVENUB LOSTOCK 24 Sales By Auction AlflET ENTWISTLE CO will sell by AUCTION on Tuesday Dec 1978 at 11 am GOOD HOUSEHOLD URNISHINGS AND EECTS including Oak Side Table Oak Bureau Occasional Tables 4 Piece and 3Piece Suites Radiograms Ex cellent Victorian Edwardian Bedroom urniture Individual and Sets of Chairs Pine Ta bles Carved Oak Dining Suites Oak Longcase Clock Mahog any Bookcase Kitchen Dres sers "Hoover" Dishwasher "Creda" Cooker "EE' ridge four Colour TV's "Hoover" Vacuum Carpets Rugs Orien tal Carpet Runners Paintings Prints Toys Games Jewellery China Glassware Bedding Cur tains General Household Et fects On view Monday Dao 4 1978 rom 1O am tp 4 om ffi Telephone Bolton 3847241 1 24 Sales By Auction WEDNESDAY DEC 6 1978 At DEANE METHODIST CHURCH SCHOOL PREMISES WIGAN ROAD DEANE BOLTOM Robt airhurst Son Chartered Surveyors Will SELL BY AUCTION on the above premises com mencing at 12 30 A COLLECTION URNITURE AND EECTS including: Mahogany Hat Tree' Hallstand Mahogany turn over top table Dis play Cabinets Three piece Suite Marble tooped Wash stands Vienna Regulator and other clocks Silver Brass Copper Pewter and decorative porcelain and glassware etc On view Tuesday Dec from 11 a to 4 pm Auctioneers' Offices1 39 MAWDSLEY STREET BOLTON Tel Bolton 28452 AETSIDE TOTTINGTON WRIGHT DICKSON CATLOW will sell by Auction at the Pack Horse Inn Affetside on WEDNESDAY DEC 13 1978 subject to Conditions of Sale the Stone built Detached Residence 2628 WATLING STREET AETSIDE and 2474 acres of land (in three lots) Sale to commence at 330 pm VIEWING: Strictly by appointment with the Auctioneers AUCTIONEERS OICE: 27 MARKET STREET TOTTINGTON Telephone Tottington 6662 end Tottington 6785 25 Apartments And lats To Let BOLTON Two bedroomed for nished lat in exchange for Laun derette AssistantCaretaker duties £100 bond Tel Brinscall 830472 TO let 3 or 4 bedroom flat Lounge dining and kitchen bathroom and all conveniences Private entrance front garden in select district of Darwen Apply Box No PNS 54 YOUNG lady willing to share cot tage with same Bromley Cross area Box PNA60 ULLY furnished bed sitter near town centre Tel 387495 after 5 pm GOOD accommodation available Various types at unbeatable prices Telephone 491372 LATS Bedsits available Tonge Estate Agents 15 Great Moor Street Telephone Bolton 29799 LAT near Tramways Gent only Tel Bolton 57488 SINGLE urnished Bedsitter near town Telephone 47042 SEL contamed bed sitter Tel Bolton 28014 26 Apartments And lats Wanted YOUNG Business! couple require furnished flat town centre area Tel Mr Davies 061 224 1526 alter I pm LONSDALE and Thompson Ltd Cash and Carry Bury Road Rad cliffe require a self contained tar nished flat of bedsit for one of their senior single Managers within the BuryRadchffe Area Please TeL Mr Toole 061 723 5613 YOUNG man aged 26 single re quires clean self contained flat fur nished or unfurnished or bouse In Horwich Area Tel Day 66544 ext 306 or night 68202 BUSINESS couple no children wish to rent unfuroishedfornishad houseflat pay up to £15 Any area Box PNA 19 28 Houses Shops Wanted To Rent EMALE Teacher wishes to share centrally heated House in pleasant aea of Bolton Please write Boz PNS55 29 Properties or Sale GEORGE BROADHEAD COMPANY SVA RV A Incorporated Valuers Auctioneers Surveyors Estate Agents 88 HIGHER MARKET STREET ARNWORTH i Tel 75341 (Evenings Chorley 925 2464) VALUATIONS private reports for sale purchase probate com pulsory purchase and insurance STRUCTURAL SURVEYS promptly carried out OR SALE WITH VACANT POSSESSION KEARSLEYSTONECLOUGH Alexandra Road Desirable two bedroomed terrace house with gas central heattag Hall lounge dining room kitchen bathroomwc ront garden £7500 KEARSLEY LINDEN STREET Convenient terraced house with open as pect to rear Lounge dining kitchen bathroomwc two bedrooms £5500 ARNWORTH LARK STREET Middle terraced comprising Lounge with gas fire dining kitchen utility room two bedrooms bathroom with almost new suite Car port carpets £5250 MORRIS GREEN PEVERIL STREET In need af modernisation Two bedroomed terraced in popular area Lounge dining kitchen two bed rooms £3500 ono BOLTON SYLVESTER STREET Reduced for quick sale £3500 Two bedroomed terraced close to town centre Lounge dining kitchen bath TONGE MOOR SOUTH VIEW STREET Excellent value £4750 Garden fronted terraced house with modernised accommodation comprising: Lounge with gas fire dining kitchen two bedrooms bathroom ex tras GREEN GROCERY BUSINESS (Tonge Moor) with excellent living accom modation Shop lounge with gas firestone fireplace kitchen two bedrooms (one fitted wardrobes) bathroom (coloured uita) Attic room Car port Oil central heating Extras included Property Busi ness £8900 SUITE OICES TO LET (Blackburn Street Radcliffe) Prime suite of offices on first floor with central heating £1800 per annum exclu sive of rates WANTED WANTED WANTED WANTED DetachedSemi detached houses and bungalows wanted in Bolton ar worth Kearsley Stoneclough Little Lever Also terraced houses always required in all areas Commission fee inclusive of valuation ad vertising mortgage facilities and professionally qualified help and ad vice on all your property matters LOCAL AGENTS LEEDS PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY SEAVIEW TOCKHOLES DARWEN £24750 Located ta an elevated position with superb views over surrounding dis trict a spacious mature semi detached house offering entrance vesti bule hall 25ft 6ta through lounge breakfast room kitchen two good 5 sized bedrooms bathroom wc with three piece suite second floor bed roomstudy the property has the benefit of oil fired central heating large rear garden space for a caravan and an attached 23ft garage additional land to the rear on rental fr REEDS ESTATE AGENTS 32 Preston New Road Blackburn TEL BLACKBURN 662718 i BREIGHTMET 14 Hatherleigh Walk attractive 2 bedroomed maisonette comprising: Hall lounge fitted kitchen bathroom wc gardens to side and rear de tached garage £8750 Ni man Co Tel Bolton 33498 GREAT Lever 98 Settle Street Smart 2 bedroom garden Terraced comprising vestibule lounge spa cious dining kitchen bathroom gas central heattag £6950 Niman Co Tel Boltoa 33498 fr QUICK RESULTS I.
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